
Has anyone actually read this subreddit as a morbid curiosity to see what these Asian incels think? It's one of the most rabidly anti-white subreddits out there. They compare all WMAF men to be like Peter Scully, and not only that, but their anti-white hatred isn't only excluded to men who engage in WMAF relationships, but it's just white people in general. They think that WMAF is a form of white supremacy and the epitome of all evil. As a rough overview, here's what r/hapas love.

>Elliot Rodger
>Lindsay Kantha Souvannarath
>Charles Sobhraj
>Black cocks
>Keanu Reeves
>Reynhard Sinaga
>Shitflooding Yas Forums with cuckold porn
>BBC News
>Chapo Traphouse

What r/hapas hates

>White supremacy
>Peter Scully
>John Derbyshire
>Richard Spencer
>Based Stickman
>David Coppin

Am I missing anything?

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Imagine knowing all this

did you really come on Yas Forums to ask us about reddit
please go back

Well, they raid us constantly. So I just decided to check them out to see what they're all about.

I would encourage anons to take pity on the sorry lot of half-breeds

dont say "us", and please get out

HAPAs are traitorous spawn of Gog and Magog born to obliterate whites. The Chinese used to marry off their daughters to Scythian men to try and Chinkofy their offspring to be more likely to submit to or ally with China. Only HAPAs that are good are the ones that mix back into white but they are a disgusting minority

>Only HAPAs that are good are the ones that mix back into white but they are a disgusting minority
Aren't they? You would think it would be a good mix because both are intelligent but nope. Just shows you that race-mixing is absolutely subhuman. I don't condone it, but after reading their screeds, I now feel like spamming them with WMAF porn just for the lulz.

He doesn't wash his hands, draws BBC porn all day, wife is fucking Jergen, 2 inch micro-penis. The very definition of Tenda Spencer.

This is an actual comic from the sub LOL

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You seem to think that WMAF isn't bad. Literally the result each and every time is a racial devoid insectoid muttman manlet and chinlet that ends up spamming blacked and writing "made for bbc" of it's a girl then she ends up taking the "b"bc. Race mixing is a sin user and the punishment is fierce, that sub proves it.

Genuinely don't recognise the 5 names you put in the hates column, and only recognise elliot rodger and keanu reeves in the love column.

Why are they so irrelevant?

There is nothing more wrong with hapas than any other mix - these people are just shitty people and want to blame something

I'm hapa and pro-white.
I don't understand the mindset of people like what OP described.
Most Asian Americans are huge assholes and either laugh or attack me when I tell them about me being part Asian (I'm a quarter), they just perceive me as a white person.
Asians are whiny entitled twats that get angry when they're perceived as an "other" in white countries, they're literally too narcissistic and dense to realize they aren't in their ethnic homeland, they feel entitled to whitey's because they were born there, which is true of all non-whites in white countries.

This is true though
t. manlet son of a 6'1 aryan chad dad

You are paranoid, whiteboi

>has anyone been to this reddit larp subreddit lately

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Most of them are Canadians.

Hapa genocide when?

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Yeah it's non stop butthurt about "why do white people not put Asians in media in white lands"...

They have a grain of truth in what they say, but my fuck they take it too far. It really is just a half Asian version of r/incels. The main issue in WMAF is that, somewhat frequently, the pair is between a self-hating Asian mom and a chauvinist white supremacist-y man (often a low quality man) that produces a really horrible environment for a half Asian kid. This is the sort of thing that creates Supreme Gentlemen. If you hear a guy in a WMAF relationship taking about how submissive and sexy Asian women are, or an Asian woman taking about how much she hates her culture or how much she hates Asian men, you can bet they’re going to produce a few Elliotts. It’s not just from Asian women in Asia either, Western-born Asians are often worse for self-hating. r/hapas loves AMWF because it completely subverts this dynamic that they so hate.

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Must be hard for them. Like their woman legit don't want to fuck them. No larp either. We all know woman don't want blacks since yahoo personals hack.

Based dudes desu.

Daily reminder if you are a hapa with an Asian mother and White father you are the lowest lifeform on the planet.

You will NEVER compete with Asian father and White mother hapa chads. They will take all the hapa women and you will always be a seething WFAM cuckhold faggot.

I don’t understand, what’s wrong here?

>We all know woman don't want blacks since yahoo personals hack.
This is cope.

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Here we go with the coping whiteboi throwing in anti BBC propaganda to feel better about himself

They got lil' dicks and unlike us, they actually never get laid.

For some reason they blame right wing whites and not Jews for this...

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They're not asian tho


Yep, WMAF hapas have to deal with the fact that they're the product of a fetish combined with an inferiority complex.
They have to forever deal with the knowledge that the first look their mother ever gave them was one of disgust because they resembled an asian too much. They know that their mother cried and had severe postpartum depression because they couldn't white wash their genes enough.
AMWF hapas don't have this problem.

Porn is not real life, mustafa

Indeed, that's why I didn't post porn, Pedro.

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