Based LebAnon back /pol
get ready and watch our news cause shit's finally about to go down
1 usd = 4000 lebanese liras opposed to 1500LBP around 5 months ago
people are getting riled up
a guy was live streaming saying hes gonna shoot himself and his family if there is no hope next week
people are below poor now
political party supporters are slowly realizing how fucked they are
Kikeland war might be earlier than summer as predicted
>>pic related : the difference of how much 1000$ was and now its twice that amount lol
Based LebAnon back /pol
time to reclaim phoenicia
ok we are not phoenicians
boomers like to LARP that shit
we are christian and muslim and Lebanese , not fucking phoneticians lol
now comes a random canuck calling my flag a tree
Reminder that lebanese people are of phoenician decent and thus white.
I remember when you guys protested your news interviewed a lady who was asked what she is protesting, she said that she can't afford her Botox injections anymore.
we are not
we are white yes
and yes kike, some morons who are filthy rich protest about mundane idiotic stuff
I remember IDF wearing diapers when facing non-civilian resistance :)
God speed LebAnon
Lebanese girl I talked with ages ago wanted to move back to Libanon, I told her bitch you crazy
lord knows I wanted to cum inside her and impregnate her though, why do women of the levant have so god damn wide hips and ass? I SAID GOD DAYUM
anyway stay safe bro
mate they are printing a new 200,000 bill
thank you my Japanese comrade
we need communism in Lebanon at the moment honestly
My life savings have lost 80% of their value
if I had a gun I'd probably off myself
one could survive for 100 or 150$ per month now at the current exchange rate
I feel the inflation. Shits gayer then swedens underwater gay sign
idk genetics
yeah women here are fine af
dude I have been saving up around 10k since I graduated and closed my loans
now they amount to around 3500 K
barely a plane ticket to immigrate
I am crying myself to sleep cause I cant do shit
most of the inflation here was caused by shitty politicians who stole government funds and store them in Swiss banks; all of that is proven but the people get beat up by their goons and cops when they protest
fucking hezbollah's politicians fucked my and everyone's future
Why the fuck are you not converting your savings to dollars and burying it?
BECAUSE WE CANT EVEN WITHDRAW THEM cause of capital control for over 3 months
and no broker is selling any USD only whales are buying USD from the lower class because they need it to buy literally food and bills
I posted last week as well that my salary which was in USD or lollars as we call it here has been forcefully converted to LBP along with the whole country's accounts
I lost about 18% of total fiat value.
Shits gay as hell. Hopefully we enter an era of weekly helicopter money
dude at that rate 170$ is minimum wage in Leb
what hurts is that I worked most of my life to GTFO and now im screwed
whats helicpoter money
is norway facing a recession as well?
its not tied to US economics in Leb actually, we just need USD to import everything , and we had an artificial peg for 30 years here
Its classic shtf. The government and its banks hoard the dollarinos and secure exchange rates that are better then anyone else will get. The dollarinos never even make it to local atms.
Its like a rotten fish, nobody wants it and whoever has it needs to sell it. The fisherman realized the fish was dead and sold it off regularly, the fish processor realized he got fucked but he is forced to sell at whatever price. This is the real trickle down economy desu
The real trick is to convert to crypto then to Euro and similar through swiss banks. Or wherever else you have established accounts.
The only thing left is revolution
exactly cause the central bank in Leb has close ties to the USD brokers and most of them are illegal
but if they hoard it shouldnt black market USD rates get lower and not skyrocket?
they hoard it and the people are getting fucked
well I wish but crypto is illegal to buy in Leb , coinbase binance and all need offshore accounts and you need a lot to create that account
I wish I could invest in crypto lol
we have been revolting since oct 17 my dude
it has done nothing our new government is hand picked by hezbollah !
