If I dont want to get a vaccine but you do, why push it on me?
You will be immune because of your vaccine anyway. In no way does it hurt you. So why are people pushing it so damn hard. It's almost like there is an agenda.
Lincoln James
Jose Butler
Just show you retarded anti-vaxxers are >throwing your (retarded yes, but regardless) ideals away because media tells you that you'll die if you don't get Gates' vaccine
Joseph Peterson
I'm not pushing anything on you, you can die just fine, i don't care
Jaxon Watson
This. What? You're not going to be immune despite the vaccine? Then why get the vaccine? Hmmm... really makes you think, doesn't it?
Noah Stewart
You already know the answer to this.
Xavier Cox
>they literally quote CNN aaand that's all I need to know they're full of shit & propaganda.
I have now reaffirmed my confidence in distrusting vaccines.
Christopher Rivera
I don't know what they're putting in vaccines in western countries, but everyone here gets vaccinated because it has literally dropped our mortality rate for kids by like 90%
Lucas Kelly
The bullshit media machine is gaining speed these days, Finnbros. Stock up on those redpills and keep people from going insane. Completely tasteless burger.
I'm not against vaccinations, mostly against vaccinating infants and children. A healthy person has a healthy immune system, and breast milk is enough to give infants a good form of immunity
Nicholas Rivera
There never was any such thing as a person who rejects "vaccines." There will likely never be a corona vaccine because of its frequent mutations.
Jordan Lewis
I'm not taking Bill Gates vaccines, this disease is literally nothing, only the weakest, oldest and fattest people die
Justin Anderson
Roses are red >violets are blue Ops post is in english >link should be too.
There's been reports of healthy young people with no underlying conditions dying to it
Leo Moore
At first I was confused to why it would be so difficult to develop a Covid-19 vaccine, as one could just tweak a couple of amino acids in the SARS vaccine (b/c Covid-19 is just a strain of SARS due to two effective mutations) or to make some other slight variation, but then I learned there is no vaccine for SARS.
They had tried to make a SARS vaccine in 2003, but it made SARS infections even more severe (sometimes deadly) when vaccinated people/lab animals were exposed to SARS, so it was never developed. Also, only ~780 people died from SARS over 18 months, so there was no urgency or profit incentive for vaccine development. And keep in mind that Covid-19 mutates like the flu, so a new vaccine must be developed annually (a vaccine that we develop this year can be obsolete next year depending on mutation rate). Also, this viral family has been well studied since the 1930s and there are many coronaviruses with many different hosts. Unfortunately, antibodies that have developed in response to a coronavirus vaccine trial or due to exposure to the coronavirus itself, are typically short-lived, which makes Covid-19 reinfections common (two peaks per season). Elderly and people with underlying conditions have also been found to have a toxic reaction to the SARS vaccine itself in trials, so the people that need it most may have to be protected by herd immunity alone. There are some viruses in which vaccines are more injurious than the virus itself, such as RSV, HIV, most coronaviruses, cytomegalovirus and dengue virus. pic related research and proprietary groups currently trying to make vaccines
>There is right now 70 different possible vaccinations and soon there are tests on live humans to find out which of the 70 vaccines are safe. you got a list or something?
None of this is even remotely true. It's been well past 2 months, let alone 2 weeks, for recovered patients in SK and Singapore and not many have gotten reinfected or had horrible aids death. Even Wuhan is ~60% back to normal.
Jaxon Perry
COVID does not mutate like the flu, because they are different viruses. Coronavirus mutates slowly and since this is much more deadly its less likely to mutate into something more severe. In fact, the single mutation we've found, one is harmless to humans.
Colton Stewart
>anti racists are no longer critics after shown FBI statistics and live feed of Detroit If we could stop black people, the world could be different.
Even the devoted left wing agree that we have to get rid of blacks.
Nathan Long
>COVID does not mutate like the flu, because they are different viruses i know they are not same virus, my point was they both mutate, covid19 at about half the rate of influenza it is good that it is slower, but it still mutates in fact it can recombine with other coronaviruses' genomes in mutual host cells don't downplay its ability to mutate pic related
all we need are fetal tissue shots for world peace
Levi Martinez
Not me, I don't think vaccines are effective or safe, I think long term vaccination will cause human extinction, and I don't feel any different because of the Wuhan Flu, especially since it can't be vaccinated against
Jayden Martin
Their condition
Bentley Sanchez
I will never take a vaccine.
Ethan Nguyen
lmao yeah I'm sure these are completely organic anti vaxxers. Lmao, forget about those italian scientists finding hundreds of foreign and strange pathogens in vaccines to the point where their whole system had to be halted a year ago. Nah, anti-vaxxers are all Karens who want their kids to die of measles.
How fucking oblivious you people are.
Connor Walker
>In fact, the single mutation we've found, one is harmless to humans. tcovid 19 has 2 mutations (effective) to sars one in replicase which has higher codon usage though same amino acid, so it is advantage to the virus and the second mutation is a viral transcription factor that helps assemble viral particles in the ER when the cell finally realizes it has been hijacked and tries to shut down folding in the ER
*The second mutation is a viral transcription factor that helps to express host cell proteins that help assemble viral particles in the ER when the cell finally realizes it has been hijacked and tries to shut down folding in the ER
William Jenkins
This pic is a struggle, post one with visible mogolian feets