Why do Europeans hate us so much Yas Forums?

My brother worked in many countries of Europe and everywhere he faced hatred for him

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Because you keep interfering in American elections and you're a CIA puppet nation

I think you only face hatred from other Slavs desu.

constantly cry for help yet the corruption is massive.

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Never met an Ukrainian in my life. Do not have issues with them. Maybe he is truckdriver or something and gets hate from other truckers/competitors

Maybe cause ur a fascist?

You're European yourself.

> interfering in American elections
Ukrainian 2ch trolls hacked 2016 elections

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because most of us are brainlet peasants

and we are like equivalent of tajiks in Europe

Because you steal all our Money

Odessa, 2nd of May, 2014

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That was epic ngl

>1 post by this ID
>exact same thread every day
fuck sake piss off already Mykola, go die in Donbas or something

next thread

because you are worse than judens

They what? Dude, you're EU's and USA's #1 puppet in the east.

Ok, shill

>why no one likes me?

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Yeah. We eat Russians for breakfast.

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i like you guys because you celebrate the birthday of your SS divisions

That`s great that Crimean posters still have Ukrainian flag

>we dindu nuffin'

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This people are Ukrainians, too.

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Show me people that they killed. Np evidence, except for this gay ass photo? Go fuck yourself, then.

you guys smell bad

Because 80% of ukranian men are ugly bydlo drunkard manlets and most of the women are whores?

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because you keep making these threads you moron.

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Cause we know.
Your so called "government" sold your mothers and daughters for pennies, breh.

Nothing personal.
Or maybe you're just trash, could happen in best families too

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D&C thread
we don´t

So? If someone gonna ever shot me I will make everything to revenge.
>dindu nuffin just occasionally run around the city center with ammo and guns

For the geopolitical reasons of not antagonizing Russia, we cant be friends with you. You can roll tanks on flat terrain all the way to Moscow from Ukrainian territory. That is why you became a battleground, because we tried to social engineer your society into the western fold, which is unacceptable to Russia. The US military understands the issue and is willing to throw you to the wolves, even though we were talking about bringing you into NATO from 2008 until the crisis in 2014. Sorry, it just cant happen until Russia is snuffed out, which luckily is something they are pretty much doing to themselves in the medium to long term

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