And that interracial and gay relationships are optimal. What else did The Walking Dead teach you?
This show taught me that soccer moms are badasses
that women are whores and never trust a spic
Thanks user, now I have a fetish for short haired jewish milfs, imagine her pegging you, slapping your ass and calling you her bitch?? Omg
That human skulls are as strong as wet tissue paper.
That I can sit through a tv show where literally nothing happens besides walking for at least a few seasons before quitting
Don't forget about rimming.
>"learning" from a literal CIA mind control program
What the hell is wrong with you? Why are you still taking the televised jew pill in 2020? Yoi should know better
that point blank gunshots are as loud as a firecracker
I made it 2 seasons. It went on for what? Fucking 15? Learned that people will watching fucking anything. Same thing with Lost. What a shit show.
This is beyond ridiculous on the show. Little girls smash skulls of zombies with a spoon effortlessly.
Based - the Hollywood magik jew channels your programming through a black cube
that no matter how interesting or competent a show might seem to be, it’s still produced and marketed by dumb jews
fiction is a part of the entertainment industry, folks, and don’t you forget it
I learned that keeping tigers, Apex predators known for hunting people, make good pets in times when food like meat is scarce, and that said tiger would obey my commands and not eat me
Is that the russian military babe?
It follows a classic soap opera format that never ends. My mom used to watch as the world turns, it was on every single day for like 30 years with no end
Dumas. Yes.
Yea but you have to a magical nigger to use your earth ape magic to have a mind meld with zombie eating tiger, it fed on zombies r-right??
It was so hot when Ezekiel and Carol got together. I had been fantasizing about that for ages. Hecking epic. Didn't like the Rick and Michonne relationship though.
Truly baffling.
My grandmother did the same.
I haven't bothered with that Netflix thing yet. I don't think I'm going to.
What is a soccer mom?
That 90% of shoes get progressively worse after the second season. Then they start pushing degenerate themes.
Is it because they know it's gone to shit, because they get funding from a gay mafia or are they trying to find a new (degenerate) audience because their ratings are dropping?
take the zombies and kike shit out and it would be a pretty comfy way to live.
She looks like shes made of plastic.
im pretty sure that they killed off the main character and his son last season and it's still going
Haha yep, all these shows out now are modern soap operas and the rubes eat this shit up. The show started off normal with white male/female relationships and then turned into an interracial lgbtq fuck fest
Spinoff shows are always faggotry of the highest order.
That Negan was the only based character in that entire shit show.
Thank god I grew tired of this show in season 2. From what iv found, its only woman watching this crap. What is it with women and zombie flicks.
They are going to make three movies too.
Oh so 25 seasons? I haven't even had cable TV since 2015. Can't seem to escape this place though.
>What else did The Walking Dead teach you?
- don't get cucked by your Jewish cop friend
- don't be a cuck and raise another man's child
- don't look to women for guidance
- value the advice from the "racist", practical white man
- don't let children or women wander around a settlement unaccompanied
- if a man in a virology lab offers you a quick, painless method of suicide in a shit apocalypse, accept it
- ruling through force is always a better option than being allowed to rule through democracy
- the probability of things going to shit can be expressed as a function of the number of non-whites present
I can't believe I made it 4-5 seasons of that shit
It’s a type of American mom who drives her kids to soccer games because her husband is a business man who’s never around.
They are typically clean and attractive, outgoing and trying to find chads to fuck them, they ignore their kids but force them to play sports because they think it will make them healthy and successful. They drive large expensive SUVs
he was fucking cringe.
I skipped every part when he opened his stupid mouth.
That slingshots fired by deaf niggers are like bullets.
>thinking fake stories made by incels are reality
Lol you must be one of those idiots who thinks everything is "cringe" and spends his day posting frog emotes on discord
This show has sucked for some time, both of them, but this season is unbearable. I just cant fucking sit thru a single episode.
I particularly liked when Rosita, the sexy latina chick, rejected the white nerd and chose the black preacher, instead, for his BBC.
That you are allowed to kill NPCs
Pushing degeneracy is always their main goal. Shows also don't go to shit by second season, they're shit by default, only the first season they put more effort into and hold back with the degeneracy to attract people who think this might actually be a good show and then they end first season on a cliffhanger to get people hooked and start pushing degeneracy in season 2. It's ideological warfare
>The world falls apart
>Imagine still giving a shit about who's fucking whom
Do you fags ever get tired of this?
>value the advice from the "racist", practical white man
He'd probably still be alive if he didn't let Samurai Shaniqua crawl inside his head
Seriously, how do I teach my cat to do this?
I watched season 1 and stopped watching early into season 2 when it devolved into a tearful drama.
get him high off his rocker on catnip and he will do as you command.
Dunno but I've seen several versions so they must have taught him how to do it pretty well.
Enid was the hottest girl on the show.
Is this real?
How did cat learn such dance?
God, you cat ladies are fucking unbearable.
Hahaha tre-mendous!
Ah ok thanks. I find it interesting how Americans always create an individual term for every, even most minute phenomenon. Also you like to make your abbreviations into real words, like with the article 447 being purposefully named such as its abbreviation is JUST and countless other such cases.
A fucking demon.
Soccer moms are not a minute phenomena though, it's pervasive.
He's a good boy.
To hate people that watch this kind of bullshit. The walking dead, in it's entirety, including the workers on this show, are leftist pieces of shit. That those that work for this show, deserve nothing and should be removed from society. These fucksticks are complicit with abortion, and they proved it when they threatened to pull the show out of Georgia over the abortion legislation that was passed. These fuckbag subhuman commies don't even have a technicial advisor when it comes to firearms use. They also have done nothing to enhance the genre of zombie media, and have done everything possible to make it as cringe as hell.
Specifically Carol. Fuck this whore. Nothing about this show is good. It must be destroyed.
S1, S2 were realistic, Zombies were metaphor for Ferguson hordes (tv cannot show shooting hundreds of people in the face every week, but muh Zombies, ok fine), thus brought non-scifi and middle america viewership that skyrocketed show to popularity.
Then added internet shilling an after show.
And then ruined by wokeness and stronkness (women carrying and shoulder firing M1A1 on full auto, surely a lightweight airsoft gun, cgi muzzle flash, magically reloading and no one carries any ammo).Became a cartoon, that middle america viewership stopped watching.
Kill all the main Men characters every time popularity dipped, and they rode the show into the ground...
It has essentially already destroyed itself. Calm down. Jeeze.
Spread some peanut butter on its asshole and then lick it off, then he will teach you the dance of his people.
Yeah it's kinda obvious the success of this show was mostly bought and paid for. People talk about in media all the time, never in real life. I tried watching it and it's nothing but assholes talking and being overly dramatic as nothing happens. Then your typical Jewish race-mixing and liberal propaganda as well.
Haven't watched this jewish indoctrination, why have you?
this show promoted a group of people that wanted to retain their humanity and morals during inhumane times, that is what made that show good
last seasons were made by jews and suck heavily