This is a picture of the latest intern pool at Lazard asset management in London. The U.K. a county built by whites for whites and there is one white male to be seen. Feels black pilling to say the least. INB4 muh not a real job. These people will have power whether we like it or not. And non will sympathise with our cause how do we reverse this bros?
Why are White men being pushed out of high powered positions?
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what can be done?
they'll just say they're hiring the most qualified candidates while ruining the chances of white men to support middle class families.
Who gives a fuck? White people will just band together and form a new nation, leaving the niggers without their main work force and free gibs, which in turn results in "their" new country becoming the same kind of shit hole as the one they fled from.
White people thrive in the face of adversity. We'll be just fine.
Now imagine of all of those replacements were low iq niggers who had to have help passing from the first day of school to the last.
I'm not convinced asset/investment firms will still exist after the great collapse that is coming...
I can attest to that. I work for a multinational based in London and the office there is 50% Indians, 20% Asians and the white employees are overwhelmingly old.
Mut detected.
it's mass additive power. Most people don't do anything too overt but everyone does something small. Pick a poo over a white for a science project. Pick a girl over a boy for class president. Mark down a white guy to even things out.
The once that has been done a thousand times the white guy is demorolized and has had his chances hurt. And thats before you take into account the overt shit like scholarships and positions that only women and ethics can apply for
Pheobe, Izzy and Tara all need collars and obedience training. Would smash. 8/10 in Bongland.
London mayor is a fuckin muslim.
If you virgins ever had anything other than a McJob you would notice that most offices and engineering firms are still mostly white. The fact is, after people are done with their diversity hires, they go right back to hiring whomever they want, which is usually a white guy. You kids whine more than fucking feminists.
You reverse it by actually becoming the very thing minorities accuse you of being
Based leaf. Time to get the Hugo Boss uniforms out.
>Why are White men being pushed out of high powered positions?
Because brown people will work for less money and also white people are targeted for extinction by your local ZOG. This is the strategy of all ZOG's worldwide.
Thinks I don’t already know that.
What is your complaint, I see a good mixture of students
You cant have a 100% white company, nor do most employers want that. Its been proven that having a diverse workforce encourages new ideas and conversations
Enjoy, bro. I uploaded it just for you.
Yeah I know about the JQ. But this goes deeper than that. Why are boomer white men allowing this within these companies.
Normie White People Will defend this. Why should i give a shit?
What is that cba to open.
trust me it's 100% white men doing all the work in the background
also being an intern is absolute shit lol
pool was probably hand picked
if it was done by aptitude tests there wouldn't be so many women t b h
See I kind of agree just asking what can be done by those of us who still want to try and do something swede bro?
1. Tax breaks. 2. Racemixing.
The Hugo Boss "commercial".
To make you seethe.
I work in a medium sized tech startup that pays good medium wage incomes as a middle manager.
We started 100% white.
As we grew, we hired a ton of Indians on work visas and wages have stagnated.
Why are you lying?
This. I’ve never had an easier time as a day trader. I don’t know who the fuck the banks and financial institutions are employing but they don’t know what the fuck they’re doing.
This is the best explanation
>Why are boomer white men allowing this within these companies.
What can they do about it? The'll just be called racist neo-Nazis is they imply it's a deliberate conspiracy.
This country has shit on the working people for centuries. Even when our people fled the hideous elites and created America, Canada, Aus and NZ, within no time the Crown parasite was there sucking the life out of them too. It isn't even a country worth saving - it is tiny, over populated, with a nobility class that own 86% of it, a police and army owned by a German black nobility bloodline family. What the fuck has this country done for us for us to even give a shit? Look at how hated we are worldwide, yet for what - the elite got all the spoils of imperialism yet we get tared. It is shit. Just move out that is the only thing worth doing; you aren't going to save it, it is way to late. Boomers fucked it up beyond repair. While they were happy to have fights and football stadiums in the 70s vs other whites, they wouldn't fight to save their country, and, in fact sold it out completely.
muh shekel chasers
why pay taxes for a satanic government?
logically incoherent
Yeah I agree well put Ozzie bro. I’ve definitely had teachers give girls higher than me because the teacher was female on essays. But this is a constructive thread what can be done?
>You cant have a 100% white company
sure you can.
And 100% white companies have been massively successful
>fussing with boomer assets
>not full in whole hog crypto
You deserve to be bankrupted by these folks
>U.K. a county built by whites for whites and there is one white male to be seen.
You don't own Britain this is meritocracy and capitalism
It sounds like you work for a shit company that is more concerned with paying garbage wages than putting out decent work.
that's why a team of indians, blacks, arabs, pakis, native americans, abos, and aztecs gave the world the combustion engine and the aeroplane. and the internet and electricity.
