/cvg/ - Corona Virus General #3401

► Detected: 2,657,982 (+22,266) ► Died: 185,353 (+1,287) ► Day: 105 (-13:49:06)

— 5.1 billion people under lockdown —
— 215 countries and territories infected —
— 10.0x more confirmed deaths than H1N1 flu —
— 70 vaccines and 273 treatments announced —
— 3,226 strains have been sequenced —


New symptom: purple or blue lesions on feet and toes, mostly kids

Infection causing sudden strokes in young adults

Latest leaks: Wuhan biolab had been splicing HIV and coronaviruses

Some strains 270 times more infectious than others

Blood thickening associated to infection

88% death rate for patients on ventilators in NY

Leukemia-like symptoms in blood samples from patients

"Recovered" in Japan sick again: reinfected or dormant

Virus can live in the air for several hours

Virus binds to GRP78, third route found

Pandemic to last 18 months and include multiple waves

Antibody tests detect wrong antibodies, binders not neutralizers

▶ 371 new cases and 35 new deaths in Portugal
▶ 116 new cases and 1 new death in Kazakhstan
▶ 887 new cases and 123 new deaths in the Netherlands
▶ 9 new cases in Cabo Verde
▶ 125 new cases and 3 new deaths in Germany
▶ 155 new cases and 23 new deaths in Finland
▶ 5 new cases in Bahamas
▶ 591 new cases and 28 new deaths in Brazil
▶ 6 new cases in Lebanon


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Well anons. We all should have realized by now that we are just at the beginning of this pandemic.
I mean sure now numbers will go down.
After around 2-3 months of heavy restrictions its just normal for that. The sooner a country implimented them the faster it is for them.
Gov. gona think they have it under controle people will be happy as more and more restrictions get lifted.
And heres the point.
What do we know about corona?

>you get very limited to no immunity to it. And even if youre one of the lucky few with immunity all it needs is a new strain of a highly mutating virus
>Just 3-20% get immunity at all
>kills your T-Cells effectively destroying your immun system.
>children don’t build up any immunity at all
>longterm damages to organs like heart, lungs, brain, kidneys, testicles (if you get a more than mild infection)
>reinfection hits a lot harder and deadlier.
>incubation time of 5-28 days.
>survives up to 12h in the air
>survives on objects up to 17 days even with sporadic bleach cleaning (diamond princes)
>mutates fast (already 8 different strains found)
>asymptomic spreaders.
>no cure
>no vaccine

Now think about it. Restrictions get lifted people are happy.
Finaly freedom! Finaly human contact! PARTY! CLOSE CONTACT! FUCKING!
And trust me thousend over thousends will do that the moment they are allowed back into "normalcy".
Now all it needs is 1 single infected in a country. And we're back to square zero.
I mean sure lets say france has a new surge of infected. alot of countrys will ban travel to and from it. But some wont. And from there it spreads even in countrys with the travel ban.

But people will only realize it mostly 5-28 days later.
Now remember.


Hospitals will be full with new infections who got it the first time but are still dying quite a lot.
And with reinfections who will die like flies

We should have learned from the Spanish flu


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is it a nothingburger?



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corona-chan was supposed to save us

No, not even a little. This shit is going to go on for years and it will kill multiple millions.

It's important now to prepare our businesses for the "new normal." I don't see a discussion anywhere. Normies still believe in vaccinces, herd immunity, just a stronger flu.


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Only because the lockdowns are effective.

Remember to disinfect your packages, bros!

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user asked for it

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so it has just slowed because everyone is on lockdown, if things go back to normal it will explode?

Anyone has the graphs of WHO which implied that millions would be dead by now?

I hope this happens to everyone who calls COVID 19 a "nothingburger". And that includes all of those dupes protesting to go back to work.

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I enjoy watching nuffinburgas lifting the goalposts and moving them

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WHO? lol, a random ameriburger poster made it on Excel

but its just the flu bro

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Those who were vulnerable died from the 1st wave of infections.

Those who are healthy, caught it and survived or those who were asymptomatic, will become the new vulnerable for the 2nd wave so that means we should start seeing deaths from all ages.

If not, winter and the seasonal flu will get them instead, then mixed in Corona-chan and winter is shaping up to be pretty fucking ugly.

You heard it here first.

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In the U.S. Don Fuccini wants corona to be the end of handshaking as a custom. 6 weeks of lockdown are worth it if some better society emerges.

Also, restaurant tipping needs to be shunned after this. And Vegas resort fees.

check the death certificate, he probably actually died of something else. it's illegal for Piers Morgan to share his medical information anyway. it's made up

Covided bitch.

Eat the damn pangolin with bat fried rice you ching Chong bastard.

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Kek. Unfortunately.

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Ow my god

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better a dead planet, than a future for nonwhite children.

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wtf i love capeshit now

The gypsy children in my neighborhood have now darker voices than you

>cancer is a nothingburger because chemo sometimes works
The lockdowns are ruining our economy and will have to be ended before the threat is over. So there will be a huge explosion of cases and deaths soon.

>Italian PM conte refuses to reopen anything at the moment
>”We will not slack on the lockdowns until the virus is dead and buried. We will not sellout any of our loved ones for monetary gain.”
>Italy has pushed back talks of reopening to the 4’th of May as their number of daily new infections decreases day for day

How do we make the Italians open their lockdowns, lads?

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And this is with us on lockdown.


>2657982 infected
>185353 dead
stop shilling this stupid bullshit already, this faggot little pandemic won't cause an extinction level event

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i like the galactic cataclysm better desu senpai

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best booru tag

Vegas is dead. The virus primarily spreads inside buildings or any closed indoor space. Walking your dog outside is fine but going to work/party/whatever with people inside a building is a death trap.
I don't know if hotels, cruises, and any other related industry will recover any time soon.
No bailout is going to save these industries they are DOA
Corona-chan is going to remake the world in her image

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Why do we force non-essential personnel to work frivolous jobs just to make enough money to survive? If anything this shutdown shows that we need UBI.

world is a fuck etc

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China lied people died

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All of this for a succulent Chinese meal

>yfw India is more accurate than UK and Italy in both performed tested and people tested.

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>Boomers sold out the younger generations manufacturing jobs to chinks
>They created airborne aids in the process

Boomers explain yourselves

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dude I turned it for you it's annoying me 2nd thread in a row.
get bak in cagie

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▶ 30 new cases in Azerbaijan
▶ 125 new cases and 4 new deaths in Germany
▶ 31 new cases and 2 new deaths in Croatia
▶ 751 new cases and 84 new deaths in Sweden

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All of this for a world ending bioweapon

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>The U.N. refugee agency UNHCR voiced mounting concern on Thursday over a “grave immediate risk” to Rohingya refugees aboard boats in the Bay of Bengal and Andaman Sea, urging Southeast Asian nations not to close avenues to asylum.

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