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Why should women have the same rights as men?
Hudson Peterson
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Blake Martin
Why should you incels entitle to have sex?
Gavin Perez
No. And for that matter, not all men should have the same rights. Life is hierarchical. There are hierarchies between the genders and within the genders. Now fuck off.
Aaron Miller
The Semitic infatuation with total equality and its financial derivations is causing negative outcomes in the culture that hosts it.
Jace Sanchez
Ryder Wilson
no, because they are inherently different
equal opportunities does not mean equal rights
Cooper Hall
Because all you do is go the gym
Camden Bennett
there is no any reason.
Evan Nelson
Spike don't play with girls
Liam Gutierrez
After doing some careful thinking...
Kevin Diaz
Remember the 90s lads? When things were good and you could watch decent movies?
Jason Cooper
Equal rights already exists, that's fine. But the modern equal rights movement is deeply intertwined with feminist groups looking to normalize abortion, sexual liberation and a bunch of repulsive values. So in that regard, throw away their equal rights and shut down these groups before they start infringing upon you.
Sebastian Cruz
why should you have the same rights as women?
James Gonzalez
Icebox ain't no girl.
Kevin Ramirez
Spike don't play with girls (male)
Luis Myers
They shouldn't. Repeal the 19th.
Ryan Mitchell
is this Little Giants?
Michael Perez
Do you retards think that pussy gonna fuck itself??
Isaac King
Why should I not be able to cuddle a pure gf?
Benjamin Rogers
Sex is overrated and isn't really worth the effort.
But men are entitled to have jobs, yet those who don't have social skills or contacts are totally unemployable.
Carter Phillips
This chick ended up doing softcore porn, by the way
Brody Jackson
The best solution would be for nobody to start out with rights. Rights should be earned through merit.
Jace Watson
they should not
Sebastian Harris
Yeah. Some basic rights are fine, but in our current climate many seem to be insinuating that every person should receive a broad uncompromised access to every "privilege", no matter what the person has engaged in, their merits, track record or status.
Communist way of thinking.
Asher Adams
Juan Ward
Jason Bell
oh I haven't seen her in a while.
Here she is doing a nude scene in Poison Ivy IV
Brandon Stewart
No, they can't even dress themselves properly.
Wyatt Bell
Ice box
Cooper Reyes
No they shouldn't have the right to vote prostitutes should be hung and they shouldn't have the right to be in any police force or dangerous job I do believe that they should have the right to own guns for single mothers though although we should not support single mothers and make it seem like a good thing
Cameron Anderson
i dont care at all. there are no successful female societies in human history. there is no worse punishment for women than allowing feminism to achieve its goal of global matriarchy. civilization will collapse back to the stone age and women will return to their natural place - being raped by savages and used as bartering chips
Jordan Reyes
based and rape pilled.
Jaxon Cook
Letting women shoehorn their feminist theories into the public sphere and by signing various proposals into law would be devastating for civilized socities.
It'd result in women mass-murdering babies as if it's natural, frequent sexual relationship resulting in deteriorated traditional family structures, lots of STDs, and a devaluation of the importance of stability, loyaty and finding a clean partner for life.
A large percentage of men wouldn't be able to fulfill various desires since women wouldn't value such cooperation anymore. We've seen indications of this developing in many countries.
They'd also be fully in favour of affirmative action and the insertion of females everywhere, without merit or reason.
Not to mention that women in power would imply impulsive, emotionally charged decisions being made, where women, only women, are prioritized.
Not particularly healthy.
Alexander Morales
They shouldn't
Julian Reed
I have never experienced sex and as such have no frame of reference for it.
Fuck women, they're the literal nigger of sexes.
William Rodriguez
I remember being poor and my ruined country looking like shit. For me good time which will later on bring nostalgia is now.
Gavin Mitchell
Yeah, considering you're looking at us being fucked over by a bunch of worthless brownies while you're still somewhat stable and 99% white must be some kind of experience.