Indian men harassing Arab sheikha

So pajeets in Arab countries are getting deported for harrassing royal family and beyond.

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Other urls found in this thread:

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>only muslims can go into another country and shit on it


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>get deported for shitting on the internet

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And meanwhile Hindu women are falling in love with Muslims at a very alarming rate.

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Nobody can shit on the Royal family or anyones religion on Twitter, it's just too low. Think about it for a second.

Bumping for super power answers

it wasnt twitter that kicked them out now, is it


Cope harder

unironically based

Indians are fucking based.

LOL look at this incest product arab cattle fucker. Stop raping livestock, then maybe we'll stop making fun of you

Too late buddy, love jihad is real & epico

>India before 2014 - 2019
(designated shitting streets)

>India now 2020
(Designated shitting streets + get cucked by Muslims, get deported by Arabs)

Is there any hope left for pajeets?

>the Chad Muslim e-converts h*ndu girls over Twitter vs the virgin h*ndu Twitter flooder with these tags: #bantiktok #mommysboy

Princess of Oman tweeted this yesterday.

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Based Indians

Native arab polytheism bad. New semetic religion good


Arabs laws don't apply in India we can do whatever we want in India. Who are these sandniggers to complain? If they try to make India target we will show them who is really communal, intolerant and retard.

Good. Fuck Saudis. Arrogant bastards who think they are now gods after finding some oil. Literal kike tier scum of the earth. Why can't you be like your Levant neighbours?

Lmfao!!!! Pajeets are gonna shitpost themselves into a fucking intercontinental war!!!!!

Holy shit. Wtf have the rest of you faggots done?

Based zoomer MLA

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Hindus are incredibly based. Good to see them turn the tide in the past few years

If Indians are the brown horde needed to halt Islam I will never call them pajeets or street shitters again. Go all the way.

They are not Arabs. They are Paki shills trying to create a rift between india nad arab after our improving relations
Also those hindutva guys are based and redpilled. Bhagwa-e-pak soon, porki

He's not zoomer and he's not MLA. He's MP. And he was just quoting tarek Fateh and raising the issue of female genital mutilation

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They are trying to help indian muslims who are given equal rights by Indian constitution.

What happens next is India will force them to give equal rights to their minorities. Kek

show your flag paki

Question for indians, is there a quick way for a westerner to tell a pajeet from a paki/bangla or a mudslime pajeet?

Paki Punjabis and north Indian look alike
Similarly West Bengali look like Bangladeshi

Lmao both of you are subhumans

Show royal bob and vagene

I would agree if they didn't execute people for attacking them on twitter.

Beard? All muzzrats in my city have those disgusting neckbeards. Otherwise just say Moh was a pedo and gauge reaction.

>Gayrabs coping with incoming bankruptcy wave
He drills it for FREE.
Kick out the slaves. Will just make even more people hate your lot in this country. Corona and muzznoggery is redpilling them enough, you do understand the only thing preventing an actual genocide is bluepilled Hindus yes? You fucks can't even clear terrorists out of your most sacred shrine without frog help, we do it despite our police trying to stop us.

Who are you again?

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