Does capital punishment have a net benefit?

Seems like it costs far more than it’s worth

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I’m cool with it in theory, but it seems like every time somebody is sentenced to death in my state they end up sitting their for decades. It costs a tremendous sum to house inmates in death row for decades

>bullet cost:

6 Months. 6 Months to send a condemned to death by either hanging, shooting, electrocution, poison, beheading, skewer through and through the temples of the skulls. Instead of waiting for decades to send a killer to death. Just do within 6 months. Otherwise, you have 1 of the 3 Memphis sickos that killed 3 kids and ate their peckers after cutting them off. Like the one that Adventure Time's creator employed to do voice acting for that retarded shit cartoon. Midnight Gospel.

In extreme cases it's a positive. Outside of those, even if the person is a complete waste of life they should be expected to work and contribute to society while locked up (Chinese style).

The benefit is that you rid your society of the scummest scum.

All we have to do is lower the price
I reckon capital punishment should be free to those who unironically, beyond all doubt, deserve to die


It is a waste of human productivity and resources. Remember those funky discovery channel documentaries in which they would analyse how much a human body was worth? Well they weren't fucking around. If you removed their kidneys, liver, heartvalves, cornea and lungs, you could make a neat profit or save more productive members of society.

Instead you whack em and then let it all go to waste.
>but muh ehtics!
Ya, letting someone rot in a cell for 15 years inducing a psychotic break, only to then zap them to death while wasting everything this unprodcutive member COULD offer to society. Hell, you don't even use their portential for manual labour before their sentencing. Not only would that be more human than sticking them in a cuckcube, it would be more productive.

You "go to jail" for being a destructive rather than productive member of society. The consequence should therefor be that you are made to be productive under supervision. It should not be "lets have this drain on society continue be a drain on society"

>Does capital punishment have a net benefit?

Yes. The main benefit being Justice.

Justice is the main benefit, but ofc the death penalty should be for the worse proven criminals, like murderers, torturers and rapists.

It leads to a far higher rate of guilty pleas.

You want a good capital punishment? Shove them on working camps instead of prisons where they monkey around all day like an hotel from a jungle.

OP is another commie leftist braindead retard
Lets see
>Feed criminal for rest of his life and provide
him a cell
>Kill the mother fucker

Yeah saves us a lot of money feeding worthless people right OP belongs on that chair.

yeah because US criminal justice system is always 100% right with all this false charges and instigations floating round.

well lucky you can bring back dead people when your wrong.

Can you?

Thats how you do it right subhuman.

Imagine if you gave all the people the people who are sentenced to death the option of "death sentence or X" where X could be something like my aforementioned organ donation followed by prison or N years/life
of doing hard labour (making sure the work is actually useful).

I think it's proven that it's not an effective deterrent for niggers. It's too far removed from their impulsive crimes with a long drawn out trial and years of appeals. It's rubbing their nose in cold shit. Look what they do to criminals in their own countries: beaten and set on fire in the street as soon as the crime is discovered. Even their tiny brains understand that death is bad and to be avoided.

Atleast feed the dead prisoners to other soon to die prisoners

The only downside is the possibility of wrongful convictions. Other than that, it's for sure the cheapest way to deal with murderers and pedophiles.

Lawfag here. No. The death penalty achieves nothing that life imprisonment doesn't achieve just as well. The sole function of the death penalty is to slake the bloodlust of out-of-touch "tough on crime" boomers whose only interaction with the justice system is the fucking newspaper.

There is no rational argument that supports the death penalty, but supporting the death penalty is a personality/identity issue and so the fact that it is irrational ultimately doesn't matter. Supporting the death penalty makes you a "certain kind of person" and some people want to be that certain kind of person so much that they don't mind turning themselves into an idiot in the process.

The death penalty has no additional deterrent effect because people who think they might get caught don't commit crimes in the first place. The only people who actually commit crimes are the ones who believe they'll get away with it. That's why harsh sentences have been shown in the empirical data time and time again to have essentially zero deterrent effect.

This post will change nobody's mind and I have achieved nothing here today - which, ironically, is why I think we should dispense with the political debates and just start killing each other. There is a small minority of the population who are abrasive, aggressive, and too ignorant to be helped. I firmly believe we should just gas them. Supporting the death penalty beyond reason is a great indicator that you belong to that population and I would happily and unironically kill every single person in this thread who continues to support it after reading this post. If I could press a button and have you just fucking die, I absolutely would.

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there is no reason to have life sentences

all life sentences should be executions

execution is cheaper its just all u greedy fuckers milking the system that make it expensive

>I don't believe in killing people as a solution
>Some people do believe this
>Those people are dumb
>The only solution to this impasse is for people to start killing each other
Your logic is beyond flawed, this coming from someone who is 100% opposed to the wasteful act of justice/vengeance killings.

I don't give a fuck about net benefit I give a fuck about killing cunts.

It's certainly not a deterrant. The only thing it accomplishes is making sure the condemned doesn't commit more crime and save a bit of money because you no longer have to house him.

as if anyone needed any more proof that lawyers are duplicitous slime

>This post will change nobody's mind and I have achieved nothing here today - which, ironically, is why I think we should dispense with the political debates and just start killing each other.

How can I vote for you, my dude?

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I think we should livestream executions pay per view thing. I'd unironically pay money to see all the snowtown killers get hung.

>Your logic is beyond flawed
That's because it's not the extent of my logic.

Humans are mostly cooperative or conditionally cooperative - that's what enables society. But there is a small proportion of people who are essentially parasites, and it doesn't take a lot of them to flip the conditional cooperators from cooperating to becoming uncooperative.

"Rugged individualist" rhetoric, of which supporting the death penalty forms a plank, is just cover for parasitism. It's a personality type which is fundamentally antithetical to human society and things like liberty and democracy, which depend on the cooperative provision of public goods and being willing to take a larger view. These people are the rot beneath every institution eating away at everything we're trying to build. They're the people who think we should leave the UN, they're the people who think we should defund the public broadcaster, they're the people who think we should let the poor starve, they're the people who think we should hang petty criminals. In every nation, in every generation, they're there - gnawing. Rats in the walls, roaches under the fridge, poison in the food.

So kill them.

Or eventually they'll do enough damage that the conditional cooperators stop conditionally cooperating, and everything will break down for another twenty years and people will die anyway.

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>You "go to jail" for being a destructive rather than productive member of society
no, you go to jail for arbitrary horseshit that your government decided was a no-no.

also anyone who is ok with the state having the power to kill their citizens is a faggot and bootlicking cuckold of the highest degree so of course that's most of Yas Forums