Payment Status Not Available

Let it be known that Trump is an actual fucking kike who cares more about his reputation and image than the people he was elected to represent.

9 consecutive days of millions of Americans not only not receiving their stimulus checks, but also not being informed at all whether or not one's coming, and why. All because of a simple IRS fuckup it absolutely refuses to acknowledge. An entire cottage industry of useless MSM self-help articles pointing to the useless IRS FAQ on the matter has sprung up, insisting over and over again that there is indeed a logic to this obvious assbackwards retarded state of affairs.

And what has Trump done in the face of all this? Parked his fat ass on Twitter posting countless inane, mundane, irrelevant announcements while hundreds or thousands of people who trusted him plead and beg him to acknowledge the issue. They are ignored, while he pats himself on the back for a job smoothly well done.

Trump is a snake and a kike who can't even be trusted to advocate for his supporters, much less get anything done. What a joke.

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Other urls found in this thread:

Give it a rest, dork.


I bet she's been yelling at people to, "stay the fuck home" online.

Get fucked you leftist faggot

and the IRS system uses a dead programming language that no one has used since the 90s so no one knows how it works or how to fix it.

>thot status: CHEQUED and WREQUED


Hey paid shill OP who's never been here before and doesn't understand how things work, everyone sees you trying to bump your own thread.

Meanwhile I'm shopping for a motorcycle with my Trumpbux. Maybe you were a dependent neet last year?


>retarded people can’t fill out the form properly
>web site can’t give them their money or status updates without a properly filled out form
>retarded Chinese and Israeli shills decide to signal boost this as if it is the norm to be retarded
It’s amazing to see how Jewish and Chinese people team up to attack whites.

>blames it on the MAINFRAME

Could you be any more bluepilled?
>Even if you filed your 2018 or 2019 tax returns automatically, you must have also received a refund in those years via direct deposit to ensure your money arrives. If you owed money, the IRS will not use that bank account information.
Basically, if you already get money, you get money. If you pay in, fuck you.

>If you owed money, the IRS will not use that bank account information.
Am I reading this correctly?

Probably not, my Chinese-Israeli shill friend.

>trusting the government to do everything right for 328 million people.

you know what the tried and true solution to the problem of inefficient and incompetent government is?

MOAR government! i'll notify your senator at once that you need MOAR government. you're welcome.

It's true, I'm self-employed and pay in self-employment taxes every year via check or direct payment. I keep getting the status not available message. All my information is in their system, has been for many years. They won't use that bank info to pay out the stimulus because it's not tagged as a direct deposit account in their system, and we don't have the means to change it. We got pushed to the back of the line because we pay in, and have to wait for the physical checks.

>just now realizing the IRS is a joke

It’s the government. Who are they accountable to? No one. They don’t have to give you answers. They’re not providing a service. You answer to THEM, you pay THEM. This is the way it’s always been. Try to get help with anything the government has their hands in—the level of not caring and incompetence is astounding, especially if the office you’re calling is predominantly black, forget it. They “made it” by getting a government job where their terrible attitude is enabled to the extreme.

Shit isn’t on Trump, this is the way it always has been. You HAVE to pay the IRS and if you don’t do it on time, you have to write a letter begging them to have mercy. But they don’t have to do shit for you or tell you why.

Next up, healthcare.
You thought that was bad before? Now they’ve been deemed essential and we have to worship them, they will brazenly provide the lowest level standard of care and openly put you through a ringer of unnecessary shit to make you owe a ton of money.

I've already received my stimulus, they short changed me $500 because they used my 2018 tax return, instead of my 2019 tax return. Yes, they had my 2019 tax return.

Additionally, they sent it to my checking account from 2018, not my new one.

They should have just had a website that people log in and input their data. Using tax returns is stupid.

Would some people get the stimulus that didn't qualify? Sure, but you claw it back in future tax years. The point is to get people money NOW.

Also, how are they not talking about a 2nd round of stimulus payments yet?

>Shit isn’t on Trump
This was Trump's idea to mitigate the damage a nationwide shutdown would cause. He expressed profound eagerness to get his proposal for a citizen stimulus in motion. Yet now, with who knows---maybe 20%---how many people serviced, he not only expresses public satisfaction with the rollout, he is actively ignoring the millions of people who are tweeting him and the IRS directly showing that they are being left out. And he won't even say to them, "I am listening", much less "I am doing something to rectify it."

