/nbg/ - Nothingburger General #12


>185K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
>The world is ending!!! Society will collapse!!! We can't sustain this!!! Panic!!!

Friendly reminder:
• 151,600 people die every day

• 1,061,200 people die every week

• 4,244,800 people die every month

• 50,900,000 people die every year

>muhh exponential broooo
Been below the peak for what, 20 days? Hahahahahaha

The doomer cult /cvg/ got hyped up by the echochamber of schizos, blue check marks and sensationalist news, they're too bitter to admit it.


>Iceland CFR between 0.01 and 0.19%; Smaller population = Ability to test everyone = Real CFR revealed

>Death rate 28-55 times LOWER than previously thought

>Infection rate 50x higher; making CFR much, much lower

>Illinois gov. confirms that ANYONE who dies while infected is considered a COVID death

>Corona BTFO by USC

>Only 3% of ALL active cases are serious/critical
>1,646,202 / 57,104

>Tests show postive for ANY coronavirus, not just COVID

>ALL Human coronaviruses are seasonal
>Common cold is a Coronavirus

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What does Q have to say on the topic?

HCQ works and it's being suppressed.

I went outside today and there was a ton of people out. I think the public is giving up on quarantine


Yeah, especially on sunny days, I see a lot of people just walking around.

Same here, plenty of people walking and biking.

Can someone refute this?
I was pretty much a nothingburger, but I can't refute this one (supposing the numbers are true, of course).

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>185K Dead from Coronavirus after 5 months
140,000 dead from Coronavirus after 3 weeks
Fixed it for you OP

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Don't know how many people died from misused equipment and not understanding the syndrome. Don't know how many were terminally ill with cancer or heart disease. Even if I did don't care. Not taking a mandatory vaccine and not wearing a faggy mask.

Man who shoots face with 10 gauge dies of corona virus

>140,000 in one month pls shut everything down
150k a day buddy, nothing gets shut down.

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It will be juicy when you get infected

In the UK they are deliberately under counting
Every single day the sum total of the figures from Scotland, Wales, NI and England is MORE than the released combined figures
How does this fit into the fake deaths narrative?
Surely they'd be doing by the opposite and claiming higher deaths?

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>qushner meme
Weak strawman. Nobody cares.

So you can't disprove that the UK is lying and under counting deaths then

will history ever look back at this time and say that governments around the world overreacted big time and destroyed the economy for nothing? seems like the same stupid paranoia associated with climate change

I thought this whole thing was bullshit from the beginning. I'm amazed how little being right matters sometimes.



Why are you on an image board in 2020 if you:
>have a life
>have a handsome enough face that you would rather not wear a mask
>have a job you want to get back to
Why? If I had all of that I would only use instagram and other normie social media apps and enjoy my life.
Why are you here?
I am a honest man, I want everyone to suffer as much as I do, I want everyone locked and suffering so I won't be alone. I want society to fall so that the succesful lucky chads will not be able to enjoy a better life than me.
Now, why the fuck are you on Yas Forums?
Here we root for the death of the chad, negro, jew and woman.
Start those /nbg/ threads of reddit where you normalsoys belong.

Low incidence of ili’s across the nation.

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All of your nothingburger links are based off antibody testing. Antibody testing is as reliable as a father named Tyrone. All antibody tests come with this notice:
>Positive results may be due to past or present infection with non-SARS-CoV-2 coronavirus strains, such as coronavirus HKU1, NL63, OC43, or 229E.
229E and OC43 are the coronaviruses responsible for the common cold. A positive antibody test could simply mean the patient has antibodies for the common cold.
>Antibody Tests For Coronavirus Can Miss The Mark (More false positives than true positives)
>World leaders say they have so far failed to identify a single coronavirus antibody test which is accurate enough for use
>He Spent $500,000 to Buy Coronavirus Tests. Health Officials Say They’re Unreliable.
>Government seeks refund for millions of coronavirus antibody tests
>Unapproved Chinese coronavirus antibody tests being used in at least 2 states
>New Test Hopes Dashed as U.K. Finds Antibody Kits Don’t Deliver
>Get it yet, retard?

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Fevers basically statistically zero.

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whats going to happen when the economy opens back up tho? wont the infections restart? the second wave of the spanish flu was worse than the first

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From Florida
The mean false positive rate isn’t given but something like 5-10% isn’t unreasonable. It’s likely most new positives are false positives.

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Active /nbg/ with over 100 replies:

Hospital admissions for Covid19-like symptoms are falling to near baseline levels.

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you meant the Chang Nothingburgerer
go back to the CCP meetings faggot

>slope stops
>illiterate retards: See! It was nothing! The slope stopped! We don't need lockdown!

What a shit argument.
Lockdowns didn't do shit because the virus was already around long before the lockdown. Look into it if you give an actual shit. Now look at countries like Italy and France and Spain which went full retard on lockdowns and STILL had more deaths than other nations.
Go look at the constantly revised and hilarious models that were predicting hundreds of thousands of deaths. Go look at the publically released methodology around reporting all respiratory illness deaths as covid in America. Look at the Italian doctor admitting that only 12 percent of their supposed covid deaths were solely from covid.
There's so much questionable data out there that it boggles the mind you subhumans are still parroting the authorities lines.

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They're literally doing the opposite, early Jan stats for influenza skyrocketed above norm, heart attack has skyrocketed

Still waiting an /nbg/ retard to explain Ecuador.

No lol.

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I did figure out that’s why the lockdown has continued. Losers want everyone to lose to feel better about themselves