Do you think people from Plebbit are under the influence of substance?

They are mostly young people, from big cities and debates on Plebbit are homogenous, they are reducible to generalities and abstractions like racism, openness, freedum, discrimination etc. In any case, it's the worst example of echo chamber, because it's so boring. Yet redditors seem to be satisfied, is it because of substance use? Because I can't imagine anybody sober being satisfied with echo chamber full of abstractions?

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Which one is the male?

Both were?

Take this and be happy user

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Neither, if that creature really had a father it wouldn't let it wear a wig and a dress.

>because of substance use
Most likely, look into the eyes of those creatures in your image, not much going on in there.

man oh man


It's because they are easily amused NPCs that never dare to leave their safety bubble.
Much of that kind of behaviour comes down to personality traits I would say.

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But if it's repetitive, then can this be just personality? Like your mind doesn't even tell you something is wrong?

Also saved.

Anything else would require 'effort' oh their side deciding on desired content and then searching or filtering through a little bit.

Remember TV?

You unlearn the ability to feel what you want and don't even know the diversity thats out there. Yet it all seems to be so personalized. (subreddits, the algorithm)

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I honestly thought it was a real female for a second... that's how low the bar is set to be a female on plebbit

Why would you assume pleddit people are happy? The ones saying something might be wrong are just downboated to oblivion.

All redditors are mentally ill cringetards the result of generational brainwashing there's no hope for them

thats just how brits look

Surprised he didn’t just kill himself
>terminally ill
>daughter is a freak and a faggot


They've fried their brains with a cocktail of cannabis and MDMA

The old man's face, holy fuck

>if you only knew how bad things really are

Not sure what the problem is? That's a 10/10 here in bongland

"Where did my son go?"

This has been replicated over and over and over again.

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It's important we understand the connection.

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yes their landlords need to talk with them

Not liking repetiveness is associated to things like lack of neophilia ( = novelty seeking) and need for structure/safety/predictability. I believe there is truth to the söyboy meme, we know how T levels can alter behaviour and way of thinking (also, interestingly autists/spergs tend to have high T levels and and extremely male-like brain).
If I had to guess the big 5 personality traits of the average Yas Forumsack would be
-High introversion
-Low agreeableness
-Average to below average Conscientiousness
-Moderately high neuroticism
-High openness
A r*edditor instead would be more woman-brained, with high neuroticism (don't offend me, respect muh pronouns), high agreeableness (wants to be liked and cares about how everyone feels/need validation), low openness (never think outside the box and conform to what is socially acceptable, label everyone who disagrees with you a racist/sexist etc. left wing ideology with its preoccupation for the poor/waek offers a safety net to a person wich on the inside feels very weak and powerless).

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>dad, I'm gay. Now gtfo of your own house to hospice

What do you think is causing our mental health crisis?

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The look of pain and disgust on the dad's face says it all.

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They're dopamine addicts being programmed by social media. This is why they're such retard house nigger slaves because they're getting all their programming from Facebook, Twitter or Reddit. And they literally get hits of dopamine every time they get imaginary internet points for regurgitating right think.

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I'm often on "substances" and I enjoy this echo chamber. Try not being a teetotaler and maybe you'll understand how silly your question is.

pol is less of an echo chamber because pol doesn't use the abstract language of liberalism.