US balkanization when?

US balkanization when?

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Neck yourself nigger.

Neck you’re self nigger

I’m all in

>Year of our Lord Anno Domini 2000 + 20
>Cucking for a country you weren't even born in

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I will as soon as the backwater shithole you live in stops leeching off of my taxes, you welfare queen

Bail us out so we don't have to reopen our economies and give our boy Joe a better chance this fall

USA is not even a real country is a territory with multiple groups of interest, clans, gangs, barons etc,

no unity among the population and the culture based on brainless consumerism and nigga bitches twerking for brain damaging music videos

Hope this country will fall apart and nobody will miss it.

Just say the word, I'll happily go to your nigger infested shithole, rip you out of your rat/roach hovel and slit your throat on the street you fucking worthless urbanite puke.
Say the word you fucking maggot. Get the rest of your satanic marxist faggot friends, square and sac up, lets get to killing you all and get it over with.

Fucking worthless fat mutt piece of shit


Do you need help? Our expertise is available at standard market prices.

In minecraft

well thats pretty based

Why do Americans elect the most corrupt and wicked people in the world and not only that keep them elected?

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Everyone does this user. It is the nature of power that those seeking it are automatically unworthy of it.

NYC made decisions and they need to learn their lessons. They can't keep getting away with having others bail them out. You don't show solidarity with a gangrenous limb.

That's a weird way of spelling "letting New York go fuck itself"

Jew York is free to fuck off at any time. This isnt 1861. No one will care or fight to keep kike city around.

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>no unity among the population
Mutts will say it's because of minorities, but the truth is most of them are just sociopaths who have no sense of nationality.

>t. lives in a state that produces nothing of value and is subsidized by the income of the democrat states

America doesn’t elect these people...

Israel and mossad break into voting machines and empanel whoever they want to serve their financial needs at the given time

implying theyre elected

Go play with your illegals you shit eating baby killers

The mayor of NYC was telling everyone go about your business right up until the hospitals started filling up.
NYCs idiocy is not Americas problem


Better hop in that euro car and drive fast bud.

kek. this turtle looking nigger and his chink wife got kidnapped and executed on a facebook livestream in a dream I had last night in minecraft

you’re definitely beta. the turtle would probably take your lunch money

The red guys are less corrupt than the blue guys and this is the red guys showing em who's boss.
Fuck around with public health and lose it libshit

baby dick chink detected

>Mutts will say it's because of minorities, but the truth is most of them are just sociopaths who have no sense of nationality.
We're atomized for sure. Selfishness is lauded by the (((usual suspects))) to make sure we're all tearing each other down instead of paying attention to what's going on above us.

Any "American identity" that's widely recognized is so broad it's meaningless.
>it's whatever you want it to be!1!

I maintain that 3 days without any electronics and this country would fall apart. Race war in 10 days.

godlees commie shitholes should wallow in their own misery, their philosophy of clueless dipshittery allowed this virus to land here in the firts place, die with your diseased foreign 5th column pets faggots.

reason i say that is betas dream about hurting people, then post their fantasies on the internet. it’s just how betas operate. just how life is, i guess.

lol take your pill grandpa.

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Hey asshole, why should poor Red states subsidize rich Blue states?

>she says from underneath Trudeau

Dems and repubs shipped all the manufacturing overseas. Only things left making money are degenerate tech companies.

It's because the Blue States want ALL their debt wiped out by a gubmint bailout. Not just what they accrued from the Coronavirus Pandemic. They want all their budget deficits from their own mishandling of their taxpayers money to be bailed out by Congress.

Was this bill really worse than the last? There was a bunch of stuff about helping small businesses in it and it makes me wonder if Dems and Reps are quick to gridlock good things and pass bad things.

>the south invades the north
As an user that lives in a place where dirty assed yankees flood into every summer, all I can say is I wish a nigga would.

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I didn't do it in the dream it was on tv. I would NEVER want to hurt a republican elected official even in a dream

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