16 years later, conservatives STILL have no response to this film...

16 years later, conservatives STILL have no response to this film. They STILL can't explain why invading Iraq was a good idea. Admit it, Yas Forums - Michael Moore was right.

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neocons aren't conservatives

I have never seen anyone here try to claim that the Iraq war was anything other than a total clusterfuck from beginning to end.

They did it for the Jews.

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Joe Biden voted for it
Trump didnt

>conservatives can't explain why invading Iraq was a good idea

Because conservatives aren't leo-liberals like killary and her manslave and don't actually see the iraq war as a good thing?

it was a good idea to secure oil and geopolitical position in the middle east, spawn a "terrorist group" and fuck europe like you never fucked before thus starting a boom never seen before in the US

conservatives and liberals BOTH are part of the same evil empire, america

Bullshit. Their own Vice President Mike Pence voted for the war, and their president is a classic good goy Zionist.

We have all taken the TillPill faggot.

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Invading Iraq was a bipartisan decision. You have to a have a room temperature IQ to fall for the left/right (false) dichotomy.

Obama droned an American citizen. Since you probably voted for him, this means you agree with this course of action.

Does this follow logically?

>They STILL can't explain why invading Iraq was a good idea.
It was a good idea for Israel, but Michael Moore is a coward who won't touch that subject because critiquing Israeli imperialism would leave his fat ass jobless. Personally, I think Ba'athism is based.

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>conservatives STILL have no response to this film
I think you meant Zionists.

this is a NatSoc board
all the conservatives are on /lgbt/

Didn’t that guy commit treason?

Yeah, your country has fucked the entire earth so you deserved both Obama and Trump.

When was his trial?

And liberals cant explain why Libya was. Next.

how do you make a film about 9-11 and leave out all the shit Rumsfeld and his CFR buddies said and did to the lead up to 9-11. The only thing I can remember about this film is feeling very sure it was a propaganda piece by the DNC because it didn't actually deal with 9-11 or the Bush Admin failures on a meta level, it was almost entirely from the viewpoint of politics.
>Bush is inept
>Bush is stupid
>Republicans are bad
none of it was aimed at the usual suspects like war hawks on both sides of the aisle. In fact, this may be one of the worst documentaries about 9-11 ever made. It has little to no historical value.

OP is obviously a brainless Liberal who blames muh red team nazis instead of American imperialism of which "both" parties are guilty. Friendly reminder that both the fart left and fart right want to see Pissrael wiped from the face of the Earth.
My point exactly. There's zero difference between the supposed two parties.

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There were moral grounds and there were national security reasons to kill Saddam. OP is retarded. Saddam killed massive amounts of Shia and Kurdish people. The Kurds were bound to be ethnically cleansed from Iraq of Saddam was left in power. You can search up the killing fields of Iraq. The Shia were also in no enviable position either as they were killed if they were assumed to be Iranian pawns. It is also no surprise that Saddam had interests in building WMDs. He didn't have them but was nonetheless interested in securing them later on.

I thought the main point was that the Saudi's did it but we can't do shit because they have us by the balls.

They ride on top of conservatives stupidity. Oldfag here. You clearly haven’t been paying attention. I’d you lived through 9/11 you’d remember everything on TV. If you disagree with the war you were anti-American (touted on Fox News daily and CNN). They run this shit show conservative sand Democrats are a fucking farce and you are stupid if you don’t see it already. They aren’t your friends and there is no conservative or democrat there, it’s all bullshit. Perpetual war for closing in on 20 years from 9/11 let’s not count all the other wars or let’s. They ran the defect up to 20 trillion fighting dumb ass wars overseas for oil and George bushs dads boner. It’s over. Can’t you see what the fuck is going on or are you too busy having a television opinion?

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Nigger, the only people defending this stain on America are neocons, bloodthirsty faggots, a few kikes, and shabbos goyim shills. Real right wingers know that it was a huge mistake and disaster.

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Nope; you've got conservative Iraq war dead-enders in this very thead, ie

It was good for those on the receiving end of the trillions of $ spent on it.