if I was a politican in sweden I would open up financial aid for asylum travel for lebanese women aged 1*-45 with an ass measurement of minimum 40"
stay safe bro
Stop cutting holes in my fence and maybe I will toss over some real money
We're heading there too. Ruble is propped up by our central bank right now but soon they'll stop trying and it will crash to 100+ rub from current 75.
read my comments I hate these fuckers
they ruined my future
try talking some sense into them
hezbollah said a war with israel is imminent in the summer
all I hope is that civilians and christians dont get rekt in the process I worked too hard all my life to die from nukes
the people here are dying from hunger all we want is fucking peace
>helicopter money
Is what the Americans did. Its when rich fat fucks realize they fucked their entire country but cant exactly leave it, so they throw printed money out of helicopters and hope its enough to stifle resistance.
Its normally only seen in shit tier nations but the Americans lack societal continuity so they literally had to throw money at their population for them to survive without 1-2 paychecks. America is fragile af.
>is Norway facing a recession as well?
The entire world is. Norway as well, we might need to dismantle the oil industry if the price does not pick up significantly.
Most all countries that have met the USA is importing on a USD basis. The petrodollar concept exists because all OIL trades are in Dollars which helps to maintain large capital trades in dollars.
fuck yeah man , download tinder and mention you are swede, youd get mad puss plus they're loyal, and choose whichever you like; any ticket to gtfo of Leb and they'd marry you .
ok maybe that's pushing it but you get my point
I'd marry a cougar if that meant fleeing this hellhole
thats in movies
do people literally throw money like that?
ffs that wont do shit get back stolen funds!
oh you're talking about the 1200 cheques
I’m just joking with you. I hate to break it for you, but there will never be peace as long as there are muslims around. Even converting them won’t fix the inbred low IQ genetics.
fuck your jokes mate
its not about islam , muslims exist in kikeland as well
its about the deal of the century and palestine
I am screwed fml
Helicopter is an analogy for the private, untouchable wealth, money is well, money.
And yes the 1200 dollars was "helicopter money" Happens all the time.
Fuck off Ahmed. Semites were never white to begin with
I feel like they only date 6'5 dark tall gigachads though, maybe I could be wrong. maybe one day bro, maybe one day I will spoof tinder gps @ libanon
if an arranged marriage you could aswell marry a guy (no homo) on paper to flee, should be doable loll
stfu its not about the whiteness
exactly we got one guy in Leb holding over 50 billion usd of the public sector's funds and put us in debt
tinder passport is free lel
and no they want security and an actual husband, as far as ive seen
what do you mean? fuck that I was kdng not gonna do it im gonna die here sadly lel
Why are you so mad? You said yourself you aren’t white.
Muslims make constant trouble. Every day we prevent a terror attack from these monkeys.
Palestine doesn’t exist. I hope for things to heat up, so we can finally deport all of them to our neighbors.
Trump & Mnuchin and the retards that wanted a strong dollar(and overregulating finance at the same time and attacking alternatives like crypto) have caused a massive global deflationary crisis even before corona europe and japan economic data was terrible.
Everyone is not investing but escaping to the usd which is causing deflation in the internal us economy.
No matter how much they print they can't stop it now they fucked everything up.
At the end of the day all world economies will collapse this year , minus burgerland that will have a massive 3 years deflationary collapse followed by a collapse of world trade and the world reserve currency status.
The only way i see ths not happening is trump literally shilling for free cryptos so everyone escapes to crypto and a lot of usd enter in circulation organically.
Otherwise it's total collapse if the usd devaluates the rest of the countries will devaluate 10x what they do putting more deflationary pressure into the us economy.
They fucked up so hard it's unbelievable, to make things worse lot's of boomers will retire early fearfull of the retirement age being raised and milenials and zoomers are economically obliterated since 2008 was never fixed.
It's literally the fourth turning collapse , how we will get out it's hard to know.
what neighbors?
kikeland doesnt exist
you guys have 15% of your population as muslim
im not mad at you just venting about the situation
mate if they heat up we are both gonna disappear cause of nukes so stfu