I love my brazilian bros.
We have a lot of you here in Portugal and it's all love.
But look at the background of pic related.
When are you going to fix the favela problem in Brazil?
Brazil: heaven on earth fucked by people
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always annoys me to see big shoulders cause its just a complete giveaway ur a juicing faggot
ohp doesnt do shit either u literally have to do thousands of shoulder flys for good width naturally which no one does
I only see males on that pic
ur wiimen arent that nice but they no how to suck cock
>I love my brazilian bros
>loving men
Pic is for you.
>When are you going to fix the favela problem in Brazil?
kill the men and take the women
>ohp doesnt do shit
You are doing them wrong. And it’s always the HUGE traps that are the giveaway
They’re not our bros’, they are the subhuman niggers of our race, forever lost to a mix of native and African genomes
And the culture, don’t get me started on the culture, no matter the colour of a Brazilians skin, for even the whitest Brazilian is still infected by a monkey culture and is on the inside one of them
yo why mutts are posting on this thread?
fuck off
>When are you going to fix the favela problem in Brazil?
Bolsonaro is working on it, give him time
You guy's won't probably trust me. But I know personnaly this Dude on the pic.
Not the roid gut?
Which one of them?
Snatch grip high pulls faggot, stop making excuses for yourself.
mmmm the one on the left. uma delicia
Brazilian culture was not the freakshow that it is today, just a few decades ago. The change is the consequence of a decades long process of de-culturization brought about by leftist indoctrination.
Leftist indocrination = lack of high standards, elevating monkey behavior as good behavior, sexual liberation, anti-Christian, no ethics, deconstructionism, and on and on.
Wtf you love us, we hate you.
You Portuguese are responsible for the situation of brazil. Your forefathers thought mating with blacks and natives was a good idea. My grandfather which is white, blond and has blue eyes is poor and lives in a favela is (believe it or not there are some whites in favelas, most of them came from the countryside to the city) constantly atacked by his mulatto and negros neighbors that hate him. They play fking degenerated song till 6am and he cant sleep so he go crazy and start throwing rocks at them.
This is the reason im racist nowadays, as long as white men is a minority he will be attacked or disturbed
Everytime i visit him i look at the fking favela building and that remember your people did. Im gladful you guys are gonna get ruled by non whites just like my grandfather in a few years
nut in the mutt
Kek. The one with Tatoos. He's the Nephew of my uncle's 2nd wife. True story. Don't know him well. He's a cool Chad
>calling others mutts
Favelas are only a thing in Rio de Janeiro. The real problem are poor neighborhoods which become "favelized". This can only be solved through economic development and proper urban management, which is hard because, as you know, we're really, really an unruly people.
It looks a bit like Porto to be honest, except i don't see the junkies begging you to buy drugs
I've gone to Ny and South brazil is way better
Nah dude. Boys on steroids. Cant deny it.
>fix the favela problem
nukes from orbit
No, ned, you're just a pussy.
It's not going to happen in a couple of years.
>When are you going to fix the favela problem in Brazil?
Less than 6% of brazilians live in favelas
There are favelas in Portugal where africana live
Thought I fixed it when I ran one many army pro, ACR noob tubing and called in a nuke after 3 minutes back in 2010?
You are responsible for this, you Portuguese which is an already mixed race people (arab+nigger+some white) decided to rape as much blacks and natives as you could, so you deserve everything that is happening in your country
This shit is only a thing in north-northeast
based chad
Bro stfu, this country was a failure since Portuguese (Arabs) decided to fuck blacks
It's not. I'm from the far south.
which the chance, fella?
bleaching is far more effective than nukes
> I'm in a bad situation
> It's not my fault
grow up
So kill yourself already you stupid loser.
Wtf, u blind or something? Every region in this shithole has favelas
get the fuck out
my g*d sauce
when we elect someone with enough balls to burn that shit down and order the army to kill everyone that lives in that shithole.
I live in a predominantly white part of Portugal and I’ve seen 2 niggers in 3 months of wandering my city and they were tourists. Whatever ‘arab’ you’re referencing isn’t some cockroach hairy arab it’s usually white Levantine Jewish/Semitic admixture, to which we are blended, Not the jungle circus of monkeys the Brazilian ‘empire’ has become
Your country should be wiped off this planet either by plague or by bomb
I went to Portugal and Sao Paulo is 10 times better
Im not in a bad situation financially, but i do live in a shit country, which is not my fault
guy in the picture is probably already dead.
I live during 5 years in Spain and the iberian península is a shithole.
The only advantage you have over latinos is that you can use your passports to move to Germany
Not everybody gets a roid gut, but the abnormal traps are always there
yeah for real NYC is a shithole, absolutely horrible place, even more of a meme city than Paris
Mentiroso do caralho, moro em Sp e aqui é um lixo, literalmente
kys jude
Pra voce ver o lixo que é Portugal
that face on the green dress
forever mad
and is portugal responsible for your current situation?
you as a society could not do better with the carts you have been dealt?