it hurts so much :/
We are the most bullied nation on Yas Forums
You ask for it every time you make a retarded thread retard
Poland is based
The weak envy the stronk
How many Pollacks did it take to make this thread?
I think Sweden is
Fuck off
that only proves that Yas Forums is a kike infested site
success breades jealousy
stay strong boys
I never saw polish hate here. Now after this threads, you all will seem like faggot cunts. Nice work
they are laughing at sweden, towards poland there is genuine hate
I'd say Canada, Israel and Sweden are top 3
pierogis are good
your only decent looking city is breslavia, i really liked it even the people there are decent
other than that thw rest of your country is a literal shithole, your men are drunkards and your women are whores
No you are not you fucking ugly poleshits always playing the victim. Yas Forums worships visegrad for being "based" and not following EU rules.
mutts, bongs, leafs, svens get bullied more than anyone else
Poolish women are whores to Italian and Spanish guys, its the fashion there
Fuck off, everyone sings you praises, and only shills try to shittalk you
Everyone that thinks Poland is based has never been there, bunch of alcoholics.
You are the victim of communism
*cluck cluck* (talking about victimhood)
We get unproportional hate, even though we didn't do anything bad.
Don’t worry shills only bully Poland because it is one of the only based countries
>be a poo
>people tell you to put the poo in the loo
>bee sweedecuck or germanfaggot
>they call you akhmed
just handle the banter you hairy bitch
your country are faggot capital
Holand is Poland's dumpster where our chavs go to. Basing the entire country of the retards attracted by the most degenerate country in Europe is not fair at all.
>We get unproportional hate
no you do not
They don't have anything else against Swedes so they call them Ahmeds
The thing is nobody hates actual Swedes
>your country are faggot capital
svens are brainwashed cucks and trannies
The Poles here are even worse, I'm talking about Poles in Poland. The men are alcoholics with dented heads and the women are nagging whores.
I'd say it is the opposite, the haters have never been to Poland for more than a weekend
I lived for about a year and I loved the country and the people
There is some 5-7% very active young girls whoring as if it was their duty, but most are fine, food is terrible though.
Most desperate drunks are Russian rape babies from the east of Poland
And Dutch people are any better? I really doubt.
The biggest drunktards are those young crackheads from big cities. You have no clue.
Also Eastern Poland is probably the best part of the country. Literal utopia if you ask me.
Everyone on this shithole cant shut up about muh based poland hungary czechia and belarus. Try being swedish or canadian or even romanian, the thing is sweds and leafs only get shit on this shithole of a board. The memes apply to us romanians irl too. Every time I left the country and went abroad everyone was nice to me, but as soon as they would find out I was Romanian they d change their attitudes almost instantly. Last year I was abroar and I went to a small bodega thingy in a rural area, I ordered something to eat and a bottle of wine (this was more like a shop not like a restaurant, it was weird, anyways). I wad hitting it of with the girl behind the counter and then she asked me where I was from, after I told her she "went to the back to get the wine" and she didnt fucking come back, after like 10 minutes an old mane came who couldnt speak english I tried to speak to him but couldnt, after 5 minutes of struggle and everyone laughing at me a guy sitting at a table started speaking english and asked me where I was from again and then said something in his own language and people started laughing again. After that I just left, it was the most belittling and denigrating thing I have ever experienced I almost fucking cried
In Poland Romanian = Gypsy. Sorry but this is true.
Nice pasta Raduescu
Who got it worse, you or Korea
this is true in every country. till 3 or 4 years ago when i met a romanian guy that was not a gypsie i was surprised because i thought all romanians are gypsies.
nothing makes romanians seethe more than other countries thinking they are all cyganis kek
Seriously. Fuck off Poland. You think you have it bad on pol? Try being Swedish. Get tougher skin you fucking spaz.
big words for a fucking leaf
When I was a teenager I though Romania is a Gypsia - the country of all Romas. Probably part of people still think like that.
Romanians wanted to show their Roman "heritage" by changing their name and they are named Gypsies now.
I like you polish bros. Remember pol is filled with nonwhites. Most of the people from USA here are mutts same goes for many other countries also we have many kikes, germans and russians here and They all hate you. Average white man with pure european lineage likes Poland no matter what.