Male vs Roasties

what is the real reason behind the differences in sportwear between men and women, for the exact same activities.

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roasties are bad at sports. their bodies act as the only thing people actually watch at their events.

They should wear same. Most of them are quite disgusting

Patriarchy and Sexism

I suppose it would be optimal for men in non-contact sports to only wear tightie whities to keep their junk tucked in. Kinda like sumos

In this case, the answer is unironically "patriarchy and sexism". Funny though that you never hear women or feminists bitching about this. Surprising, right? "Feminists" are actually the #1 purveyors of actual patriarchy and sexism. They glorify whorishness and the actual exploitation of women at every turn.

all female athletes are trannies

They can't run shirtless becuase they need somewhere to stick the number and man wearing a belly top looks gay

cmon man

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Realistically, homophobia keeps men from changing up their wardrobe. Ex:

Women somehow always find a way to display their body parts they think it’s hot. Women are superficial and void humans

based and acceded level of actual feminism friend

That's an ethot handle waiting to happen

>Polish guy in the middle

yeah, everything checks out.

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this. the only reason i watch female football is because i wanna see sweaty bouncing boobs

>naked women are a product of patriarchy

Kek, are you feeling well? Patriarchal societies have women dressing modestly. Stuff like miniskirts, ecc. were popularized with 2nd wave feminism

how do you even pronounce this fucking name man

Must be sad that the only thing you can offer to society is your body

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And in the real world, all those titties and asses being flashed in your faces, thots and whoring are exactly because of feminism and women being allowed to do whatever the fuck they want, "patriarchy and sexism" has nothing to do with this.

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Bitch ass, I wouldn’t be complaining about what other people are contributing to society while you sit on your ass all day and shitpost on Yas Forums

Wtf is wrong with you? Nobody wants to stare at a dude's ass in a g string

Its easy, lad.
You pronouce is Grzegorz Brzeczyszczykiewicz.

Attached: 1587637924244.gif (250x188, 1.96M) generate viewers or money..

ah got it now. rolls off the tongue pretty easy. thanks friend

posts some good pro athlete oops

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They could save a whole lot on laundry by going olympic like the greek.

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Womens main sport is to show off their bodies. Everything else is just an excuse to go along with it.

Mens sublimation is ignoring sex to focus on intellectual activities, womens sublimation is to show their bodies in a non sexual context

Men need more space for benis
Women need sports bra to hold back titties
Are you retarded?

It's something that feminist can complain about. Like most feminist causes, it's as sexist as the individual feminist wants it to be.

>Women wear more modest clothing? Patriarchy.

>Women wear more revealing clothing? Patriarchy.

Nobody gives a shit that male athletic swimmers wear morenrevealing swimsuits than female swimmers. The reality is that athletes are fit and love to show off their bodies and feminists have to find some way to politicize it. If female athletes really felt bad about it I'm sure there are accommodations like there are for femalebmuslim athletes but really they don't give a shit.

That's an image from a comedy movie.
Search for his name on youtube. Can't post here because webm without sound wouldn't be funny.

>what is the real reason behind the differences in sportwear between men and women, for the exact same activities.
The difference is the surplus of money generated by the contract for TV when women are half naked.

Last year when athletics championships were held in Qatar several Finnish female athletes actually complained in mainstream media about local men not approving their skimpier clothing, and no feminist told them to just respect local patriarchy.

Those who run sports competitions make girls wear less clothes to pull in more viewers. This is true for both the Olympics and other world championships.

They put pressure on the coaches and managers of the teams, and then managers make the girls wear these clothes. The girls don't want to lose their opportunity, which they have worked their entire life to get, so they comply.





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Gregor Brezizikiwiks

Take a second, if you will, from this modern cacophony of furious light and noise. Gradually and gently block out any stimuli that might distract you. Let yourself sink deeper and deeper into your inner sensations, focusing all of your conscious energy on your olfactory memories. With long, slow, leisurely inhalations, use these sensory memories to conceptualize the aromas and fragrances that might waft through the redolent vapours found in this scene. Savour it. It’s all your my friend.