Socialised healthcare shills will ignore this

Socialised healthcare shills will ignore this.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Total confirmed COVID-19 deaths per million people.png (1015x718, 85.45K)

They just aren't doing it right.

What's going on in Germany?

They'll ignore a large disparity among similar countries and conclude that the explanation is elsewhere?

wtf are belgium doing ?

Idk man they're dying at 100x the rate we are so they're fucking up big-time.

In Germany it's the younger people who mostly got the virus instead of the boomers like in France or Italy.

Germany got rid of Jews, Blacks, disabled and anyone who wasn't pure in the late 30s and 40s. They knew this was coming.

All of the ones I know entered their autism fort in February and haven't emerged since.

>50 countries in europe
>8 are total retards
>system of bad!
yes, anglojew the system is bed because you are a cheap jew

Where is Japan,Cuba,Singapore, S Korea,China ect? This just proves Euros are retards and we already knew that.

Socialist fags will continue to shit talk the USA but it won't stop them from asking for our ventilators and other medical supplies. In the end the USA shoulders the burden again while the snobs in Europe look down on us. Lucky for them we don't care what they think.

Germanic blood is currently the highest IQ bloodline on earth. The Romans did a lot of natural selection with war, plague did a lot of selection for intelligence through the middle ages, and then the two world wars got rid of all the cannon fodder, leaving behind the ones clever enough to survive a war.

If the soviets hadn't infiltrated Germany after WW2 and deliberately suppressed the freight-train IQ rise, we'd be looking at German moon colonies and German orbital tethers and German asteroid mining operations right this second.


T. Someone who never worked with German engineers

They are dumber than black community college students

>What's going on in Germany?
German crematoriums are notoriously effective so they can just burn the bodies really quick and say nobody died.

European Asians

If you are not from Germany they don't count your death a a German death.
Nobody beats the Germans at pencil whipping the numbers.

What is up with Belgium's surprising come-from-behind victory? The little country that could.

Lol. They're literally like 10% turks

Get a load of this Hungarian faggot praising socialised healthcare when they're the EU country where people are most likely to bribe a doctor to jump the queue or get better treatment lmao.
The absolute lack of self awareness.

Attached: Untitled.jpg (1205x719, 204.11K)

They look down their noses at us even as they accept our handouts.

Non shizo answer:
>virus has spread mainly among young people
>most old people are already fairly socially isolated in nursing homes
>generally healthier population
>fantastic healthcare

It's surprising that they got any "Yes" answers out of those countries in green. I presume bribing a doctor there is a crime, right? I wonder how many people would lie about that on a survey and say they've never done it.

keeping shitskins stuffed in ghettos like sardines
ask your grandpa how disease spread through jewish ghettos in WW2
only this time they keep them out of good areas with money

>>virus has spread mainly among young people
>>most old people are already fairly socially isolated in nursing homes
This applies to most countries.
Its not like outside Germany young people live in nursing homes and old people go out more and spread the virus.

>>fantastic healthcare
But then why is somewhere like Switzerland so bad?
Or the US where the health care is so good you have to actually pay for it?

Google Belgian health minister and prepare your sides.

They've always punched above their weight. Whether it's colonisation, opposing Germany in WW1, and now, dying.

>industrial power
>generally obedient population except for a few tanned germans
>didn't pretend it was just a little flu, took the matter seriously
>simple and efficient chain of command
>closed the borders, no "virus has no passport" meme

>>closed the borders, no "virus has no passport" meme

So basically they did well because of their inherent racism?

We do have socialized healthcare, just like everything else here it's socialized for the rich.
Insurance companies and government squeeze as much as they can out of you and give as little as they can back, red lined to the breaking point.
Complex propaganda brainwashes the chattel to keep the motor running.

Volkswagen's cars don't pollute

>most old people are already fairly socially isolated in nursing homes
I don't know about that. Maybe I've been memed but I thought multi-generational households were much more common in Southern Europe.

Germany counts people who died from C.V. others count died with C.V.

you havent said anything to prove me wrong so keep seething subhuman englishman, we will kill you all

The guy was making it sound like nursing homes are a uniquely German thing.
Good point about multi generational homes though.

Yeah those as well. Also we have a pretty effective balance between national regulations and individual state measures.
Of course it's not like that, but older folks in other countries especially italy have a lot more social contact. Also the initial infections where mostly in younger age groups
>Or the US where the health care is so good you have to actually pay for it?

>Insurance companies and government squeeze as much as they can out of you and give as little as they can back, red lined to the breaking point.
You have better healthcare than most of Europe because you pay more. This is what socialist shills don't understand. Government provided healthcare is shit because it's cheap.

Your health system literally runs on brine ie people with more money get better treatment. Fuck off shill.

Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 How does the quality of the U S healthcare system compare to other countries - Peterson-Kaiser Health[...].png (1462x845, 86.35K)

Hungary more like Hungry
GTFO kike spread your jew-commie garbage somewhere else.

Attached: Pinochet would be prouder.png (560x514, 261.93K)

>someone from western europe gets shit talked
>responds with banter in kind or at worst just gets smug and sanctimonious
>someone from eastern europe gets shit talked
>we will kill you all lol

why is it always like this without fail

This is why Western Europe is fucked and Eastern Europe is christian and white.