Holy shit the trannies are on suicide watch coping hard with their decision to transition, regretting their life choices and wanting to end it all.

Is this the end of the LGBT community?

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Other urls found in this thread:–trans_isomerism

she listed features tho not flaws

here ya go bro

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>Source, Yas Forums post

Being cooped up in their homes is allowing them time for self refection?

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Thats clearly a post made by you, or some other Yas Forums fag, trying to encourage suicide
and you should be banned for it

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Good. Hope they suffer.

Yeah don’t kill yourself but don’t pretend to be a woman either. Being disillusioned with yourself can only lead to serious confusion. Guys that chop up their dicks are the ones that suicide so don’t do that and find a gay guy that likes traps.

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the jews must pay for leading humanity down this path.

They should fuck by the end of the panel

holy shit the amount of cope on this

And then you kill yourself after a bout of depression and the boomer goes back to complaining about Mexicans. 8% reduction in services needed after expensive and risky surgery too. Also Astolfo is a regular faggot that likes the female form not a complete mental case that needs a cocktail of meds to stay sane.

trannys have these intense feelings because they have testicles. remove the testicles and they will calm down.
but usually when that happens, they've had bottom surgery and that leads to suicide.
better to remove the testicles first, and wait a year to see how they feel. they probably won't want to change their genitals after that because the strong feelings are gone.

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obviously the bhutan proxy poster would be a tranny

I'm quite certain that corona can rekt those transfags

Did you know the HCQ+ formula likely cures AIDS? Why aren't faggots more excited for this?

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Femboys/traps != trannies

Jesus fucking christ. What is wrong with women?

Where did the word "cis" even come from? Is it a slurred way of saying "this"?

>Holy shit the trannies are on suicide watch
When are they not?

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That's what happens when you're raised by oppressive conservative parents. Weird shit happens during rebellious phases.

anime faggots btfo
kys degenerate pedo

Time will tell if they unraveled this project too early or if setting up this disappointment is a necessary antecedent to the culmination of the project with technique. They don’t want healthy populations so i’m thinking they did this on purpose. If they wanted healthy populations a they would have waited for the inevitable advance of technique, which will actually provide humans with exactly what they want, at least superficially, and nothing less. In 30 years men will be 10/10 women one month, and 10/10 men the next month, and merely plug holes and be plugged for their whole lives, permanently docile and cow like until the end of history.

cisgender means you identify with the gender you were born as. its a scientific word from a german dude long time ago. the germans have a bad habit of smashing all there words together so cis is probably a shortened version of some long ass german word that starts with Z.

It is actually.

No excuse to not shave, learn to put on make up properly, make up wardrobes that aren't skirt based, make posts that aren't just about being accepted because no one cares about acceptance when you are stuck inside, and forced to put on another "mask" when out in public anyway.

Funny how they outcry for acceptance but when you tell them it involves hard work like women do day to day its suddenly "intolerable and impossible"

I'm attracted to hot and convicing traps and can confirm, the dick is the best part.

No dick, why bother? May as well go with a real woman because I'm not fucking anything that looks like a duds.

forgot pic

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wow the commitment to delusion in an effort to cope is astounding, but then again, we ARE talking about the mentally ill

haha bussy go plap plap plap

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seething projection

The amount of cope in this post is frankly absurd, even for Yas Forums

female to male is an abomination
literally 2 porn videos exist of it on the internet
thats how unpopular and irrelevant it is

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"cis" is just the opposite of "trans", they're both latin. Kind of like "hetero" and "homo" are greek opposites.

ah so thats who finds bobs burgers funny

Go away pedo

what the fuck

>We only TRY to kill ourselves 42% of the time
>It doesn't count if we pussy out or fuck up

CIS = "Comfortable in Skin". In other words, normal

Go be as fucking gay as you want to until you expire from every STD under the sun, but you'll never be a "woman" no matter how much HRT you take or how much you'll mutilate your body.

That's the sad truth about "gender dysphoria".

>Couldn't even come up with another faggy counterargument so does weird slant in bottom left to avoid making another panel

OK Jerky

No, it's actually a term they stole from organic chemistry, believing it lent their bullshit pseudo-science credibility.–trans_isomerism

That study was dubious, old, and as i said, new studies show an entirely different story
stop clinging to your strawman

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