Why do Europeans still insist on thinking they're still relevant in the world when their militaries are basically worthless and their sovereignty would cease to exist if Americhads pulled out of NATO?
Why do Europeans still insist on thinking they're still relevant in the world when their militaries are basically...
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well germany, a country they size of texas, fought of not 1 but 2 world empires, and killed millions of americans on the way down.
doesn't take much to turn things around fast when we're not weighed down by americans with TV in their brain and burgers in their mouths.
america is on verge of collapse.
>american hobbits think they are actually doing something/worth something/defending something/protecting something.
>militaries are basically worthless
reminds me of all the wars USA started and lost in the last 20 years in total military humiliating disasters.
Quick reminder:
>the american halflings were bogged down in syria (((((fighting ISIS))))) for the past 5 years
>russians are tired of this american horseshit, send their own military
>they literally exterminate ISIS in a span of 24 hours by mowing Syrian grass with hundreds of HINDs
REMEMBER: if you want something done using military, dont ask the americans, they cant do it.
>their militaries are basically worthless and their sovereignty would cease to exist if Americhads pulled out of NATO?
go pull out I bet you wont
The moment America colonized Europe in 1945 is the moment America assumed responsibility for and authority over Europe. If you have a problem with European self-defense then go ask your elites who clearly have a problem with Europeans standing up for themselves against the enemies which surround them.
america didnt colonise shit in europe in 1945, thats just the coping mechanism the western european states use to justify their countries turning into hellholes.
Wherever there are American bases there is American colonization.
This is a basic fact post-WW2. America also colonized Australia.
yeah, no.
thats not how colonisation works.
until i see 200 million americans buying Polish houses every year and giving us plagued blankets, its not colonisation.
Colonization doesn't work the way you want it to.
yes, it does.
americans arent colonising france, niggers are.
americans arent colonising the uk, muslims are.
americans arent colonising germany, niggers and muslims are.
kek diot still beliving this, europe is 99% of NATO
2.7 millions tandinga rmy right now without even trying.
Your the only one loosing pulling out.
Not only you got to contain Russia, china, south america but not all of europe too.
Lost all acces to eastern hemisphere, lost all acces to seas, euro navys buy far larger and more potent then us fail navy bumping in to ships all time and sinking.
What makes you think you are relevant in this time and age?
The world wants you dead not us. And your the one soon to have war on your won soil.
>americans arent colonising france, niggers are.
>americans arent colonising the uk, muslims are.
>americans arent colonising germany, niggers and muslims are.
Americans are colonizing Europe even further by proxy via those non-European hordes. Ever heard about the purpose of the "Arab Spring", or the "migrant crisis", and the "7 countries in 5 years plan" in the name of "multiculturalism"?
Hard to believe you're this naive while browsing Yas Forums.
Lol you retards can't even win against rice farmers or goat herders shop inhaling your own farts so much. Also your military is trash and filled with low iq diversity goblins.
US pulling out of NATO would be the best thing to happen to Europe. It would create a need for a federal EU military.
germans, french and british are allowing niggers in by themselves, americans destabilising the middle east on jewish orders has nothing to do with it.
there isnt some american general yelling on the french president OY VEY TAKE DA NIGGAS IM AMERICAN IM COLONISING YOU.
Poland accepted ZERO niggers even though we got an american base somewhere near the russian border.
How will you spin that?
>It would create a need for a federal EU military.
the irish and your fucking fetish for the EU is beyond description.
even capitulated to afganistan as the soviets did and git kickt out of iraq.
what a nation of loosers.
>americans arent colonising the uk, muslims are
The only thing muslims are colonising is the kebab trade.
ZERO! I love my zero.
Based Poland.
Why retard uneducated mutts still make those stupid threads.
If us pulls out of nato, they lose their last ally that could help them in financing a global war.
>The only thing muslims are colonising is the kebab trade.
A town full of muslims. Its like we don't even mix with them.
exactly, thats because you're being replaced, not mixed.
Who rules Europe after US pulls out? These are some next level delusions you got there buddy
Your Slavic bloc is the Intermarium, it will be largely spared of any migrants despite some chicken shit EU bureaucrats talking tough. Your current political identity is based entirely upon how illiberal the Slavic world is in comparison to the enforced liberal political identity of Westerners, regardless of whether or not there are considerable Slavic populations who are fine with migrant invaders.
And Europe gets its orders out of Washington. The EU itself is under the auspices of Anglo-Americans and has been since its inception. The EU was originally designed to: 1st siphon off European wealth to America, and 2nd to grant a measure of political order that America could control over Europe (it doesn't have to be perfect or smooth sailing, it just has to work - i.e. no big wars within Europe since WW2 unless America says so). E.g. Merkel gets her orders direct from the liberal elite in Washington, and any "leaders" in Europe who appear to have some actual sovereignty behind them, such as Macron, are barking more than their biting. America controls Europe, and this should be obvious with how "American" Europe has in turn become.
The migrants are also there to keep Europe busy, if it even survives, while America collapses in on itself for the next 100 years.
Our Aristocracy has bred us to be under their thumb for a thousand years. You really think they're going to replace us with muslims?
Europe will never fall apart you cuckmerican.
They work those shitty jobs while living in a half-decent house with 3 or 4 other families, combining their wealth and not bothering the indivodual efforts that we Westerners fuck around with at a total net loss of our own. So while they live like rats in a house they're at least saving money, getting loans, and what not and putting it towards buying up more property that they might rent out to us Westerners.
Funny isn't it
America is collapsing as we speak, and we're the biggest zog puppet in the world OP, you dumb shit.
Europeans are extremely relevant because we have a bigger GDP than the US
I cannot disagree with that.
EU is a jewish shit-show being directed from Tel-Aviv/Washington.
You're also the homelands. We just a gay colony, now owned by Israel. OP's a faggot.
And they're having 4+ kids per woman because Islam gives them a basic recital and repeatable layout of how to keep their women as baby factories.
Most are single men living 10 to a room above a kebab shop. In 50 years they will have all died out.
Im praying every day for the british to finally get pissed off enough to do something.
Why it's all under control? Unlike the rest of Europe.
Well there you go.
But don't forget that America is desperate for European blood to migrate into America in order to keep itself together long enough against the non-European hordes on its own soil. Same with Russia wishing to turn Western Europe into a technological colony for its own purposes.
These 2 players want that European blood for their own interests and know damn well how much harder it is without the invaluable European genome because the vast majority of their own populations are useless degenerates who can't even cross the street without causing problems. The migrants also serve another purpose here of putting the idea of fleeing to America or Russia into European heads.
....what is under control?
your entire population?
EU is a ZOG too, so we‘re sitting in the same boat, know what im saying ?
If it came to the worst they'd only have to hand out 1000 guns to English men and the whole muslim problem would be over in a weekend.