What ya'll think about that?

What ya'll think about that?

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bix nood muhfugga

never post on this website again please

this is now a humour thread

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Sounds like they want to return to normal.

isn't that what they've already done?
after all, those slaves enslave and organize themselves

I thought that was already happening

Yo can I get an invite to the discord your on?

>Implying that isn’t already the case

Awwww lawdy basketball watermelon basketball


Ah! Utopia!

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>implying they weren't already living off white people

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I think your grandma spread her legs willingly for an entire battalion of squat Russian steppe mongols in 1945, and waved off their offers of payment in cigarettes.

think they have 100 years left then

Imagine being so sub koko the gorilla IQ to think this wasn't the reality beforehand. It's not like black flight has ever been a thing has it?

I think he means another 400 years.

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How about you pay us back for all the welfare you have taken first.


What does this even mean


Says a lot this nigger is complaining about white people wanting to work while implying they are lazy, maybe some day his retard gorilla brain will have two neurons rub against each other by accident and he will figure out that the jews were the slave owners not the whites.

But they do.

Gibs me dat white boy.

So back to normal then?

Where does this 400 year figure come from? Who can't add?
1492-1865, the maximum possible timeframe, is less than 400 years. English didn't start colonies in the U.S. until early 1600s. Slavery came even later, as early colonists were religious refugees.
200 years. Maybe. Not 400.

>he will figure out that the jews were the slave owners not the whites.
But I read a nice blog article explaining how that is all really just a white racist hoax, user.

Truth, fuck these lazy crackers

How about we just give you nigger retards absolutely nothing and kill you at the first sign of illegal activity?

stop whitemansplaining!

>we live of halls labor

Wait, this wasn't already the case?

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Lmao US niggers have been living off of the white man's labour for over 400 years already

for every $10,000 in taxes I have to pay from now on I'm going to lynch a nigger in minecraft. It's easy when you can make it look like an accident at your job.

So, no change then


Poetic. Nice, Straya.

I think niggers are stupid.

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Niggers have been living off other races since they fist met them.

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only a matter of time.

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They already do. It's called WIC, Public Aid and so on.

The irony is it would be better for us if we provided 100% of all gibs for them as long as we could racially segregate so we didn't have to deal with stuff like imprisoning them or policing them with white police.
It's better for us to not have them employed in our companies or jiving around town with their niggerisms in the long run, they just gum up the works. Better that they stay home.

Attached: the niggerest.webm (1280x720, 2.07M)

As if they haven't been for decades already?

>Not living off wellfare

Also slavery didn't last that long.

Difficile de ne pas grimacer.

or how bout "y'all" go back to africa and stop profiting off a country built by whites

A rare based leaf

>America as a country didn’t exist until 1776 - any slavery before then was British slavery, not American
>Slavery ended in 1861

Even if we ignore every other fallacy in this nigger’s argument, American slavery was a thing for LESS THAN 100 YEARS. Where are niggers getting this “400 years” thing recently?

I fully support reperations mainly due to the insane amounts of drama that it will create.

To be eligeable for the freebux the black person in question must actually come from slave stock. If their family emigrated to america after slavery then they are only eligeable for a smaller amount. If they are found to have family members who owned slaves thena re are liable for nothing and will have their names posted onto an open database.

Americans than are direct descendants of slaves will get a lump sum payment of the full agreed amount. This will not apply for anyone born after 2000.

The black community will rip itself apart as slave owner blacks will be attacked, people who didnt get the full amount will be furious, low quality blacks that have the full amount will be robbed and/or spend it on drugs, high quality blacks will be treated like white people by other blacks and will probably be welcomed into normal society.

There are no doubt a million other drama variables that i am missing here too!


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>why isn't he waking up?
>i don't know man, i'm jerking him off but it's not working!

Just watched a pretty solid video about this sentiment:

Sure thing.
Hope your community garden can feed a few thousand.

I don’t think people actually realize that niggers are so terrible this would be a net positive

baka he’s right, fuck huwites

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This. I posted before scrolling through the thread and had the same comment. British slavery in the colonies began in 1619. “American” slavery wasn’t a thing until “America” was a thing, so it technically began in 1776. That’s about 160 years of British reparations compared to about 90 years from America

Although the concept of “reparations” implies they weren’t already paid. It’d be like a grocer showing up at your house every week and demanding you pay him back for the apples you bought 20 years ago. You already paid him multiple times. Americans (Jews) didn’t STEAL slaves from Africa. They BOUGHT them. Blacks were paid for their slaves.

so in other words... go back to the way shit already was

I support this idea. Fire up the money machines.

niggers have been living off White labor though.