Is it a genetic or cultural reason, or a mix of both?
Why are Americans so stupid?
>16.4 Nigs in America
Studies don't mean shit.
Back when people used to go to malls, people would come up to you asking you to take a survey for $5. I bet half the people who took them answered with bullshit. Studies are probably like that too.
God I love chocolate milk
>16.4 Million Nigs in America
land of the lawless, home of the stupid
the government makes the people this way:
a) get enough stupid people to serve in the military
b) have a docile population who cant think for themselves
kick the untied states out of the americas
Even children have disposable cash
How many grade schoolers are their in the US? More than 16.4 mil? Guess which population thinks that.
>why is a country of 300+ million people with a ~50% nonwhite population so stupid
hmmm i wonder
Not every cow is a Holstein. Many milkers are in fact brown. Yes I do believe chocy milk comes from brown cows. Regular milk too.
Most of the cows I've seen are brown. Are they saying it's stupid to suppose that at least some of the chocolate milk comes from these brown cows?
But where's all the pink cows that make strawberry milk?
Modern day America is the result of a Freemason/Jewish Psy op to sever Europeans from their roots and turn them into the ultimate Golem.
>study finds
No way those numbers were extrapolated over a larger demographic nope
16 million answered "brown cows" for cacao milk.
Gee, I wonder what race 16.4 million americans are
Wtf? Chocolate milk doesn’t come from brown cows? So does that mean strawberry milk comes from strawberry’s instead of cows?
Niggers and spics
>16 million people were polled
Do you have a hard time differentiating fantasy and reality?
Just increase education funding, or we all die.
Has the thought ever occurred people saw 'brown cow' as an answer to the question and thought it'd be funny to say this ironically? How many of you here have seen dumb answers to questions and thought it'd be funny to use that answer?
Every survey ever.
Sir, do have a moment to answer a question for us?
> No, not really, but go on.
Do you think chocolate milk comes from brown cows?
> Yes. That's exactly what I think. I think chocolate milk comes from fucking brown fucking cows. OK?
I'll put you down as a 'YES' then. Thankyou. Goodbye.
>Yeah whatever.
Or was it one of those twitter polls where people pick the funniest answer for shits and giggles like the one with corona beer recently.
So americans arent patriot enough to think that may makes their country look bad.
And children and believe in the Easter Bunny and Santa Claus until they grow up.
why do they put cornstarch in milk and chocolate milk in the USA?
It's not added in other countries
So Americans just totally love something thick going down their throats? I'm probably just projecting
I assume their chocolate milk is really good, especially the kind with extra protein added.
Some dairy cattle are brown.
Where the fuck do they think banana milk comes from?
Most of these answers are because 16.4 million people think answering the question "does chocolate milk come from brown cows" with a yes answer is funny.
>42.6million blacks in US
>16.4million people think chocolate milk comes from brown cows
They tested a bunch of nukes in the Nevada desert. The places downwind of the explosions had a noticeable drop in school performance.
I’m sure some of the cows are brown.
Based American survey takers
How old were these Americans? A bunch of Kindergarten children?
hey there bhutan trap poster
can you post some traps?
blame the american education as always
Do they feed chocolate to the cows or something