if they were worshiping
>European Gods,
>no Gods at all , except Blood and Soil
>or by worshiping the jewish gods Rabbi Jesus and The Dolllar like it does now?
Would Europe be better for Europeans
We have to admit that the christfags have had some success during the last 1000 years. They did conquer Europe after all.
Is the main reason for this that they let jews mutilate their children's penises, or do you think the christfags would have had even more success if they had kept on doing the same as they did - just without the penis mutilation?
>that internal scream
>knuckles squeezed so tight no blood left in hands
>"why did you do this to me mother? why?"
>implying NatSoc isn't Christian
>"European gods"
80 Million Germans listened to pro-Christian speeches and read anti-Pagan Mein Kampf and loved them
Europe as Yas Forums likes it was Christian.
It started to go to shit when it stopped being Christian, especially with the godless communists fucking it up and then progressives progressing to hell after WW1.
Only Romaboos can claim anything mighty that isn't Christian, but then you get northern and western Europeans going
>We wuz Romans
And that shit's embarrassing.
>It started to go to shit when it stopped being Christian, especially with the godless communists fucking it up and then progressives progressing to hell after WW1.
Which nations became communists? The nations that were the most christcucked. Why?
You see, this is because christcuck values are leftist values, just + or - a belief in a bearded jew in the sky
The globalist leaders and kikes know the truth; that christcucks in this day and age are controlled opposition. 2000 years ago they filled the role muslims fill today, and the role communists filled 100 years ago (destruction of society to pave the way for jewish led feudalism). Today cuckstianity has gone through a reformation, and just promotes weakness for the goyim. It is controlled opposition, meant to keep the goyim pacifist while christianity v3.0(islam+globalism) destroys Europe.
Christian values are communist values
>Everyone is equal, everyone is the child of god
>we need to help rapefugees
>we need to help poor people survive so they can multiply
>we need to help third world countries because everyone is a child of god
>pls donate to rapefugees
>pls adopt a niglet or a third world mestizo
>there are no borders, we are all the sons of yahweh.
>every race is equal
>eugenics is evil
>racism is evil
>promotes open border
>promotes pro-rapefugee shit
and most importantly:
>the christcuck believes he'll be rewarded by coming to heaven for being a good goy, never standing up for himself or his family, only giving giving giving to rapefugees in "need". Fuck what mess the christcuck leaves behind for his own folk on this earth he thinks, only pleasing skydaddy and the reward of heaven matters
The global elite and the jews want nothing more than people becoming mentally childlike christcuck churchgoers again. This is truth.
Christcucks are cancer, event the rightist christcucks. They are no different from leftists, only the package is difference, the stench is the same.
nothing will make change the current political garbage we have. polititians are just doing wherever they wnat no matter if a huge portion of the population disagree.
for example abortion was passed in ireland and in many other countires totally disregarding a huge chunk of the population, Poland and hungary are the only european countries that still have politicians with good "grounding".
lets suppose the population converts to ""Odinism"" (quote marks) the problem will still remain, politicians will just ignore you and in that case the situations might even be worse because theres no specific moral tradition in paganism as there is in christianity.
also paganism does not guarantee higher birthrates in the practicing population, in Christianity the custom is to have many children and people are ignoring this so theres no guarantee that this will suddently come back just by adopting paganism.
I don't give a shit what you have to say with your forked tongue. You'll push the narrative an assassin doesn't drink his own poison, yet you crave the post-modernist atheistic power fantasy, or the neo-paganistic subversion of culture, an atheistic approach that tries to spin religion's fabric to serve atheist minds taht do not care for or believe what it says. You have no care, rhyme, or reason with tradition, you're nothing but a utopian fixated revolutionary that lumps all Europe as one flag, erasing borders, languages, cultures, ethnicities. Be gone with your supposed concern, you've thrust forward further destruction of that which you claim to care for.
