Greta BTFO

>Greenland has GAINED 27+ Gigatons of Snow and Ice.
Uh oh, global warmingbros, we got too cocky.

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>world's in quarantine and polution drops worldwide
>greenland gains snow
>hurr globawarming BTFO durr

she looking better

she's really blossoming, starting to look elegant rather than a scandanavian troll

Looks less like a potato and more like a turnip.

this is the edited picture right?
because i would coom hard on this particular greta

I'd still fuck her pussy, if you know what I mean.

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It's called photoshop you fucking mongs.

She is 16 retards

This happened before the quarantine, retard. And second of all, even if what you said is true, that just means that global warming is easily reversible and all the alarmists are full of shit.

That's why they say "climate change" and that this is proof of it, and that it's temporary and man made climate change will turn the earth in to a frying pan in 5 years.

Imagine waking up one morning, then seeing Greta's head on the pillow next to you. then you realize you had a few drinks with her, she got a bit tipsy and then you carried her back to your apartment, and had wild, mad, fabulous love. You don't care about the environment anymore, only Greta, only Greta.

16 is legal in my country though

Stop Greta posting i'm in nofap


That's legal in the UK. Not that I'm encouraging anything like that. I'd rather fuck my wife.

you might want to start watching suspicious observers, you idiot.

disgusting, look at that mutt face


i'd fook her right in the pucci if you know what i mean

I want Greta to bear my autistic genetic cesspool child.

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Fimbull winter comes

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Whoa, the CO2 doomsday model is trash that any real scientist would throw away instantly? Who woulda thunk? It’s almost as if that modern academia is a propaganda machine that wants you to believe in hilarious things that 4 year olds know are implicitly false like racial egalitarianism.

Also imagine banging greta. I want her to dress up like illya for me and fuck her in the ass.

She will be attractive if she ever grows up, but with a vegan diet its unlikely her ovaries will ever switch on.

>Global Warming
>Climate Change

They've shifted the goal posts


The pass 5 years you retard

>world ending event reversed with 2 months quarantine
So much for the Holocene extinction meme

They’ve been doing it for decades. They can always kick the can down the road with nobody to blame which is why they get to make these crazy predictions based on cherry picked data for their models. Academia is a fucking joke at this point. May as well pull out the divination rods, in some fields it’s fucking Catholic Church of 1600s tier.

Just analyze that picture for a moment. The tribe is building a shelter, in the middle of a winter, at a foot of a glacier. While the glacier is melting. So it's early spring. Yet they are building a shelter. They are stretching and curing a hide. Again, in the snow. They are cooking whole deer's leg on an open fire outside (not over some kind of hearth in one of the shelters. They are butchering a mammoth not 30 feet away from the shelter, meaning they killed it there. While another mammoth is attacking them/being hunted literally at the fire pit. While some men keep butchering the first one. And women sit around the leg on the open fire socializing and mending clothes. WITHIN TRAMPLING DISTANCE OF A RAGING WOOLY MAMMOTH. The more I look at the picture the more ridiculous the scene gets.

lefties are always crying. they can't exist with something to fight against. the planet cant speak for itself so it's the ultimate excuse.

>ice and snow

Is she hitting puberty?

Perhaps by 21 or so.

I would actually pay for a Greta onlyfans.

Lefties fix global warming, boom fucking ice age. I'm sure they will blame conservatives for it anyway.

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I would pay to stop your mother sucking the shit out of my arsehole when I innocently go to take a dump.

Good old healthy vegan diet right? She must weigh like 60 lbs. Imagine fucking a cosplaying legal loli like Greta IM GONNA COOOOOOOM

sounds like something that would happen in age of empires 2. Pulling elephants close to town center to get that big load of meat with short delivery distance.

I want comfy hot chocolate while snowing outside and a soft blanky with the sound of the crackling fireplace and the soft humming from the AMD Ryzen 4k.
plus two qt gfs to unload on

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Wow that’s all it takes to reverse it huh?

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Legal here toothpaste, I would wreck her like any other Nordic skank that I get with during Summer.

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