Yemen, Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria and Haiti AMONG OTHERS
Yemen, Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria and Haiti AMONG OTHERS
None of those are minority countries though. Check world population by race.
Maybe having 8 kids on an income of $50/yr was a bad idea
I never understood why people think someone has to do something about it. Are they guilty because they are not suffering? Let them starve. Let them die. Let nature balance things out. If they have more people than food, bringing in food will just create more people, and the problem is perpetual.
Let people die when they need to die. For the sake of our planet and people.
they are most definitely minorities. CHECK MY FLAG.
Ah yes lets pump some more billions of foodaid into that bottomless pit.
Surely that'll fix it this time.
We can move cheap labour based production from China to Africa and employ white people managament there to boost our economies significantly.
Double win for west world and win for Africa.
Thank god we saved thousands of boomers who are about to die anyways right?
I love getting into arguments with people over this shit theres ZERO justification for feeding them
Eh, I''ll help Afghanistan and send some corn because we all fucked it up.
Everybody else can starve.
A lot of these countries actually have decent land. Why can't these people just grow crops like humans did in the good old days. Why can't they come together and build a well and irrigation? It's been done before, how hard can it be? Wouldn't doing something like that beat starving? I don't get it.
yeah strengthen the fences
womp womp
I’m really starting to see the benefits of this lockdown
Just nuke them to end their misey
Call Trudeau desu.
I don't care. My own homeland was filled with foreign, alien people for decades until it's a foreign place to me. My compassion has been spent by globalists.
This leaf gets it
We need to preserve our race.
This. I helped kill afghans for zog when I was 19 cause I was a fucking retard. Glad to help. The rest are nigger countries could care less.
How are they minorities if niggers make up the 2nd most amount of people on the planet behind chinks and gooks?
Nah, let em starve.
Once they all die down enough then maybe, just maybe, they can feed themselves.
Who cares?
It's a problem that solves itself so there is no need to interfere.
Let them eat cake. The first world faces food shortages already, let them die and decrease the surplus population!
Takes time to set that up - farming is about timing. Can't to shit if it's not planting season, won't get shit until harvest season. In the meanwhile, local would-be producers can't do shit because you can't compete on the market when it is saturated by foreign free shit. Aid unironically caused the problem -we created a growing and dependant population. And now, we stopped feeding them. They'll starve , or eat us like the faggot cat lady of a civilization we are
Its literally this
Artificially supporting population growth by providing aide is creating a population bubble that bursts as soon as the providers can no longer provide. Do you think after quarantine people will be donating and taking a hit for these "people?"
No, they are going to be hard up on cash and want to spend it all on themselves. The bubble the West created is going to pop in Africa, and a lot of people who would have never even been born, but were because of humanitarian efforts, will die painful deaths.
Africa will fall into war and chaos when they turn on the chinks who have colonized them.
aren't those technically MAJORITY countries? There are more of them than there are of us.
>Yemen, Congo, Afghanistan, Venezuela, Ethiopia, South Sudan, Syria, Sudan, Nigeria and Haiti
Every single one of these countries, has a problem that is... SELF INFLICTED
>NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO not the niggerinoooooooooos
>we have to do something
not this time niggers need to go
Niggers will only work until they have enough to buy a ticket to go to europe
Whites are responsible. Of whites hadn't raided and invaded these countries they would be flourishing today. It's not a question, whites HAVE to help them out. You can't just destroy countries then act like it's all the countries fault when it was the whites that colonized and destroyed their economy
And nothing of value was lost.
You’re absolutely correct, of course. The problem is humanitarianism—which, throughout most of the West, is an almost totally hegemonic meta-logic—is an antiquated worldview.
In the not-so-distant past, life was brutal
and short, and so virtually all human life was precious. It was a matter of quantity over quality. Anything approximating a functioning human was treasured because human life was relatively rare. Humanitarianism grew out of those conditions. The problem, however, is that this is no longer the case. In fact, there are too many people if anything, and r-selected reproductive strategies that privilege quantity over quality are ultimately harmful. They perpetuate misery, but most people let ideology do their thinking for them, and so the humanitarian impulse prevails.
> We have to do something
Yes, we must egg them on to get it over and done with quicker
>Minorities dying
>a bad thing
Lmfao what a cuck boi
Found the knuckle dragging retard.
Syria is the only country worth saving out of all of these. Maybe Ethiopia as well. The rest nobody fucking cares.
Lmao another nigger failing the mirror test. Its always whypeepo. This is exactly why you get nothing. You niggers ALWAYS bite the hand that feeds you. Kys chimp.
Nah. We're just better than you. Want help? Niggers tongue my anus.
minority means non-white
>we have to do something!
indeed! lets stay comfy at home and proactively let them starve.
actually whites in the US are less than 50% now
this factually makes whites a minority
so thread should be about europe instead of africa
Their economies should be booming with so much racial diversity.
What pricisely is a "minority country?"
>destroy country's economy through centuries of brutal oppression and colonization
>"lol why is your country so poor just fix yourself XD"
You are a fool if you don't see the 10inch hole in your logic. Shut the fuck and do what is YOUR responsibility, that is, helping countries YOU destroyed out of crisis situations caused by YOUR actions.
And this is why i think that all pro mass migration idiots should finance their very own bunch of niggers until reality steps in and lets them reconsider.
Why should i pay for delusions others have with this world.
For me, i wouldn't wait a second if someone would offer me a red button to press to kill all shitskins and niggers on this planet.