Are you planning on changing your consumer habits due to the coronavirus?
I am trying to avoid all Chinese products. It is a hassle, but I am doing it anyway.
Are you planning on changing your consumer habits due to the coronavirus?
I am trying to avoid all Chinese products. It is a hassle, but I am doing it anyway.
I already was avoiding products made in China.
Been doing this for a while. It can be difficult, but it needs to be done. Fuck China.
I have been shopping only once per week for food as a result of this, and I think I will continue to do that. previously I would get groceries every day.
based nippa, urge abe to ship all production to india or bangaldeshi
dont even use vietnam lol their quality is shit
Made anywhere but China any time I can moving forward in my life.
i already did whereever possible but soem markets are pretty much cornered thx to the boomers.
Already have
No more eating out, except maybe Nayeon. Done having people with shithands sell me overpriced beetus meals.
The effective US tariff is at about 25-30%. 10% more would be devastating and many many products would either move to domestic production or to places like Mexico/CostaRica.
I am hopeful that JPN/Korea/Germany impose similar tariffs to pay for corona.
I have opened a dispute on all my AliExpress orders, so far out of 24 about 20 were accepted. Without full tracking they can’t prove your purchase arrived at your door, and with this whole pandemic they won’t even question too much.
Most of these already arrived, so free stuff. Fuck chinks.
Probably going to stop getting Chinese food.
I don't think I could avoid buying other Chinese products though, they're the vast majority of stuff and are often cheaper. I try to buy American when I can, but money's tight, especially nowadays.
Everyone's about to drastically change their consumer habits whether they wanted to or not
>be greasy Yas Forumstard
>c-chinks are bad
>*stomach grumbles*
>opens a (((food delivery app)))
>slurps on Panda Express and become even more greasy
That's the reality of this LARP board and its hypocritical ways.
No Chinese shit for me. I'm also openly advocating for war with China.
started putting effort into it years ago. it isn't even hard unless you're only willing to pay walmart prices for items.
Good luck finding products not made in China.
i've been doing my best to avoid chinese products for years, because it is always disappointing garbage
Yeah avoiding chink shit now
The world should punish China
Fuck off, Pooland, before we sell you back to Ivan again.
I haven't been able to eat fucking Snickers for two years now because they (((temporarily))) moved production from Australia to fucking Chinkodia. How anyone could eat anything made in fucking china even before the chinese flu is beyond me, but at least now people have a strong reason to.
I was doing that before, as well as trying to shop local as much as I can. Anytime you buy at a national chain, you're allowing your dollars to be sucked out of your community, sent to whatever coast the headquarters is on, and then finally shipped to the off-shore tax haven.
I will be buying more Chinese products as less demand will cause the price to be cheaper
Already tried to the best of my ability, but I will be even more diligent now. Fuck China.
>I already was avoiding products made in China.
lol, no you're not, you fucking retard. Even things you think are completely made in America are at most assembled here. America is an import-driven economy, it is literally impossible to survive without buying SOMETHING made from China
Yes. Already did, but will be more diligent.
>I am trying to avoid all Chinese products. It is a hassle, but I am doing it anyway.
I decide to buy myself a nice warm down coat. Late winter is always the best time to buy winter items cuz they go on sale and I did not desperatly need a new coat. So I decided on an Arcteryx since was nice leaf based climb to the top of the world kind of shit.
Got my new coat label says made in chynah I think WTF even the leafs cant make fucking down coats anymore.
I bought pictures of your mom from China
Yeah no penny for anything Made in USA
Never going to a bar or any small enclosed spaces with lots of people again.
Definitely boycotting China.
Israel too.
I only buy products from Israel because it's illegal not to.