You do not care for Europe, or Europeans, I know not what exactly you're trying to preserve, it's not the ancient BC Europeans, and it's not the Post-Christian Europeans. It's not "The most christcucked" europeans, and it's not the "Atheist" ones. I've no reason to believe you have any good faith argument here, it's nothing more than an attack on Christianity, laced with apologism for the atheistic hell that besets it today.
kys faggot , both
>I know not what exactly you're trying to preserve,
The future of Europeans
>it's nothing more than an attack on Christianity
Defense. Remember the word is "counter-semitism", it is not "counter-juadism", but "counter-semitism". Which includes all the major semite religions, judaism, christcuckism, communism, feminism, globalism and islam.
Semites are a bland of invaders and blood-traitors. Semites are behind the genocides of Europeans. The only sane response towards the crimes of the semites is to become a counter-semite.
>The future of Europeans
Clearly not, given your vision is the same as the EU's. A bland mega state without borders, be it political, ethnic, race, or religious.
I won't trust any "advocate" of Europe that tries to force it as a monolith, especially when you forsake the last 1,700 years of it. Hell, being an atheist, you forsake Europe since man first pointed at the sky.
You ignored the bulk of my argument. Why don't you show your flag? Do flags offend you? Are you not a citizen of your country, but a ~European citizen~?
>Clearly not, given your vision is the same as the EU's. A bland mega state without borders, be it political, ethnic, race, or religious.
No, this is not true. Where do you have that from?
>I won't trust any "advocate" of Europe that tries to force it as a monolith
Again, this is the opposite of the truth. Allied nationstates is a goal, globalist monolithism supported by bland christcucks and communists is what going on right now.
>especially when you forsake the last 1,700 years of it.
Brainlet confirmed. The majority of Europe has not been living under the rule of rabbi Jesus for 1700 years. Only Rome succumbed to the invaders that early.
>You ignored the bulk of my argument.
You had none, only a rant that is false on all counts. Christfag. Rabbi Jesus was a jew and it is not healthy for Europeans to worship jews and their jewish folk-legends. You can see that all around where the cultural, ethnic and genetic roots are withering away. Everywhere is turning into mutts because of the two-pronged attack of christcuckism and communism - both invented by jews and for the benefit of jews.
>muh flags
Whatever, mister proud-of-wearing-the-flag-of-the-country-with-the-largest-amount-of-jews-in-the-world.
exactly. christians are based if they stop licking modern jew boots
>I am a proud citizen of EUROPE
>I will NOT declare my soil! Soil is not important! Borders are imaginary, they can not been seen from space, we are ALL citizens of Europe!
Eastern Europe is the most religious part of Europe and the people there don't uphold these values. Western Europe isn't all that religious which why they are secular and these secular values are the reason why third world rapefugees are welcomed there.
What's the difference between the old news and the neo-jews? One of them have like 1 rabbi prophets less than the other?
>Imagine strawmanning this hard.
Does it make you this mad that you can't disagree with the fact that you worship a dead rabbi?
Christ or BUST.
>dead rabbi
Nice try kike.
>Christ : call no man a rabbi
Also Christ : rises in 3 day, immortal.
Eastern Europe was the most christcuck part of Europe - they fell to communism. Then the pendulum swung back.
Comparatively, the rest of Europe was far more into the christcuck god than the USSR. Now it's rest of Europe who succumb to communism in its new form; globalism.
Christcucks are weaklings. Thousands of years ago it was the most christcuck nations who fell to islam. Just like it was a christcuck Rome that fell to the invaders even earlier. It's what this jewish religion does, prime the local for takover by aliens led by jews.
Stop fucking talking, kike.
You are a crazy person
Pic related is proof that christianity made europe stronger.
You are a retarded kike.
The notion of objective morality has power.
Try that on your Fedora tipping civilization destroyers.
Anons, If paganism was so great for the European man, so strong an virile... Why did it get wiped out by christians? Honest question.
>European Gods
Can you give me a few examples of these gods..?
It would also be helpful if you could show your national flag.