Race war just started in Romania

It's here. The rope day is here.
The gypsies made it clear. They also cried: no reconciliation, no peace, only war. They will have their war.


Attached: Screenshot_2020-04-23 Neamurile lu' Spartacus din Rahova.png (1266x616, 1.17M)

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Based time for Wallachian Reich?

That absolute unit is an honorary norfman

Give me a rundown because I have no idea what those people are saying or what race they are.

Why is the world changing so many times and then we have to go back to the same thing

How can I tell who is cigani and who is Romani?

Time to reanimate Vlad

These pakis are all fat and saggy. I would clobber each and every single one of them, dispensing no mercy as I hack through them with my katana.

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How much for chartered flight to romania that won't scrutinize large cello case upon entry?

Can't have a race war when everyone's black, Romrade.


What the fuck, those guys look like they can't even run half a block, let me guess, they think fat dudes can fight and are strong?

brown killing brown, why discourage?

Does everyone in Romania shave their chests?

>what is Rwanda

Bai române te-au bătut țiganii prea mult când erai mic???

Based Romanians. You have my support.

are these guys gypsies or romanian?

lol I can't tell any groups apart

I went there once and this guy kept warning me about gypsies and I asked if he's a gypsy and he said lol I'm hungarian

Is this even romanian? LOL

are those fuckign gypsies loool !!??? jesus fucking christ they look like pakis... do the muzzies and gypsies live together in romania !?

World of warcraft subscription ended?

Gypos are disgusting I hope they get their shit kicked in. They kinda remind me of spics

they look like pakis, so obviously gypsies

they're gypsy filth. we will end their suffering soon. we don't have arabs here.

Hahaha if the gypos started piping up over here they would be shut down instantly

Get this, these gypsies were most likely in europe and fled from there back to romania, now they don't want to stay in quarantine. The fuckers couldn't survive begging in the streets in other euro countries and they're pissed off under quarantine in Romania. Fuckin less than worthless losers.

Night of the long tooth.

Retards in here see one video where some """"gypsies"""" are shouting and saying sine stupid shit


Pea size brain

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>Fantasizing about grasping nonwhite weapons
Checks out


They want to be out and about in your country retard, they'll spread the corona love virus, most likely these fucks were in other euros countries and came to romania as their work of begging, stealing and pulling scams dried up with the pandemic.

90% in that pic look like they wage a war already. The war against diabetes.

imagine the smell

The Țiganescu clan basically controls Romania with an iron fist. Heard even the Rothschilds bow down to them

They're worse.

Gypsies originally come from the Indian subcontinent.

There are no white people in Romania. All of them are gypsies or half gypsy half soviet who raped gypsy mother in the communist era

Not discouraging at all, lol.
Dindus dinduing in their natural habitat, much like Romania.

Just gas the gypsies.

It's not just them it's most romanians because we are stupid as shit.

Most gypsies aren't even fully gypsy btw they have more european ancestry


>Talking shit about not respecting quarantine while having literal wage slaves protest to go back to work

No wonder conservatives have lower iq

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Is there actually a happening or is OP just a faggot?

Is this the power of Norf genes?

fast ass losers would get wiped by one chad American Soldier.

I think you mean, Rwmania?

you do realize half of pol is not white?

Attached: Screen Shot 2019-01-15 at 2.21.31 AM.png (670x1492, 180.46K)

gypsies fighting gypsies isn't race war

How can whiteys even compete

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Shut up fucking trap

I've been to Bulgaria multiple times you guys look exactly like us

Call me next time you are here, I'm so lonely

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You're right, in fact Cancuck poles are fully not white. I'll expect your diversity more next time.

>too much talk
>too much fat

Gypsies are brave only when they outnumber the enemy at least 1:5 ratio.

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I thought all your gipsies would already be in Germany and Italy

Visiting family, no doubt.

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