>they'll just say they're hiring the most qualified candidates
No, they openly admit they don't, their primary argument that they put shitskins first over qualifications.
Those are interns only. Engineer fag here who’s worked at 3 different companies so far not including 2 internships. When I worked at my internships, I worked with pajeets and women interns who never got hired. Universities shill those students so much and they get comfy internships. At my regular jobs and having these same interns, I’ve always noticed that they never get shit done and always never integrate into the work culture, so they never actually get the job, and so it’s still usually whites getting the job
Literally none of what you said is true.
But what else should I expect from a nigger?
middle class won't exist for much longer and jobs like these will go the way of the dodo bird
white males should be taking over police forces, paramedics, fire departments, whatever necessary and government paycheck guaranteed job there is
>this is a meritocracy
>forced diversity quotas
Yes we do this our lands. Fuck off with those bull shit kike terms
>I’ve definitely had teachers give girls higher than me because the teacher was female on essays.
That syntax tho. Not helping your case m8.
yes i'm sure all the niggers and muds achieved their positions through meritocracy
read the Bible, start with Adam and Eve
we cannot restore Patriarchal sanity without spiritual authority of Christ it's just a fact
no man, no plan, no politics will save England
our Fathers have abandoned our God, and now we see the consequences
the English must Repent!
kek 10/10
negative dialectics, leftists failed to control the world through force too many times so now they just want to corrupt it, if you look at the media they control its all about silly games and trying to make ppl compromise themselves in one way or another, corrupt every1 bit by bit and one day you will wake up in a comunist utopia.
More like you're full of shit.
>meritocracy putting 80 IQ pajeets and 60 IQ niggers in high positions
>endless diversity quotas and programms have nothing to do with this
>new ideas and conversations
Such as?
Ever notice how insect hives are female dominated hierarchies? It's by design. Mass collectivisation requires a feminization of the populace so that everyone gets along. Cha-drones are kept around in small numbers to fuck the queen.
It's like that with humans too, with the weak men becoming fags, cucks, and trannies. So too, racially, muh white Chads are pushed to the edge towards the literal wilderness to preserve the White Chads themselves and to conquer it for the expansion of the hive.
We are the literal saviors of poomanity.
>Why are White men being pushed out of high powered positions?
The white men who actually run the system don't want competition. If you look at these organisations there is always a single white guy in charge and all the underlings and middle management are attractive white women or submissive woke men.
It is never a conspiracy, it is always the powerful organising around their own class interests.
You don't have any idea what the fuck you're talking about.
All tech companies of a certain size have positions that are critical to success but that can be done by immigrants, namely, quality control positions.
The Indians fill these rolls adequately but the issue is that we have unemployed American citizens that should be taking these jobs (and requesting higher wages) instead.
They wont be.
Wasp White Shoe Legal Firms used to dominate the profession. They dont exist anymore. In roughly 40 years they were extinguished.
Good take. Need more of this intelligent discussion.
such as the strategic bix n00d muhfuggah contingency plan
Is OP's thing engineering or some mickey mouse agency doing nothing productive?
Then why all top leading companies have Indian CEOs?
Thats such a leftist world view.
Its so much gaslighting.
This isnt “class interest” its obviously racially motivated. In a country that is 80% white you dont end up without a single white male in a group of 40 people unless it is designed that way.
good slave people
do what they're told
this is exactly what's happening. Well put
I’m on a team of women. I do almost nothing during the day and I’m usually high while doing it. My boss loves me. I can only imagine how shitty my coworkers are
checkmate? look in the mirror then out your window and say that
poos have no clue, their caste system is so fucked that a guy with an IO of 90 is sweeping the streets while some guy with an IQ of 70 is the CEO of the street sweeping company. And if they get into the West they're only hired because their brown and wind up performing so poorly the the boss is already brown himself and doesn't care or isn't brown and usually fires the fucker if higher ups don't tell him to look the other way
Tell white men to make their own shit.
Anglos are the only true white.
>go out and conquer poo, africans and chinks
>fast forward 200 years your subjects want in on your country and its riches acquired over the span of centuries
Why are brits on pol so fucking retarded? YOU ASKED FOR THIS. You just needed to either genocide them, or mind your own fucking business.
Because it is easier to grab the top 10% of minorities that will go along with whatever system jews put in place.
The UK is already lost. They're one of the most aethestic countries in the world, leading to mass degeneracy, leading to mass nihilism, leading to attempting to fill the void by mass demographic suicide.