Will UBI become the new norm coming out of this crisis? So many countries are handing out gibs to everyone

Will UBI become the new norm coming out of this crisis? So many countries are handing out gibs to everyone.
Suddenly the world is taking a turn to socialism, the problem is how long will it last?

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>will collapse become the new norm
lol yeah

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>dopamine running low
>curtains closed
>vitamin d depleted
>feeling the depression coming on
>need to think of another generic thread so i can post another tranny
>"Will UBI become the new norm coming out of this crisis? So many countries are handing out gibs to everyone. Suddenly the world is taking a turn to socialism, the problem is how long will it last?"
>breathe a sigh of relief
>ten minutes pass
>the feeling has worn off
>feeling the depression coming on


If they lowered labor and wage costs to tease American manufacturing back, and subsidized with government UBI to American citizens, we would have industry and meaningful work and everything in between.

Trump has a golden opportunity to cement himself as the most important president of America's history.
But it wont play out like that.

>Be American
>Hate Socialism
>Demand TrumpBux and bailout
The greatest capitalistic country on Earth guys

Liberals finally get their Socialism
Still find a reason to hate trump

My hero posts again

Thats my son

thats a man

> fire the pandemic response team to own the libs

that's not a woman


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yeah sending everyone checks is working, economy is booming now that nobody is actually working, imagine how productive it would be if we went on like this forever

takes one to know one

this one is definitely a man. you're not going to trick me this time biz. fuck all of you fucking nigger bastards!!!

>2 months in, 10s of thousands of people are dying from a "flu"
Don't worry, stock market is gonna go up guys

Okay retard.

The only way manufacturing is coming back is if the companies have robots to do 90% of the work and fee guys to fix them. The jobs would be mostly gone permanently.

with 20+ million unemployed and counting, and a few months if not a few years of massive economic downturn, I think everyone will be more than happy to stack in front of a production line.

Robots are good for streamlining.
When you don't have massive budgets to start up production facilities and you're a fledgling company, your best bet is hiring Joe.
Global economics has failed us. We need to make due with the the people we have on home turf.

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I am an out of work bartender and it is unreal the amount of money i am receiving especially for not being able to anywhere but the grocery store. This will backfire so bad. It has to.

UBI will never accomplish anything until all other mortal needs are provided for first.
Landlords will suck it up with no remorse.
Junk food and alcohol sales will fly through the roof. Sustaining food will be in such low demand, it will get even more expensive.
Apple and Sony will sell out of iPhones and PlayStations.
So either all essential markets will need to be regulated, and rationed, or secondary food stamp like programs will spring up for this.
And at this point what is UBI any good for anymore?

Christ all mighty you guys are stupid.

thats a man

The question is how? They can keep inflating the dollar, but if the rest of the world is in the same position how do i make money off of it?


All of the research done regarding UBI thus far has shown that literally none of your predictions are correct. People tend to use the money for essential items before anything else.

>be me
>financial fat cat
>make some questionable moves to squeeze some extra bucks out of loans in the housing market
>market crash
>scream I need even more money or the entire system will collapse
>pay out some "contractual obligations"
>public mad
>they line wall street protesting
>scream end the fed
>le plebs
>ff few years
>have successfully inflated every bubble that there is to inflate except for PMs...gotta keep that shit low though otherwise they might recognize massive inflation in 10 year span
>warning signs going off that this bitch bout to go.
>hear of "virus"
>lel hey lil Donny...tell them the flu is a super deadly killer virus and granny is gonna die, bring this down slow
>crisis averted. mass deflation seen as lack of demand
>plebs want personal bailout
>give them some scraps
>plebs protesting to go back to work this time
>plebs don't know the money I make on processing fees
>plebs don't worry about infinite money being pumped into stocks
>plebs just pleb


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Why the fuck do we even pay rent?
Why not just own this shit publically?
My landlord doesn't do jack fucking shit and he still eats up my whole paycheck.

why is everyone so entitled
UBI is a great way to make life hard again

then who is going to build a new shithole for you when yours is sharted to the brim? your local mayor?

I'm just lmaoing at retards thinking Jews will keep them around and even give them money for nothing after they stop wagecucking. Instead of UBI you're more likely end up in some anonymous mass grave.

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For crypto nerds initially and then spreading out we have Idena.io's DNA as some tiny consolation....CryptoIdenity leading to CryptoUBI. And remember only Idena 'Humans' would be eligible long term. Get in anons seriously with an open mind and embrace it....

Attached: Ideena.png (600x600, 37.38K)

Yes absolutely, UBI is coming and nothing will stop it. The money will quickly become useless though as you and everyone else go out and bid up the prices of goods, which people are now even less motivated to produce.

The question is really how long we will have UBI before it collapses under it's own contradictions.

That’s somebody’s son folks

Have you ever lived in public housing? Have you ever seen public housing? If that’s your thing, go for it.

kind reminder that discord trannies will, in time, be abducted from their homes; bound, gagged, and blindfolded -- NOT in the way they're accustomed to; driven to a remote location, and split open crotch to throat with a chainsaw.

I think it will desu - there's a shit tonne of companies (pretty much anything that's an SME) that are going bust and not coming back. Add to that the fact we're guaranteed a global depression and that free trade is coming to an end and UBI will become essential to keep some populations from rising up.

Technological deflation is accelerating.
The Fed can’t control it.
The N5A’s plan to replace the Fed via BTC and CBDCs will work perfectly in the next decade

are these your videos, user?
i liked the one with the big fat eastern europe crypto dev scammer, too.

is that a tranny?

The UK would rather harvest people than give out UBI

Jesus Christ user no need to go super sayian on the poor bastard. Damn you did him dirty

>Trump has a golden opportunity to cement himself as the most important president of America's history.

*catches breath*