The whole world is being scammed

The whole world is being scammed.

The people in charge know or think Trump will be out of office by the end of this year. They don't want to take the risk of waiting until 2024 in the hope that he'll get a second term. So they're working with their buddies in the CCP who are playing bad cop to the USA's good cop by deliberately releasing this virus. One that's just bad enough to kill old people or those with pre existing conditions and the occasional healthy person but not terrible enough that it would kill everyone while using their friends in the media to spread propaganda and panic.

The point is to use fear to rape and pillage the country just as they did with the 2008 economic crisis and curtail civil liberties as they did after 9/11.

What, you think it was a coincidence that oil skyrocketed and the market crashed during the last year of GWB's second term to which he bailed out Wall Street while the former put billions into the pockets of of his family's buddies in Saudi Arabia?!

They can't scare the public with armies, nuclear weapons or terrorists anymore so it was only a matter of time that they turned to bio-terrorism.

You know in your hearts it be true.

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Other urls found in this thread:

He's a delusional narcissistic egotistical infant enabled by ass kissing retards and that's the way it's been his whole life. Just an utterly worthless piece of shit who does nothing but fucks up then blamed others for his failures and cries when people are mean to him. It's shameful that the USA has sunk low enough to allow this fucking cretin to become President not to mention that he's the absolute worst person to have in office with everything going on in the world. Despite how much I hated GWB, he was just a simpleton out of his depth but wasn't mean spirited. Trump on the other hand is just a raging inferno of insecurities that he covers up by being a bloviating, arrogant, obnoxious dirtbag at every opportunity. The USA is fucking doomed.

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Conspiracy theories are a dime a dozen at the moment. Yours is no different.

Donald Trump's grandfather rans whore houses. His father was a slumlord who sold little Donny's tender pink ass to Roy Cohen. Trump is a conman who never earned a single thing in his worthless life. Has filed for bankruptcy protection six times. Steals money from charities. Wants to fuck his own daughter. Sucks up to Israel when not tonguing Vladimir Putin's asshole. And despite being leader of the free world, he has plenty of time to use Twitter to spew drivel. He's a loser and no matter how much money/fame/power he has, he'll never be loved or respected which are the things he craves most of all.

Meanwhile his supporters are cockroaches whose hivemind runs on fear, hate and stupidity and worship a cartoon frog while supporting a fake President because they're fake Americans who have no convictions and will say/do anything to justify their position at any given moment. This is why they spent DECADES railing against Russia but are now perfectly happy that their idol is in the pockets of a fascist dicator who MURDERS critics, dissenters and political opponents. This is one of the reasons why Trump sucks up to Putin, because he admires that sort of power, the other is that his credit rating is soo terrible that he's been recieving money from Russia and China for decades. Of course he could prove me wrong by releasing his tax records but that will never happen because it would prove his treasonous activity against the United States of America and reveal that his supporters are enemies of the USA and everything it stands for!!!

He's a silver spoon fed trust fund sniveling coward. Only people who voted for him are retards who remember the 1980's being the last good era of the USA, not realizing that it's people like Trump who sold the country out with NAFTA and Free Trade which is why their jobs got shipped to slave labor countries. Proof that Republicans/Conservatives are complete and utter fucking cretins with subhuman I.Q.'s!

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Find a shitty self righteous opinion on american politics and you'll find a Canadian tunneled into it for warmth.

And biden is the solution?
Ofc they know it in their hearts.
In the end they just fucking tired of libs and america deserves trump.

good to know baltimore papers have always been run by subversive america hating jews

>Find a shitty self righteous opinion on american politics and you'll find a Canadian tunneled into it for warmth.

Like BBC in your mother's asshole.

There’s a difference between risking your life to save children and being pecked by a god damn eagle.

If you lived in America, you would realize how crazy your theory is. The average American loves Trump. That is what you internet trolls will never understand.

Trump is a fucking moron just like his followers.

snowniggers and schizoidposting, name a more iconic duo

> a fucking leaf

Trump is a pretty fucking awesome president. I love that dude

>There’s a difference between risking your life to save children and being pecked by a god damn eagle.

Well it's not like President Bonespurs can run except when he's dodging the draft.

i like trump

lol stupid dogfucking faggot
you think anyone is reading that slide garbage

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At least we don't eat our dogs after fucking them you irradiated subhuman red dot faggot.

Well at least it sounds like you have nothing to lose.

Ya really wasted your time typing that, probably better you work on your life ya know.

>Ya really wasted your time typing that, probably better you work on your life ya know.

I like to multitask so I can do that and shitpost at the same time.

And police your thread like a toy dog since you got all that testosterone flowing.

>And police your thread like a toy dog since you got all that testosterone flowing.

All Canadians are high T which is how we managed to burn down your white house while our PM cucked Donald by fucking both his wife and daughter in a threesome and that's saying something considering what an effeminate pansy Trudeau is!

Sounds like just the man to stand the fuck up to China and beat them at their own game.


A new stimulus bill has been proposed and it's called. "The emergency money for the people act."

If passed. The bill will pay americans $2,000 a month for up to 6 months.

Here is a petition. Sign it.

Too bad Trump and the Republicans didn't put the TRILLIONS they just handed out to Wall Street into the American economy.

Shhhhhh, the hush money already came for me.

kys chink chang yu shi chin

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sup columba/astroturfing poster

tired of trolling MMO chat?

This video sums up my thoughts about this whole situation...