

WARSAW looks like THAT?

Attached: fd2d8a5b500a1.jpg (1200x890, 417.96K)

Yes it's ugly as fuck thank you

Whats ugly about that pic?

Literally looks like anywhere else

Same could be said about old towns

Looks like every other western memetropolis

>generic glass and steel high rise #98786856457845793878954

Wow POLAND is so big, did you know we have jew corporate skyscrapers just like our neighbours to the west? Shut the fuck up catalonigger

Holy FUCK warsaw looks like THIS??

Attached: H7rZH86.jpg (4000x3000, 2.81M)

And like THIS?

Attached: cpsjlng.jpg (2048x1326, 1.75M)

We're not bugmens like you. We also have old town with full of culture and decent public transport. Comparing European cities to the insectoid american cities is not appropriate

Warsaw actually looks like this and I would like to keep it that way

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Street level downtown Warsaw

Attached: street level.jpg (1248x702, 173.18K)

Now thats a proper city skyline

Attached: uT8oIKx.jpg (4032x3024, 3.34M)

This guy has the right idea. You can build modern buildings without having it just be a soulless monstrosity that actively ruins the aesthetic of everything else around it.

Honestly a pretty good looking city

Keep it up, Poles

Attached: Warsaw.jpg (1984x1488, 521.61K)

Warsaw is the best of both worlds:
Both American and European.
Feeling American?
Visit downtown and the newly emerging cluster in Wola

Feeling European?
Visit the Old Town and Nowy Świat (New Town)

Attached: warszawa7.jpg (1280x785, 735.55K)

Butthurt Pole with meme flag posting pictures to convince shitposters that Poland has skyscrapers. Back to plebbit.

Youre the butthurt one here fella! Im from Catalonia!

Warsaw lookin great

Attached: uvNiHGm.jpg (1280x853, 252.58K)

That’s right by the spire? Used to live there, good times, great, safe place to live, would recommend.

Yup! Changed a FUCKTON in the last 2 years

4-5 years ago, fuck, even 2-3 years ago, in that pic there'd be NOTHING. Just flat terrain

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weird thread, there's nothing special about warsaw

Its special for Europe

This. I think maybe the special thing is we're a small city 1,7 million but look like we're 7 million city.

The metropolis of Warsaw actually has 3.1 million residents.

Architecture isn't the issue, just keep kikes, arabs, and niggers out of your country.

Poland and its people are based as fuck. The rest of europa got a head start, but the pollacks are coming fast hard. Just like I come inside your mothers bussy

great. another city is being westernized

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we have poos though. Not much but still

Krakow is nicer
Btw dont go to poland

Attached: DSC_0595.jpg (1600x900, 348.55K)

Poles are a great people and nation. I hope your growth continues. Once the EU has served it's [urpose and you have expoloited it maximally, leave.

check the list of eu gibs net receivers.

shut the fuck up hans.

you cucks keep pouring into mein precious switzerland and spread your filthy goyim ideas about how we should interbreed with niggers, cut off our dicks and listen to degenerate kike infested music.

i hate you faggots so goddamn much.

What? Like a second rate Midwest American city?

war*aw is a shithole and full of rats, retards and niggers
Kraków is the superior city in every way

literally every major city, at least in north america