Would you rather choose a nigger or a kike?

Would you rather choose a nigger or a kike?

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Kike because as sneaky as they are, at least they have some use with their trickery. Niggers are just outdated farm equipment who are unproductive.

Nigger for sure.

Fuck kike.

Neither. I choose my own people.

nigger easily lol

One bullet can solve two problems

Always pick the nigger, they may be louder and more aggressive but much much easier to control than subvertive disgusting kikes. Never side with Jews, you will always lose

Team Kyle Fuck Niggers

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I would choose an black man over a nigga or a kike

Both r scum, but for me the kike, at least he has white skin

If real I would choose the colored boy
This would placate the blacks and jab at the jews at the same time

Never the kike.
Where there's a Jew, I'm on the other side


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The nigger, niggers will be useful as farm equipment after the Coronapocalypse. In fact I think there will be considerable competition for local niggers among rival slaver gangs.

Nigger of course, they arent so insidious

Token is black but not a nigger.

Kyle is a jew back and forth.


Token, obviously, never a kike. Fuck you MIGA KEKS

is this just a new version of the shit sandwich and giant duesh thing?

So both I see.

Well I am a jewish nationalist. #sorrynotsorry
>Team Kyle Fuck Niggers

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The Jews without their lap dogs the niggers are powerless. Think about the democrat party here in the USA, would they win anything without blacks?

Nigger can be trained. Kike trains you

Let them have each other

Obviously nigger to cotton field and kike to oven. There is no need to choose.

Either is fine, the furnace makes no distinction.

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then send him back to africa

just make them stand single file, problem solved

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Both, they're both terrific people.

Nigger token for sure, somehow his family is rich

Africa for Africans, think about if kikes and anglos didn't meddle with shithole countries none off them would have made it to white man countries.

Make Africa full of prosperity and greatness again, then send them all back. Why would they leave a non-shithole?

Kike, at least they can write.

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kikes ruin nations, imma go with Token.

Kike bc I am Kike myself

Good, that Republisharts are kike-free. Oh wait a second

Neither. Both can fuck off and die.

Niggers are more easy to control with watamelonz.

Even though I hate them at least they are not violent and I don't have to worry about them randomly attacking me.

The only right answer. Without Jews hiding amongst us we would still have natural order.


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>Both, they're both terrific people.
They stole that money

>Would you rather choose a nigger or a kike?
I'd kill myself at the airport

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Choose them for what? If for slave labour obviously the nigger, but if to just dispose of them then I choose the kike.