You have no fucking idea how privileged your life is you fuckinh whites.
>Be me
>19 yrs old
>Very bright student
>Has 5 gold and 1 silver in Maths, Science and English olympiads
>Enter highschool
>Should have good score in this exam
>Fucked the preparation and failed exam
Now have to continue to live with my fucking boomer parents third class people and their other child whom i don't consider anything in my life
>Not even a personal room for me
>live in a section of room my mom thinks she did very much for me
>The room has a toilet which every one uses
>And everybody sleeps in that room
That's not a personal room you fucking bloody cunt
>Now have to live another 3 years with these fucking fuckinh bloody whores and faggots
>I hate their fuxking faces and their voices and I want to die
>The moment i go outside for college and sheet.. believe me, Im never coming back to this fucking third class country/my house anymore
I dont know what the fucking karma i did in my last birth that I was born in this shit family. Thank your god you fucking privileged fucks.
And pray for me
You have no fucking idea how privileged your life is you fuckinh whites
>The room has a toilet which every one uses
>And everybody sleeps in that room
It's not a bed..
You forget to add
>Big ugly liar
Get the fuck out of here and never come back.
Can you petition to retake the exam? Also, I’m sure you love at least some things about your home country bro. Good luck.
It's not the 19th century. Failing at school doesn't mean failing at life anymore. You have the internet.
>19 yrs old
>Very bright student
>Enter highschool
>I'm smart
>I failed the exam
>it's your fault
Nigger you're dumb as bricks. Saged.
>room has a loo
OP is a fucking liar. Story fell apart right here!
>OP is a fucking liar.
He said toilet, not the loo. He just lives in a designated shitting room
awesome, so what colour curtain do you all surround the toilet with? is there even a curtain? can you record a video of your "bathroom" or at least take a picture please
> Indian
> Doesn't shit in the street
Do you know how I know you're lying?
You are obviously not as smart as you think.
Become a rickshaw wallah!
You shitskins had a couple thousand years head start. What’s your excuse?
stay in your fucking shithole, we dont want you anywhere near us you fucking cancer cell
>muh medals
>entrance exam determines whether I keep living in squalor or not
>don’t prepare properly
>failed exam
>because of my failure I have to keep living in squalor
>for some reason this makes me mad at white people
my thoughts and prayers user
Sounds like your useless and treat your family like shit. If i were you I would utilize and capitalize on your family more go sell your sister for sex or something
>>Be me
yrs old
>>Very bright student
>>Has 5 gold and 1 silver in Maths, Science and English olympiads
>>Enter highschool
>>Should have good score in this exam
>>Fucked the preparation and failed exam
>shits in street
>named pajeet
Seems like a class issue, not a race issue to me.
Make sure to put the poo in the loo, user
There's also an expiration date on how long can you blame your parents/society for your own faults.
I never had parents unlike you so go hug your mom, and father you manchild faggot.
>if you're white you can't be poor and can't have a shitty life
Grow the fuck up.
to be honest, you're right. i was going to commit suicide for most of my life but it's simultaneously true.
>t. spent the last 8 hours high and browsing bestgore
If the number of grammatical errors in your post is representative of what we can expect from a medal winner in English from India then no wonder you failed.
I too was known as a genius as a child. It did me no favors when trying to go to college and now I'm lower class trash living with my parents.
Being white has not helped me. Shitskins have gotten shit for free that I've always had to work hard for. I don't know what privilege you think that I have. Brilliance gets overlooked in the name of diversity over here. Diversity is treated as merit. Lives are wasted.
I feel your pain. If you were in America they would treat you better. Your only fault is that you live in India. My only fault is that I was born white. We have no privilege. It's more of a weight around my neck.
B-but don't you like the sight and smell of shit?
being smart in a 83 average IQ population is not hard...
He's probably deteriorated from depression. It happens. What's the point in caring anymore, after all.
One less pajeet shitting into some companies code base.
It's an attached Toilet with room which my parents built which they push down my throat every time I disagree with them
Im not lying bro
I requested my parents to let me retake the exam. I fucking wanted to give that exam again. But my parents didn't let me thinking it wil lead to depression.
Yes bro. I don't know what happened. But i fuxked it up. But I wanted to give it again but my parents didnt let me
It's bedroom which has attached toilet you dumbo
>You have no fucking idea how privileged your life is you fuckinh whites.
not all whites are 'privileged' in the sense youre talking, which is gauging on economics, in the same way that not all poos are poor. fucking hell the conditions i grew up in were virtually third world and that was on an all white council estate, its why im not a white nationalist now even though im a massive racist.
its fine to use poverty as an excuse growing up for not achieving whatever but youre an adult now and it is on you to prove yourself without blaming others.
oneof the best pieces of advice ive seen posted on here before is if youre family are retards, if you have nothing in common with them, if you can never have a real relationship with them, then you know its now time to start your own.
>very bright
>fail test
>blame it on whites
>very bright student
suicide is always an option. Besides you are just going to grow up to be a telescammer anyway. So why not die?
You bloody bastard, bloody bastard you
>Now have to live another 3 years with these fucking fuckinh bloody whores and faggots
>I hate their fuxking faces and their voices and I want to die
You're supposed to love your family, you degenerate nigger. If this sentiment is common in your country, I'm not surprised it's such a shithole
Invest in the poo market since you live in a room which is also a toilet collect the poo and sell it as a fertilizer... make a couple of rupees than come to our westren countries and live off the welfare like a king
lol shouldn't have failed your exams Pajeet.
Sorry if you think so. But I don't intend to go anywhere outside my country. I love my xountry and hate my family. That's the issue
I won that in 6th grade brother.
Got a whole house to myself.. But everyday i'm thankfull to god i wasn't born a subhuman.
Hey, I think you should alway be judged on individual merrit rather than racial descend, but how was this related to 'whites'?
>failed exam
everyone knows d's get degrees mate
ahaha, you are your father and your father's father. It is your own fault you were born worthless filth and even now you continue to be worthless filth after being given hundreds of opportunities every day. Time will pass and you will die and you will wake up again from samsara deeper in this hell.
P.S. your ancestors weren't aryan monkey faggot
don't blame us
your people are sub human garbage
i didnt make your iq so low
go drink some cow piss and buck up
Yeah sorry I have made some negative experiences but you guys are alright otherwise.
But you can at least try to be famous on Tiktok by making stupid faces like 90% of your compatriots, right?
Just show them that you’ll study enough and say you’ll actually be depressed if you don’t retake the exam. Maybe get a friend who passed to help tutor you. You’ll be alright.
Your filthy and frozen country is full of shitty Chinese, you're trash too
>P's get degrees
>The room has a toilet
That's luxury.
Abbey india me kon fail hota hai be? You must to be a retard for sure!
>Very bright
>supposed high GPA ruined by one exam
Is 3.0 very bright in pajiit land?