That is what is on Trump. Deceiving through misleading and failing to follow-up---not necessarily keeping his government in line.

I honestly hope you don’t get any money. You should be back down on the corner sucking dicks for a nickel. I’d let you suck mine but I would make sure to wear a condom, your wolffish upper lip disgusts me.

You ever been raped?

This the boat I'm in. Hopefully it clears up soon and the deposit hits.

>The point is to get people money NOW.
So they said.
>Also, how are they not talking about a 2nd round of stimulus payments yet?
They didn't even get the first one right, nor unemployment welfare for that matter. And they didn't want it to happen at all. Forget a second one.
Types like them don't care about the truth. This is a politically partisan issue to them.

Well, of course you hope that, you're just another dime a dozen sociopath on a board filled with them. Nothing special, trivial in your existence. You'll be rolled into an unmarked grave, just another sack of rotting flesh in the pile, if shit kicks off proper later this year. You will die alone and unloved, and you can flap your lips all you want in response but deep inside you know it's the truth.

I got 2400 after a few days

>Payment Status Not Available
If you don't have banking info with the IRS, the first wave of checks started on the 20th of april. The are coming out in waves and will go to 10 million people every week if you didn't know, from the

from the IRS, they just started sending out checks.

It means you need to enter your bank account info to receive payment. Either way, the website is broken so it doesn’t matter. Why people who want the government to handle everything don’t see how fucking inept they are in everything they do besides war and trade baffles the fuck out of me.

This. The government always fails in these situations and people for some reason want to hand over everything to them.

I see.

Government doesn't seem to fail Jews. They insta-spring into action in bipartisan fashion.

I filed my taxes in the first week of January and got my Trumpbux the Monday they started distributing them. If you did your taxes fast you get cued for stimulus faster. That sucks for big families but it sucks even more for people who never file taxes.

The government will move mountains when it comes to wars for Jews, bailouts for Jews, subsidizing the Jewish State, or persecuting a threat to Jews. The who is more important than the what, and right now they control the government (and many throughout the western world) and those governments mobilize in pursuit of their interests

Thats what you get when you want to trust the government to feed you


If these folks have waves in there name on Twitter you should trust a single things they say without evidence. They make up stories about shit all the time. Give it a day and she'll have a long story about her call with an IRS agent that says something transphobia and then her comeback will make the whole place clap.

>My social security
If she's on social security why should she get stimulus money?
Also how are you this upset about a couple thousand dollars?

But user, they're also inept at war and trade


I wish they would have used my direct deposit but as long as I get it, that's all that matters.

The $900 a week in unemployment is what I'm super hyped about.

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>how are you this upset about a couple thousand dollars?
lol something like 80% of americans can't afford a $400 emergency, they would have to use a credit card. I bet she's never seen her bank account balance go into 4 figures ever

All you have to do is search "Payment Status Not Available" on Twitter and you will find at least one case which apparently meets whatever bullshit standards of legitimacy you're going off.

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>make over 99k in 2018
>make under 75k in 2019

Apparently I get nothing because I didn’t do my taxes before checks went out.

>as long as I get it
Some people won't get it in the mail until September. You yourself may not get yours in May.

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I’m pissed off about it too. Just because everyone else I know is getting trumpbux and I am not

You're trying to imply that the president can completely revamp the bureaucratic nightmare that is the IRS in a matter of 9 days? I'd be surprised if that could be done in a matter of years, let alone days.

Illegal immigrants have stolen her ID. Lol , blame Mexico sweetie

>Democrats block another stimulus package in Congress for the 5th time

Once again, the $900 a week I'm getting for being an out of work self employed dog sitter who also gets $1,400 a month in NEETbux is what I'm happy about.

Attached: NEETbux.jpg (871x653, 88.43K)

Maybe you shouldn't be a lazy nigger that puts off filing your taxes until the month they're typically due?

I'm trying to imply the president is capable of putting out a tweet.

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>simple IRS fuckup
>Trumps fault.
Okay, meme flaggot.