Nothing personal Yas Forums

You're not gonna make it

Attached: FATS-BTFO.png (461x609, 190.82K)

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Yeah but pic related is too good a brekkie to turn down

Attached: 1586157021347.jpg (644x429, 46.54K)

I'm not closer to underweight than overweight but nice projection

I'm sickened yet curious.

Attached: big fat toke.webm (1280x720, 1.79M)

What the fuck is overfat

Attached: British cooking show.webm (1052x592, 2.43M)

Is there a concrete explanation of HOW this virus kills you? I'm hearing a different version every week.

I'm 6'0 200 lbs and work out.
Am I gonna make it Yas Forums?


Attached: 1510950165824.webm (960x540, 1.96M)

wtf is overfat? fucking idiot trying to inform people when making up words? dumb fuck

Depends on your body composition. 200lbs at 6ft can be fat

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its german


The tests are fake you fucking retards. They're detecting an exosome that has absolutely nothing to do with anything viral. In fact the presence of these exosomes has been proven to make cells more likely to survive in every study. Yet you are all still convinced theres a contagious deadly virus. Testing positive for the two genes found on the PCR test only means you experienced trauma releasing these exosomes. It doesnt mean there is a common virus infecting millions of people. There is so little evidence that lead them to the conclusion of this virus existing that it's almost laughable, but it's not funny because people are being murdered by improper treatment for a virus that has never even been proven to exist. COVID-19 and exosomes are the exact same thing. They just started calling a natural biological process a disease, when really it is saving us from the disease. People are going in with lung cancer and then getting put on antivirals and antibiotics just because they test positive for these exosomes. The medical industry is totally ignoring the actual science so they can keep up this charade. The treatments will surely kill any old person. You people need to WAKE THE FUCK UP because you've all been duped, and if you fall for the medical industry scam after knowing that it's natural selection

Check out dr andrew kaufman explaining everything I just said in detail:

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RIP Jannies. Yas Forums will be free

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It's bigger than thicc or tubby, but smaller than landwhale. The landwhales aren't mentioned because they're already dead. Basically, braphog shortage looms upon the horizon.

It's just a more accurate description than just saying overweight.


Attached: lard transport.webm (480x480, 463.31K)

Anyone else think 15 crosswalk captchas might be a bit excessive?
It's like some fat fucking blue haired tranny over at google doesn't like my content.

Attached: it died.webm (1280x720, 2.93M)

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Getting sick of Orwellian newspeak, it's double plus overfat annoying.

Attached: 1585231251252.webm (1920x1080, 2.86M)


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First time i hear overfat. Why not type overweight or obese. Also i am opposite. 180 cm 60 kg

So my fat lard ass is safe, thank god

Jesus, just put it out of its misery already.

AHHHH spooky scary skeletor please go away

I am trap with 19 cm dick

Attached: proofs.png (258x195, 4.75K)

What's this condition called?


I've heard of overweight. I've heard of fat. I have not heard of overfat.


Having shit parrents.
The parents of that kid never once put their foot down and told the kid NO, he would only eat his favorite foods being chocolate, kraft dinner and chicken nuggets.
You know the kinds of people I'm speaking of, that let the child decide.

Attached: fat flab.webm (960x540, 1.82M)

Attached: fat fuck UK.webm (1280x720, 1.46M)

Attached: fatass nigga.jpg (460x758, 69.9K)