What would've happened if Germany had won?

What would've happened if Germany had won?

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hard to say because Germany's goals were vague at best

We'd get to play as Nazis in video games.

What's up with these redditor "what if," threads? /tg/ has way more ontopic historical discussion

We'd be in space now

OP has a small pp

No shouting amerimutts
No c*mmies
No p*les
No sandniggers/niggers in Europe
No american negro culture in Europe

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probably a more destabilized Europe due to the fact Germany would have to give up most of its newly acquired territory due to rebellions would then fight each other once the germs are gone

The Nazis never demonstrated they could muster up a functioning long term economy in peacetime. And, given their tendency to drive themselves into greater and greater debt on the proviso that they could pay it off through plunder and slave labour, I doubt peace would work out all that well for them. I reckon even if they had won, it could only have been a Pyrrhic victory which would have guaranteed the collapse of the German state in the proceeding decade. Germany fractures, the rest of Europe, already spent as a result of the war, Balkanises. There are no more great wars, but the standard of living plummets, there are a great many petty skirmishes, banditry is rife. Overall, Europe as a whole winds up resembling a third rate Eastern European nation. Outside forces naturally take advantage.

A lot more mass killings and political repression.

Why the focus on Hitler honestly
Do you honestly think nobody before or after him could have kept Europe based and redpilled?

If Germany had won, the regime would have collapsed the moment Hitler died, if not earlier.

Well that's impossible.
There was no way in hell Germany could have won WW2 as they fought it

thats possible since Sid Meyes squad tactics and Wolfenstein enemy territory

The only realistic "Germany wins" scenario is Germany winning the limited Germano-Polish war, then telling the Japanese ambassador to go fuck himself when he tries to change their "mutual defense pact" into a mutual offense pact.

OG Barbarossa plan included starvation and destruction of cities Leningrad and Moscow with a combined pop. of 5 million. The latter was to be replaced with an artificial lake smybolizing the complete destruction of East Slavic civilization. Keep in mind Barb. anticipated a quick two week victory at the Soviets borders, so this was to be done after hostilities ended already. Imo the Germans were pretty clear about their intentions

World peace and space exploration.

A handful of Slavs would be germanized, while the rest would be sent to live in Siberia.

Slavs are genocided for being non-whites, Europe is under a totalitarian regime, Japs and native americans are honorary Aryans

The collapse of yurop

Where does this meme come from that Hitler was a champion of the white race? He loved plenty of non white ethnic groups and despised plenty of white ethnic groups. Hitler literally opposed IQ tests and called them Jewish science because Jews kept out scoring Germans.

its from fellow burgers who never moved past their edgy middle school phase

>What would've happened if Germany had won?
For starters they wouldn't be Nazis but instead some secular non-ideological form of gilded age revival nationalists. The Nazi government was incapable of winning the war as they fucked everything up from the start. But here's a few things they'd have to do to not get their shit completely pushed in:
>Offer britain complete withdrawal of German forces from all occupied territory but the Germans keep any war materiel and France has to disarm
>This includes Poland but the Germs keep Danzig
>Germany formally recognizes Polands right to exist
>Cancellation of Versaille treaty
>no one has to pay anyone any indemnities
>re-organize Axis powers into a coherent alliance with German/Czech manufacture supplying everyone and a centralized combined military leadership
>Basically make Germany the founder of NATO
>Organize Europe against the Reds and befriend the USA

Rent free

>Germany wins
>Generalplan Ost is implemented, German settlers are sent to Slavic lands to farm, Germany tries to become self-sufficient of food.
>of course this requires genocide and/or replacement on a mass scale
>this causes massive partisan activity in the East, rebels are armed by a Russian rump states around the Urals
>German farmers are killed all the time
>the new farms need to be guarded constantly
>this makes food production extremely ineffective, soon Germany needs to import grain again while the eastern farmers live on government subsidies
>general economic stagnation made worse by an arms race with the USA
>eventually a Soviet style collapse, but much before the 80's

Hitler was a tranny

in most cases yes, but it can't be rent free for me since I am also a burger

>implying everything but tractor simulator wouldn't be verboten

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Hitler would ban games thinking it as a distraction for the white man and their daily slaving for the state.

