Meat shortages incoming

Lots of meat processors closing down operations. Looks like you're all going to be eating onions.

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Bros i wont stand for this
I am 141 pounds at 5'11. If i cant fucking eat meat or milk...fuck... (note that currently limited to a gallon per week in NJ, stores wont let you buy more than one and wont let you buy another if you have a purchase history in the last week)

I may join the protests if we don't have high caloric and protein filled food.

We're omnivores, we eat both meat and vegetables. They can't force us to eat unfermented onions/t0fu.

Time to practice Dry Fasting.

*They can't force us to eat unfermented s0ya/t0fu."

>upright freezer with about 6 months worth the chicken, brisket, pork, steaks, etc. in it

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good, meat is bad. veganism is the best diet

You are literally deranged.

Also, liquid meat(Vitamin D) may help in suppressing cytokine storms.

Attached: The Role of Vitamin D in Suppressing Cytokine Storm in COVID-19 patients and Associated Mortality.png (810x297, 55.99K)

Is that the same Tyson plant that was packed to the brim with foreign brown workers screwing with the demographics of that Iowan town?

Not eating meat wouldn't be so bad, I guess.

"Savitri Devi had remarkable intellectual gifts, which she manifested at an early age. As a young child she learned French and English from her parents, then taught herself Modern Greek and some Ancient Greek. In time she became fluent in eight languages (English, French, Modern Greek, Italian, German, Icelandic, Hindi, and Bengali) and had knowledge of some twenty others (e.g., Ancient Greek, Urdu, and other Indian languages).

"Savitri Devi also earned two Masters Degrees, in philosophy and chemistry, and a Ph.D. in philosophy from the University of Lyons. Her first two books were her doctoral dissertations: Essai-critique sur Théophile Kaïris (Critical Essay on Theophilius Kaïris) (Lyons: Maximine Portaz, 1935) and La simplicité mathématique (Mathematical Simplicity) (Lyons: Maximine Portaz, 1935).

"Savitri Devi also had a vast knowledge of religion and history, particularly ancient history, as well as an amazing memory, particularly for dates and names. She was also a brilliant and mesmerizing teacher who could lecture at length on countless topics without reference to notes."

Attached: Saavetri Devi Remembering 100th Birthday.png (516x685, 339.77K)

I like how they are pushing food shortages at the same time as huge death tolls. Who the fuck is supposed to be eating the food if everyone’s dead?

based now everyone can go vegan like me

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Thats right NEETs, you wanted your le comfy happening, now enjoy it without tendies or any comforts.

this happens when china buys 30% of your meat production and many production plants are shut down fully or partially due corona infections

I've been looking at all the places wood pigeon and rabbits hang out for this reason. Wish I had a smoker.

wtf has an autist woman to do with your anti meat shilling?

>this happens when china buys 30% of your meat production and many production plants are shut down fully or partially due corona infections
How long until famine hits china?

Are we talking about real meat or this industrial garbage made from raw protein, ammonia and bone meal that ends up in your burgers?!

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Just wait, you're going to see American meat smuggled into China.

The only plants getting shut down are Chinese plants. With their swine flu and bird flu problems they are facing a starvation problem. The west has a manufacturing problem, China has a food problem.

id' say it's already there
for example and if im not mistaken, there is already new pig something disease outbreak going on and the meat shortage is bad enough that chinks are importing all the meat they can get from US, despite the Trumps tariffs

>Weak, tired; his body was already feasting on his muscle fibres, desperate for sustenance
>He finished his onions meal replacement, the tingling sensation of that estrogenic, mighty little bean sent a rippling wave of reinvigoration throughout his emaciated form
>With this cacophonous ecstasy, he lifted his frail arms -- his muscles quivering, struggling to lift his bones -- and typed, because he knew it was right and just
>"good, meat is bad. veganism is the best diet"
>He triumphantly transcribed, only to lose consciousness moments later

>How long until famine hits china?
more bat eating, more diseases

Elaborate and source? Retard

T. Moshe

>Donald Watson (2 September 1910 – 16 November 2005) was an English animal rights advocate who founded the Vegan Society.
>Died (aged 95)
gee it sure looks like a vegan diet was bad for him

It's enough to make you think they might consider culling the population with an engineered virus or something...

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Tyson is owned by a subsidiary of the communist Chinese party. They employed a bunch of Chinese people. They have become infected with Corona. Wow, weird, I wonder why.

Tyson meats are low tier prepackaged meats for sale. This will not effect typical meat sales at the grocery store. Stop shilling for the Chinese Communist Party you dumbass.

You have to eat all the bugs.

>purchase history
How would they know? You're not using their faggot rewards card, are you?

Dipshit detected. Nvm.

I'd miss dairy a lot more that meat. Especially cheese. The substitutes aren't even similar in nutrition, let alone taste.

>95 excruciating years of self punishment out of a mix of self hatred and self-righteousness spiralling inevitably into malnutrition-induced delusions until you value human life less than dirt, but are too weak to do anything but talk about it.
>Wouldn't you love a life like this?
Fuck right off for the next 50 years, lich-aspirant.

Genetics and avoiding excess sugar probably had more to do with that.

My great-grandparents reached their late 90s while drinking extremely heavily.

>Thinking about a world without dairy
I cri evrytiem

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