Why don't you get that the problem is your transphobia, and the solution is for you to stop?

Why don't you get that the problem is your transphobia, and the solution is for you to stop?

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If you want me to stop you'll need to kill me.
I will never stop until my dying breath, and EVEN THEN my ghost will haunt you monsters.

>have you ever considered just not being a dick
why doesn't he just imagine not having one

Why cant you stop beeing perverted?

OP is an insufferable faggot tranny

Whatever your opinion and trans people are this is the cringiest fucking thing I've ever read

>If you want me to stop you'll need to kill me.

How are you enjoying your first day on Yas Forums?

>I am my genitalia
>No really I am
>If you don't recognise my choice of genitalia then you're the problem
I fucking hate modern Trannies. Insufferable cunts.

>problem is your transphobia

Is that what it's called being against people who believe children can give sexual consent.

trannies are literally the most brainwashed motherfuckers in the history of mankind.

I mean honestly, trannies whole things is to be and love who you are, be yourself, love yourself.

Yet they cannot grasp the fact that loving an alter schizo ego of yourself is NOT yourself.

If a trannie truly tries to love themself they will fucking realize what real SEX/GENDER they have and embrace that not their alter ego.

There's been virtually no mention of genitalia in that entire thread. You people are just obsessed with trans people's genitals for some reason.

Kill yourself faggot

No, fuck off. Other people's identities are not yours to dictate. Seriously, just fuck off. We are who we tell you we are, and that's the end of it.

No, that's the part you keep completely making up and falsely associating with trans people.

fucking this

If you believe you're the opposite sex it's your problem. Nobody has to play along with your delusions, faggot.

man you faggots are obsessed with how others call you,just live your life

And it's not clearly evident from someone interacting with you, then that's on you.

We all know this is really about them being mad over people who won't have sex with them

You have an extremely ignorant, primitive understanding of gender and sex. In no way are the social norms and constructs you've established around human physiology "objective fact".

> biological facts are social conventions
Kill yourself you fucking faggot science denialist

No, you fucking idiot, it isn't. We don't in fact seek any relationships with you people. Your vicious transphobia is an instant turn-off.

Gender equals sex, faggot.

They work well, just the small aberration of mentally ill people such as you who can't seem to deal with it.
Keep coping with reality, maybe eventually you'll succeed in convincing others of what you think you are.

You have a dick m8. That's as real as it gets.

Your answer OP
And quit acting self rightious. You know you're in the wrong.

Helping people accept their born sex vs helping people biologically playing with their bodies and messing it up
HMMMMMM what side to pick

Various body types are science. Gendered language like "man", "woman", "he", "she" are arbitrary social constructs that are not in any way dictated by biology.

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Why won’t you admit you have a mental disorder, mutilating the body to fix the brain isn’t working and neither is making other people accept you being fucked up In the head.

No it doesn't, uneducated moron. The science literally disagrees with you on this.

Were not the ones obsessed with cutting them off

Why make it more complicated than it needs to be for the essential purpose of sex (reproduction)?