Idaho Protesters Surround Cop’s Home Who Arrested Mom In Front of Children

>On April 23, Police arrested a Meridian, Idaho mom while she was allowing her kids on a playdate at a local park for violating Coronavirus restrictions. While the kids were playing on a swing set, officers approached the mother who they inevitably handcuffed and walked to a police car. Other parents who congregated in a grassy area flanking the swingset gasped and asked the officers for explanations. Many of them filmed the incident.

>Now, Idahoans are taking matters into their own hands and protesting the cop’s home.


If they hang him then it's a nothingburger.

>tar and feather
As American as apple pie.

Are the protestors Mormons? Was the play date mom Mormon?

These same people were probably bootlickers during the height of the BLM protests

The protestors will get tired and give up cause they back the blue

Maybe they’ll finally open their eyes
If the niggers are right about anything, it’s that cops are not your friend

First off, how did they find where the cop lives? Second, they are just begging for the .gov to make an example of them.

Niggers nigging is exactly the same as this

a traitor first before an enemy

Niggers are wild animals who steal and burn shit during BLM, this is a white woman playing with her kids you fucking dumb nigger

>government making an example out of them
It’s Idaho dude, they actually will shoot back and government doesn’t like dealing with it.

This is a good thing. Shame they didn't burn the faggot pig's house down.


They wear their names on their shirts dude. They wont generally decline if you ask their name either. Not hard to find where somebody lives based on their last name.

They should arrest them for mob action, disturbing the peace, disorderly conduct, harassment, intimidation, failure to disperse from an unlawful assembly, obstruction of justice, and intimidating a witness.


user people who shit on the cops no matter what are retards just as much the people who support them no matter what

Get out of my country fag. They have every right to be on public land.

You sound like one of those police cheif boss characters from an 80s movie that the buddy cop duo just blows off completely because he's an uptight faggot.

Here's your (you) you absolute faggot.

White people know cops aren't our friends, we just don't go out of the way to get ourselves shot over nothing and are willing to say thank you when they do do their job correctly.

>It’s Idaho dude, they actually will shoot back and government doesn’t like dealing with it.
Uh, that WAS Idaho. A bunch of faggie commifornians moved their.
>They wear their names on their shirts dude. They wont generally decline if you ask their name either. Not hard to find where somebody lives based on their last name.
I guess they'll stop wearing name badges real soon like.


Good chance that she was based on location

(you) should be tarred and feathered

Those protestors didn’t look commiefornian. I dunno how much the Califags would enjoy staying there if shit does actually start going sideways.

Based fuck cops.

Remember if you are an American do not call the cops for any reason. Do not try to do the right thing. They will gladly fuck you over.

I wish they would try, it would be hilarious to watch 2 cops get their ass beat by a crowd, like reverse Rodney king

Officers by law are required to give a citizen their name and badge number if its requested.

Is Idaho the most based state in the union? I’m thinking yes

>Right next to Boise
>Not the based panhandle of Idaho
Their commifornians

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This has been my experience.

Anons may want to rethink their snap judgement on this. Mormans are one small step lower than the Jew when it comes to infesting a town and causing trouble and taking over. Idaho is the new Utah and its not a good thing for non Mormans. This situation may result in more power to local "special interest group."

Yeah, because this is something commiefornians would do. GTFO.

>Officers by law are required to give a citizen their name and badge number if its requested.
Can you imagine being that cucked? I would NEVER give my real name.

>Now, Idahoans are taking matters into their own hands
Wow fucking based
>and protesting the cop’s home.
Fuck you fucking faggots. Since when is standing around holding signs the same thing as "taking matters into their own hands". Fucking faggots. Fuck.

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You're a fckin nigger if I ever saw one

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Just cause the guy is wearing a white shirt doesn’t make him a Mormon. He does look like a street shitter though

i didnt know it was impossible to hate niggers and cops at the same time

>commiefornians won’t do shit
>I doubt these people are Californians than because they clearly are doing something
>they live near Boise so they are Californians
Well I guess califags are sick of the police too. That’s a bad sign for the government. I doubt they are Californians though.

That's how white politics works without kike lawyers and niggers getting involved.

Praying for the shot that sparks civil war

Good that cop deserves to be brought up on federal civil rights violation charges, and go to jail.

He should have told the mayor to fuck off with that unconstitutional bullshit, instead of selfishly being a yes man.

>thinks Idaho wasn’t already 70% Mormon

>Yeah, because this is something commiefornians would do. GTFO.
Who's ALWAYS protesting???? It's not the right. This is a disinfo protest to get the .gov and their jackboots to stomp the fucking teeth in of the american loving patriots. The mom knew exactly what she was doing, exactly how to incite, and to get maximum attention. Yas Forums used to recognize shit like this....

She a gu gurl! she dindu nuthin!!!11

If the niggers/BLM had the common sense not to combine cops with white people in general they’d probably have the support of 70% of white people but unsurprisingly that level of common sense is beyond them.

Its an indicator. Location, the situation, and how its being handled are others. I'm not ruling out the police department has already been pozzed either.

These people are retards.

Same system in the Netherlands but they never do it, and there isn't shit you can do about it.

What you're gonna call the police?

Nice Divide and conquer glownigger. Fuck cops. You are the bootlicker

>“He was truly protective of his family and the first one they would turn to if they ever needed anything.”
Could you fucken boneheads survive a situation that required you to not be a blithering blockhead?
This guy died of the cronies after saying it was bullshit and protesting.
>b-but that's fake news
hopeless, mindless, mindless

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Idahoans literally have challenged US government sovereignty directly to the face of law enforcement multiple times and some instances leading to bloodshed.
>muh lefty protests

I didnt read the article, if other parents were there, why did the cop just arrest that one chick?

>This guy died of the cronies after saying it was bullshit and protesting.

there's no proof that he ever went protesting, retard

You are trolling. Cops who act like fascist pigs need to be called to account for their actions

wait, really?

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Go read the article?

>Idahoans literally have challenged US government sovereignty directly to the face of law enforcement multiple times and some instances leading to bloodshed.
That's why it's the perfect place to crackdown.