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Try not to hit anyone with your dildo

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found the kike cumdumpsters


>hardback edition
strasserists stay based

Post something that shows you arent just sliding and Ill respond

Tfw you will never have a trap that reads siege to facefuck and choke and then cuddle. Why even live?

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Life really is suffering

You idiot
What the fuck is your problem

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Written by a litteral starving, unemployed paedophile on the verge of being a homeless

>In 1988 and 1991, police raided Mason's home in Ohio and seized pornographic photos of a 15-year-old girl. In 1992, he pleaded guilty to two counts of "illegal use of a minor in nudity-oriented material.
>In May 1994, Mason was arrested and charged with two counts of sexual exploitation of a minor and two counts of contributing to the delinquency of a minor. Mason threatened his ex-girlfriend, who was then 16 years old
>In November 2019, it was reported by local media that Mason was living in government-subsidized housing in Denver and eating at local soup kitchens.[

He's a massive closeted homo who wants to fuck underaged boys just like 99% of "conservative" men

that explains why they focus so much on trans girls(male)
because deep down, they want one

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You mean underage girls (male)*

>dosnt check the catalog
whos shilling this shit

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Imagine thinking that being attracted to a 15 or 16 year old girl makes you a pedo.

It is if they’re prepubescent 16 year olds

>you go do domestic terror
>not me though. Me stay in Ohio and write about my LARP race war

James Mason is a faggot.

Literally not a single person actually discussing the book after 15 posts...
The absolute state

You sound like a faggot

You’re just mad I’m right.

it's a fantasy spergout just like so many books.
If you want a real book read The Brigade.

He sounds like a modern-day Diogenes

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The book is such garbage that the content is not even worth discussing, it's more fun to treat it as a meme

11 is prime
He was a gmilf like that moor in ptg

You are not right tho faggot a 16 year old is basically an adult they are not innocent little babies most 16 year old girls have taken miles of cock. I also seriously doubt mason even messed with one Jews lie about people all the time and there must be some conspiracy against him. He is a revolutionary of course he is going to be falsely inprisioned. But even if he did fuck some 16 year old loli it just makes me like him more.

What's the book about then? What about it's arguments do you not like?
How about you actually read the book? He advocates the exact opposite stating that going out and doing a mass shooting is fucking stupid and wasting your life on dumb shit. Here is a recent article by him saying it again due to speds thinking he believes otherwise.
>Oh boo hoo he had sex with teen sluts in the 90s and doesn't pay Jews taxes what a monster!
Funny how you cunts always go on the character attack rather than attacking his arguments. It's almost like you don't have any and you just act like kikes and attack on character. Real strange.

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>If you want a real book read The Brigade.
Turner Diaries are better and Covington was a fraudster rumor spreader who WLP sued and won against because he's such a fucking liar.

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yeah no shit covington was a fraud
He was still a better writer

This, the case with the 16 year old girl was dropped because she lied about him raping her. He only got busted on firearms charges. Even then exactly this. A 16 year old isn't a baby. People who get mad over that shit literally need to get laid because they're just jealous over Mason fucking a teen girl. Truth be told, none of these people actually give a fuck about Mason supposedly having sex with a teen girl. It's just an easy avenue of attack without actually addressing his arguments or contents of his book. Which is a purely kike move.

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It’s poorly written third rate community college creative lot class level “novel”. Basically nazi fanfic. I mean great if it actually gets you undereducated dropouts to pick up a book and move your lips, but it’s completely laughable for anyone who has actually read any good literature. Characters, narrative, structure all subpar.

It's not the Turner Diaries you fucking dolt. It's a collection of political newsletters. If you're going to LARP about reading it, at least learn the basic premise of the god damn book.