Depends at what point in the war they win either way its never good. Issues regardless of time frame
>Have to deal with those loans that you never planned to pay off have to take massive austerity measures=civilian sector gets fucked long term
>Have to transition a half continental war economy to civilian economy which you can't really do since your military probably can't transition due to ptsd and being drug addicts to help in the war effort
>Still have to deal with a severely repressive social society
>Have to deal with global reaction when literal genocide gets discovered on a massive scale
These are a few but germany is fucked long term they've got maybe 5 years before cracks start to show.This is also presuming that they don't go back to war in the near future and also the fact that this situation is super vaugue as we don't know how they divi up land after they win specifically in regards to russia and eastern nations

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>implies Britain give up its balance of power foreign policy since the 17th century
ok historylet

I'd love to play some commie zombies

It's not like they were as totalitarian as commutards, and commuturds even had games.Shoot, the NS bois probably would have funded their own genres of games

>No shouting amerimutts
>No american negro culture in Europe
Sadly, these are doubtful.

and all other games would be stamped degenerate negerspielen and burned

If they're as bad as today, yeah. That'd be awesome too because then we'd get gems like Bannerlord, Conan Exiles, Total Wars, a Call of Duty series based on the Red Terror from the Baltics to WW2. We'd probably have VolksStations and they would've been cheaper and came out ten years earlier.

Germany collapses into Civil War the moment Hitler dies because his inner circle despised each other

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Scientific progress is stifled during a dark age of '''Aryan''' pseudoscience.

Sure, Filthy kike.

This post is proof that anti-NS correlates very strongly with pedophilia.
This. The Germans won both sides of the space race, made huge advances in rocketry, maritime tech, infrared tech, jet engines, chemistry, etc etc etc

No, it's only proof that dixiecucks are retarded

>The Germans won
The Germans didn't "win" anything. American vision and money to use those rockets for peaceful exploration and commercial development won out over Hitlerian bloodlust and desire to use those rockets to rain death down on people that the dear leader dislikes

>desire to use those rockets
I mean, France and Britain did declare war on him, so he had to fight a war.

>I mean, France and Britain did declare war on him, so he had to fight a war.
And it's what that conniving, backstabbing warmonger and his vile, bloodthirsty countrymen deserved.

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>got told that invading Poland will result in war against Britain and France
>is surprised when Britain and France do that

Well it couldn’t get any worse so who knows? Candy Land?

>No sandniggers/niggers in Europe
>No american negro culture in Europe
Hitler loved niggers and arabs

you would probably have revolution attempts and civil wars which would fail and lead to an even more totalitarian state than before, but eventually life would become tolerable and society would become similar in some ways to that of ancient Rome.
probably little immigration, certainly no "migrant" crisis.
the whole modern idea of inclusivity, lgbt rights, open borders, etc. also wouldn't exist in europe most likely.
on the other hand, you would probably have less freedom than today, too.

>This post is proof that anti-NS correlates very strongly with pedophilia.

You took my Jewish loli from me sodomite. Now you'll pay

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>he responds to Wehraboo threads
History is full of disappointments and a victorious Hitler would have been one of them.

Read Fatherland for an idea. Except for the idea of people thinking the Jews were resettled in the East; in real life the average person in Germany and the occupied territories didn't know the specifics about what was being done to the Jews after they boarded the trains, but they knew they were being sent to their deaths.

I’d be died :0

Cringe but redpilled

>american negro culture

You have shit taste in music

Don't go around mentioning lebensraum and the hunger plan on here user, you'll have tard say it's all a jew conspiracy.

I theorize that the Reich would have had declared alot of the occupied territory autonomous for economical reasons but make it really cheap for Germans to move there and make up some sort of 'little Germany' villages and city blocks. Any plans for rebuilding Berlin and and 10 feet wide high speed railways would have to be scaled down aswell for economical reasons and because most of their slave labour would have already died of mismanagement.
What ever would been left of Third Reich today would probably resemble modern day mainland China, but with better hygiene and less of an 'cut-throat' culture because of Germans wouldn't probably been gullible enough to cause a huge famine because the great leader was mad at sparrows.

Horrible, imagine white countries staying white.

Hard to say. Realistically German society wouldn't have survived internally past the 60s. There would have been too much internal rebellion especially after scientific achievements and military victories run out. Germans love their music and movies too much. And with rock and roll coming into play culturally teenage rebellion is imminent.

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>The Germans won both sides of the space race, made huge advances in rocketry, maritime tech, infrared tech, jet engines, chemistry, etc etc etc

Mostly as a result of German societal, military and academic structure from the 19th century and leftover from the German Empire. And the Nazis did their best to fuck all of it over with their autistic idiocy.

Someone tell me what this post means

The regime collapses 5 days after winning

>muh nazis took us to the moon and sheit
Only with the help of Ashkenazis


Why are so shocked people on /his/ are utterly unaware of the historical geopolitical interests of nations and the strategies said nations developed as a result of said interests

Imagine if Hitler wasn't so autistic about Jews and the reich made use of them if they swore an oath of loyalty to Germany and denounced their religion.

Without state oppression of its core regions (as was present in Stalinist Russia), Germany would have moved away from National Socialism through the successors of the first generation Nazis after a couple decades. Inevitable political and sociocultural liberalization would happen, and since the ethnic German people would have to be the cause of it, there would really be no recourse for the hardliners. Senior Nazi leadership during and immediately after WWII would be seen as extremists who went about creating an ethnostate in too harsh of ways while the military leaders would be the real heroes (who probably would’ve influenced the wave of liberalization) in this alternate timeline today.

