Why are arabs so dumb compared to iran?

40 years of sanctions on iran and they can still send a satellite. They can still build drones and new weapons while Saudis can't even build a toy car.
USA choose the wrong side.

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All niggers are retarded Russia helped and by helped I mean they made the whole thing
Iran few months ago shot down their own plane

so do americans.

Iranians aren't arabs?

They all are sand niggers

No they aren't. they are mostly persian, kurd. genetically apparently only 10% have semetic genes that arabs have.

>imagine unironically thinking russia cares about iran. USA can drop 50 nukes on iran today and russia will not do shit.

It's business it's not like any country give a fuck about another one

Iran is grey aliens

Iranians are Persians and can create their own technology. Arabs are mildly retarded due to inbreeding so they can't do much of anything.

Unfortunately, iran is an enemy of Israel. And any enemy of Israel is an enemy of (((America.))) I honestly wish Iranians all the best as they are one of the last redpilled non Jew controlled countries. They literally have students read the protocols of the elder Zion as mandatory reading.

>Iran average IQ = 84
>Saudi Arabia average IQ = 84
>UAE average IQ = 84
>Yemen average IQ = 85
>Kuwait average IQ = 86

Because half their population is in the grad programs of our universities.

the Iranians are, i meant.

>They literally have students read the protocols of the elder Zion as mandatory reading.
can you source this claim?

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So they're sending student to all countries interesting

Thats bs. All arabs from the gulf not Iran

Iraq had way more advanced weapons programs than Iran. Your entire premise is flawed.

Iran would have been on the level of France if it wasnt for 1979. Libanon and Iran are a true testimony of how far Islam can fuck up a first world country. Shame nobody listened.

But even today, Persian people hold deep contempt towards Arabs who they consider low IQ, uncivilized, tempered and barbaric.
Honestly, I've met a lot of Persians living abroad and they always seem to really pursue university degree and make a name for themselves.

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I was in a physics grad program that had like 6+ student from iran.

>Iran would have been on the level of France if it wasnt for 1979. Libanon and Iran are a true testimony of how far Islam can fuck up a first world country. Shame nobody listened.

Iran would be ok if not for 1953, when the USA and UK conspired to overthrow the country and install the Shah. Iran would have gone more socialist but because of the west, they ended up extremist, the people removing one dictator and installing another.

>Shot down their own plane
Yes, and? Americans managed to shot down 2 of their own skyscrapers.

>Iraq had way more advanced weapons programs than Iran. Your entire premise is flawed.
Iraq's bio-warfare, chemical and super gun tech came mainly from western and NATO powers. Russia was always very suspicious of its own satellite states and would never give such things to them.
Iraq's chemical weapons came from turkey
Iraq's bio-warfare weapons came from Netherlands, Germany
Iraq's super gun was British
Iraq's nuclear program was french

All the US has to do is just turn a blind eye and let Iran man-handle the region. Just ask them to trade oil in dollars in exchange for leaving them alone.

Umm, overthrowing a government is based and redpilled when the west does it sweety, got it?
Those sand niggers need to pay for overthrowing the Shah and kicking out the CIA.
G*d willing, we will liberate Iran soon and bring freedom to it's oppressed people. The mullahs will hang from lampposts for their crimes against humanity!

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get off your high horses reza, you're even dumber than arabs. I didn't see arabs licking shrine during the coronavirus pandemic

It wasnt just "switching dictators". They made a complete U-turn in their social achievements and cultural advance. Made a complete change in course direction in terms of development and politics, becoming more isolated and pairing up with other backward dictatorships rather than the wealthy and progressive west.

Fuck democracy.

Avg. IQ of India is also 82-84 but we launch satellites like its nothing

Ok communist filth

>Kill Soleimani
>Iran vows a crisis unlike anything seen before to afflict the west
>Suddenly Iran becomes next epicenter of the virus when they had 0 cases before.
>Videos of martyrs visiting Virus incubation shrines begins to emerge
>Fast Forward to Today
>Global Pandemic with a crisis that's unprecedented in US history

To be honest, if I seen two sky scrapers flying over my house, I'd want them shot down.

>we launch satellites like its nothing
yea, into the moon.

Up and back down

The Shah was about as crazy as it got. He created SAVAK, a secret police that rivaled the German DDR. I knew an Iranian Expat who served 2 years in prison. He endured beatings for no particular reason, I guess he was considered dangerous to the state.
With a government like that, who wouldn't embrace the Ayatollah Khomeini, the devil you don't know is better than the one you know. They certainly wouldn't embrace the USA, a country that put the shah in power and gave him 20 billion in military aid.

For the best honestly. We've seen what a progressive west leads to. Jewish undermining and misplaced empathy.

you know the answer

They're persian and shia that's why.