Hate jews

>hate jews
>hate niggers
>hate feminism
>hate faggots
>hate promiscuity
>love my national culture
>love my country
>love my history
>also closet fag
How do i fix this

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It's not broken.

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At least you're not a memeflaggot


>Fake and Gay
You dislike these people for some reason
Tell other people the rational reason you do not like them
>Have meds forgot philosophy?

Communism or kys

im surprised how fast you managed to fuck it all up in your last sentence.
fix the underlying emotional issues that created such abominable sexual devianty.
probably has to so with your parents to be honest.
you ALWAYS have a choice, im not saying religion is the solution but spirituality can help, inform youself, read all you can about homosexuality, what causes, why it manifest, what are the risk factors, identify them and heal them in yourself.

T. spiritual shrink


You're just a silly boy with a crush on his sense of security, but your choice of blanket is too narrow in scope and will fail you up the deep end

Hatred makes you sad and scared, and the power it brings is politically expensive and spikes sharply then is gone. Pls overlook this and invest in your ugly ideals, continue in your ways even as your life falls apart around you, use bitterness and self-sympathy to assist this self-deception

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Stop being gay and get a gf and children.

Repent your sins, pray for the strength not to sin further, marry a good wife, have good children and live a good life.

Just do what you want. The average person is like what ? 95 IQ ? They won't care and we won't win anyway.

Look at anime boobies

If you're asking how to stop being gay, do the opposite of this
You do your normal routine but then switch to the straight stuff when you are finishing to recondition your brain

why hate jews?

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They are a cancer that leeches of the work of others and align themselves with people in power and slowly steal power for themselves

because they mutilate the pp and admit to modifying our system for us to serve them nigga

you sound really jealous lol

? Jealous of what?

>Jews admit that they view goyim as being made to serve them
>Jews construct and identity that conflates race, nationality, and religion so you can uniquely not criticize these for Jews
>Jews are responsible for the genital mutilation of billions of infants
>you sound really jealous lol
Yeah you sure got the point

successful people

Take the Greco-Roman pill, user. Marry a woman to start a family first, then take care of your homo needs as you must.

1. proof? quotes from one jew don't count lmao
2. it's an ethno religion, you're stupid if you think jews are the only ethno religious people out there
3. that custom started in ancient egypt, thank them for that. christians do it too btw

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Are you a communist-Jew-lover or a capitalist-Jew-lover? If you're a communist-Jew-lover, certainly you would hate successful people?
Also, nice strawman nigga.

>also closet fag
Trans girls are beautiful, user.

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Found the actual faggot

Calling a jew successful is inaccurate
Like a rat stealing cheese from a trap its only a matter of time before the get caught.
Also nice try glowie.

No one is naturally gay annon, its a choice, and mindset, somewhere down the line you accepted jewish propaganda as truth and thought maybe you were, you are born a man with a biological urge to reproduce an offspring with a woman

1. Marry an ugly girl and make her happy with children.
2. Don't suck dick, and be sexually unfulfilled.
3. Look after your kids and make sure you dont influence them when they're teenagers.

Being a good person isnt about what you think, it's about what you do.

>1. proof? quotes from one jew don't count lmao
I'm privy to thousands of Jews' communications.
>2. it's an ethno religion, you're stupid if you think jews are the only ethno religious people out there
They are the only etho-religious people allowed in Western society by their own design, and they have used this to their advantage.
>3. that custom started in ancient egypt, thank them for that. christians do it too btw nigger
I don't care who started it, I care who resulted in it being propagated to mutilate billions of infants. Imagine not viewing christcucks as derivative, servants of Jews. You're a nigger hahahaha.

>1 post by this ID

Get with a manly chick/tomboy/butch who wants kids and a family without influencing them in a negative way when they're growing up. Marriage is a fucking vocation it's not a romantic movie.