Then he wouldn't be Hitler.

It is physically impossible for the Germans to win. They could have, by some miracle, taken Moscow and pushed past the Urals. They could never defeat the United Kingdom, much less the United States. In such a scenario, the world would fall apart post-victory as the victors wouldn't have the threat of the Soviet Union to stay in the US's sphere.

>being non-whites
It was NEVER about being white or non-white, goddamn Americans
Nazis distinguished "Germanic Aryans" (Arier) and "honourary Aryans" (Ehrenarier) from other races
Non-whites could be considered superior to some whites if they suited the goals of Nazis, for example they preferred Chinese and Japanese people to the blondest German communist
Their beef with Slavs was with Poles and Russians, particularly Russian communists, Slavs could be on the same page as Nazis (Croats, Bosnian Muslims, Bulgarians) and Nazis would do Olympic mental gymnastics to classify them as lost tribes of Aryans who happened to speak Slavic languages
Nazis were fine with Hungarians, Portuguese, Turks, Finns, Spaniards, Italians, Arabs and even some Indians, nations that 15-year-olds on Yas Forums believe are "not white", "inferior to Germanics" and "surely a target for extermination in a NS world"
what the Nazis REALLY hated, the groups that they tried to exterminate outright, were in this order: Jews, Communists and Poles. Later they also included the gypsies and Serbs as the wars progressed. So you can number 4 distinct Nazi genocides at least: Holocaust (Jews), Porrajmos (gypsies), Poland and Serbia. (Communists are a political group, not an ethnicity or a nation, therefore the mass murder of socialists and communists isn't technically a genocide)
why do racist edgelords believe that Nazi racism was the same as their modern American racism REEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

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>denounce their religion
and yet, MAYOCIDE

How does Germany win WW2? Even if they fight Russia to a standstill they have no answer to the atom bomb.

Someone is upset that some people still don't like rap.

A European culture with higher birthrates. Russia (as a land) would probably be highly developed. Cold war between America and Germany. Arguably WW3 with America and Germany unless the two could find a pasttime to unite them (killing asians).

I always wonder to what extent Germany would have went down a degenerate route if the nazis won given their encouragement on teenage pregnancy, pervitin, and slave labour. I don't think it's a stretch to say they wouldn't have been the based paradise free of social ills their worshippers whinge about.

Man if you don't like this shit then that's on you.


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As soon as Hitler died there would have been a slow decline Soviet Union style. A hostile US becoming an economic power with nukes (which Germany wouldn't have invited because "Jew science") would have probably made them submissive little bitches

you would've had a qt trad wheat field strolling waifu

the purest form of nigger trash

You a busta

drop the anti-semitism and keep the jews around to work on their nuclear program instead of scaring them off to america to instead work on the manhattan project and develop nukes for them

Soviet-like shit with the same end.

>given their encouragement on teenage pregnancy

If it were Jewish teenagers, it'd be pretty based

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Imagine if Hitler had just propagandized the Jews into intermarrying with whites to dilute their genes and culture over the long term instead of trying to kill them all.

That was already happening on its own in Germany (not so much Poland and Russia though, secularization and intermarriage existed but not to the same extent)

The he would've faded into obscurity because his entire movement needed an other to hate and they were the easiest to use.

>his entire movement needed an other to hate
I wish it had been the brits.


>not so much Poland and Russia though, secularization and intermarriage existed but not to the same extent

That's because Poland had only recently yanked itself out from under the boot of the Russian Empire as it disintegrated. If the Nazis had never risen to power and WWII had been avoided altogether, Poland's Jews would have (outside of some hardcore holdouts like the Hasidism) completely integrated within a few decades. The millennia-old "Jewish Question" would have demographically solved itself by the 1970s if it hadn't been for Hitler chimping out about "racial purity". If anything, the Nazis created their own nightmarish self-fulfilling prophecy by murdering six million Jews and galvanizing those who had survived or been safely out of their reach to remember the blood of their slain kin, leading to a revival of both the state of Israel and Jewish identity worldwide.

In the end, the Third Reich's efforts to ensure the disappearance of the Jews backfired spectacularly.

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I vote for the French

>imagine a world every last stinking frog has his throat cut

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Oh I absolutely agree, just thought it was worth mentioning how much more integrated Jews were in German society in comparison to Polish and Soviet society at the time due to more tolerant policies and less restrictive laws having been implemented for a far longer time.

Many on Yas Forums unironically think this so it wouldn’t surprise me. It’s like the one big wedge issue between Yas Forums and Yas Forums, they agree on basically everything else.

Hitler really was an utter retard, all he had to do was to contain his autism

There was also the Japanese who wanted to conquer the US, though it was not feasible as Japan could not outproduce the US

Call of duty wound have been a hell of a lot better