Sky News: USA on the Brink of MASS CIVIL UNREST


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Is Tim Pool working for Sky News now?
hur dur cibel wor

what a load a dog shit/


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Good! This is what I have been waiting for the past 20 years. Locked and loaded, let me get some!!! Free California!!!!


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state govs started sanctioning Twinkies and BigGulp?

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>cringe pilled

>deescalate pls come on u guyz

should i find some cherry picked disgusting shitlib pics or what

same ole bot thread again huh?

boy these fat old guys with guns sure are threatening. gee i just don't know the most powerful military in human history plans to do about these old guys.

>derppp you must be a bot

What's scary is NDAA 2013 human shills and bots scanning for any thread mentioning "protest." Domestic propaganda was illegal until 2013 when Kang Nigger Obama legalized it because he is a totalitarian jew tool.

You sound froggy

Fat boomers larping does not lead to civil unrest.

22 million unemployed might

>this shit again
Just look at Virginia. It's just a bunch of fat LARPers with ARs. They won't do shit. They'll just keep redrawing their boundaries.

Exactly. It's not just fat boomers with nowhere to go and all day to get there right now. It's tons of young unemployed men.

Virginia is not a good example because people had jobs to go to then. They don't now.


well if history is any reference, probably either kill them or join together with them to kill politicians. I guess we'll see what happens

The difference is they've forcibly laid off 22 million workers with very little or no prospect of all the small and medium business employers restarting again successfully because consooomer demand will be nil. So no job, no prospects, and the welfare check offered is going to run out. Oh and H1Bs still coming in full throttle.

and of course the third and by far most likely option: nothing is going to happen and everyone goes home

And what's the opening gonna change? Anybody got spare money to waste on avocado sandwiches and barista mixes? Those jobs and "citizens" were a real hoax for a long time.

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a bunch of fat, genital mutilated mutts cant do shit... and even if they do anything, they will learn the hard way, combat has nothing to do with shooting at statics targets at 40m.

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Sky News is not trustworthy. Pay them no mind.

As long as they get their bread and circuses? Not likely.

All those beds setup by the military. They were for the upcoming civil war?

>avocado sandwiches and barista mixes
Any small and medium business, not just meme jobs. Also, funny how much disrespect you totalitarians have for business, even if it is meme business. Shut down people's livelihoods and destroy their lives, and strangely enough, they take up arms and march on their state capitol. What a surprise!

>you totalitarians have for business, even if it is meme business
Meme business is a first and most important symptom of a turning a healthy existence into ill-formed commie center-planning economy. If a business can't function without constant external support and have no real significance - it can't be a core of a real economy, it can't employ 22 (!) fucking millions of people. It's not a business after all.

So you are trying to protect exactly what you try to refer too - a social institution which create employment by infinite donations from the real sector and mandatory government support.

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But they aren't getting bread and circuses. They've received far less than a month's pay through the stimulus. Employers will be shutting down permanently because there will be very little consumer demand in about a month. Then evictions and foreclosures start.

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This is incoherent. Meme businesses are still businesses that employ people and only exist because consoooomers want their products and services.

This is completely coherent when you take the money sources and overall population credit burden into account. Such business create just unnecessary inflation and nothing else.

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This isn't the USSR where you can arbitrarily decide which businesses stay open and which ones don't

Consumer demand is the problem right now. Personally I'm making more money with the 2 stimulus payments weekly while on furlough. But I also know our supply chains are pretty much dead stopped 2 layers up, and about 2 or 3 layers down. Millions of dollars gone, 15 employees laid off and 30 on furlough. Some of the business is just not coming back or not for a long time, and a lot of people just don't see that.

That's true. So the garbage is dead on it's own according to reports. It's actually good sign that they are not going to bailout mr Shakelberg's creditors.

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The powers that be obviously know and are doing this on purpose