Daily Deaths in China


Attached: china.png (609x471, 16.59K)

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Yea they're liars, who's honestly surprised here?

Stay cucked whigger. China numba 1

Attached: rich chinese american women.webm (320x320, 2.76M)

What does that prove? Women are just golddiggers? Huh never knew that...

pretty based
although im sure those girl is slavic

That you are weak and not in command of your nation or your, soon our, women. The American century is over

But does China have this?

Attached: 5560064A-3F17-491C-A6B9-14DFC2663AFF.gif (368x368, 3.65M)

holy shit is this real?

Ok Chang. Your women are stolen from your on a daily basis, and money isn't even needed to take them. It's just the fact you are all manlets with shrimp dicks.

What the FUCK, is this actually real?

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Attached: canibalism.webm (270x360, 2.46M)

Not me. Faking it to look good is deeply ingrained in their culture youtube.com/watch?v=6mV1EY6wZHo

Chinks should eat more insects as they carry much less viruses and bacteria than bats amd pangolins and other garbage they eat.

yes but its on a spit roast over a fire


>hahahaha they have so ugly eyes it is much better to be ruled by jews hahahah

You're the lauging stock of literally billions of people for your cuckoldry for the jews and the jewish "god" you call Jesus. But that's fine, you'll be a footnote in history very soonn and "your" lands and women will be put to better use

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Chinks are ruled by kikes though, everyone knows this.

>The American century is over
85% of manufacturing is LEAVING China you rat eating fuck, China is DONE.Cry moar ching lu pu

Chinks and kikes are both vermin, nigger.

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kek based

Every fucking time

why didn't they wear gas masks

Shrimplets. Lol


Those girls are probably Russian.

China is realizing that the world is not as dumb as they think, so they are starting to manipulate their numbers to come back to reality.

I think i saw my cat doing this before

That means milions of chink refugees all over the world tho. Most infested will be japan korea vietnam hong kong thaiwan canada australia a nz, a lot of will come to usa and eu. Either we economicaly rekt them or let them take over it only means them spreading across the globe. To solve chinese problem you would unironicaly need nuclear holocaust of han chinese

>why didn't they wear masks
>metal scaffolding they moved touches power line above and fries them
A mask wouldn't have helped, it's not nerve gas.

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no it's nerve gas, see the smoke ?

Asian whores are better though.

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He is just some angry asian faggot who thinks white males are only reason white girls dont want him

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Lol, no.

Source ?

the dude on the left literally gets set on fire because of the electrical current, you faggot. Stop focusing on your pornstar neighbor and look close, Half-Hanz.

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>To solve chinese problem you would unironicaly need nuclear holocaust of han chinese

And this is bad because?