I can tell you it’s because Saddam Hussein wanted to sell his oil for euros instead of American petro dollar wmds were an excuse made by Israel

>America has good intel suggesting Hussein has WMDs
>America invades to prevent them
>turns out the intel was wrong, they couldn't have known for sure
>Fat documentary man: "THERE WAS NO REASON TO INVADE!!1!"
am I missing something?

Okay Bibi

>has good intel
>turns out the intel was wrong
AKA the intel was trash.

You missed the part where America and Israeli knowingly lied about WMDs so they could kill Saddam before he sold his oil for euros instead of US dollars

Here's our response:

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Similar to why they killed Gaddafi

Michael Moore was one fo the first Pay Pigs to ever exist. He's an establishmentarian through and through.

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This one time he was, yes.

Wow an oldfag here who has to call himself an oldfag. Faggot


Michael moore is always right, thats why he triggers the Right so hard. He presents facts along with the human stories behind those facts and capitalist drones just cant cope.

... What do you think the con part of neocon means child?

But as a 15 year old, watching the Shock and Awe campaign was the coolest thing since watching the towers fall.

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I can believe that Israel lied and perhaps forwarded fake evidence, but American intelligence seemed fairly confident in the intel they had. I'd like to see the proof otherwise if possible
Military intel is always evaluated on a percentage basis of it being accurate. You can never be 100% certain.

It is because Jews and AIPAC. Conservative are just not allowed to say it publicly

>America has good intel


It was all bullshit and literally everyone knew it. It was proven to be absolute bullshit when the Downing Street memo accidentally leaked years later

neocons are israel-first jewish warmongers
ironically trump drove them over to the democrat party where now they're celebrated for their anti-droomfpa stance and being the GOOD republicans.

LITERALLY this though


oh you beat me to it, I just linked that article

>I am now old enough for there to be Iraqi WMD Truthers

Jesus Christ

Bush was a horrible president. I'm a republican and even I think he sucked.

I already know the WMDs didn't exist, I'm asking about the intelligence aspect. It's not as simple as many people claim

Andrew Wilke left ASIO and did a lecture tour around Australia telling everyone that the intel was made up bullshit months before the war started.

One of the UN weapons inspectors did a similar tour in the US, months before the war started, and told everyone that there were no WMDs in Iraq.


lurk forever, boomer


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People think it was a clusterfuck but it actually was conducted perfectly and achieved its goal.
A powerful gang of criminals made bank.


>it's not as simple as many people claim

Yes, it was, you retard. Aside from a dozen memoirs from related people, from the UN to American intelligence/counterintelligence discussing how it was all bullshit and literally everyone knew that, the Downing Street memo that leaked in 2004 had Bush and Blair agreeing, in 2002, months before the invasion when they were still "giving diplomacy a chance" and "wanting to avoid war if at all possible," that they had decided to go to war and the intelligence was being cooked up to give them a justification.

Everyone at the time who wasn't a retard knew it was bullshit, bullshit was being called on their "case" for war by every media in the world except the US, and everyone's memoirs except of the war criminals themselves all say it was bullshit.

And they're on record in 2002, thanks to the Downing Street memo.

Fuck off and go play with some toys.


Fucking this.
America did it for the jews.
Moore won't dare mention any Jewish lobbying of American politics.
Like every other shit commentator with muh Russians. But never mention the fact that Israel holds the American reigns

Michael Moore is a neoliberal who is a useful idiot to warmongering neocons. He attacks those who oppose wars the most on the grounds of muh racism and muh antisemitism while supporting politicians who vote for more wars. People like Bill Odom and Pat Buchanan and Ron Paul were driven out of the public discourse by fat retards like Moore so the only thing left on the right was neocons. He should be patting himself on the back for helping the jew propaganda campaign against patriots who oppose intervention

But even "communists" are pro war if it means supporting jew interests because they're nothing more than neoliberals who hate whites more than they support any kind or coherent ideology

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