From the beginning this was a place where every opinion could be challenged, even mocked. That was a good thing. But somewhere along the way the mob showed up. They are ignorant narcissists who know nothing but their own ego. They do not want a debate, most of them do not even understand how to construct an argument. They only want to shit all over everything. They are fueled by resentments; they are Nietzsche's untermensch. Every bit of propaganda they promote here is selfish and banal, as they pretend to be "fighting racism."
Not many places for those of us with white racial consciousness to go for a real debate, and this barely qualifies as one of them.
Western Civilization degrades before our eyes. We are witnessing a people in collapse, the greatest race ever to grace this earth. Soon that collapse will become so unavoidably terrible for the average white person that a revolt will rise up like a storm, and what will happen then will be horrific. There will be death on a massive scale, and when the dust settles, the white race may be no more.
The orcs have already arrived at our fragile enclaves of the internet, they are already stomping through the shire, and soon we must take up arms against them.
I am a classical liberal, but ultimately I don't care what banner I fight under when the cataclysm arrives. We must fight or we will lose it all.
Mexican here. The only way whites will ever get their all white fantasy is by moving back to Europe. Whites cry now but they were the first to leave their homeland. Whites should've never left Europe and it would still be an all white Europe.
But if we didn't leave Europe than you and your fat little family couldn't hike North to enjoy a civilization that you could never build... and resent us for it.
maybe i would had never existed but whites would be happy in Europe and the Native Americans in the Americas would be happy here in their own unique ways
There was already a civilization here in the Americas I'm a mutt so either my soul would had been born here in the Americans to the Mayan civilization or my soul would had been born in Southern Europe to Western Civilization either way I would had been born to a land filled with one race
Europeans fucked the eco system and civilizations that were here pre columbus pic related would had never happen
That's crap. Life is endless war and struggle. Never leaving Europe would not have saved white people from the rest of the world trying to invade us. Expanding to the Americas bought us more time if anything.
Jayden Sullivan
Well, you make good points. However, that is a completely anachronistic way to view history. White people were successful, we were conquerors. The Spaniards went around fucking every brown girl they could get their hands one, then lapsed into degeneracy on a pile of American gold. The Brits came to colonize, and colonize they did. They build a superior civilization on top of hunter-gatherer ruins (thanks mostly to disease). What the anglos built was over 90% white and would have been nearly 100% white if not for slavery.
What we made was a racially homogeneous nation, and a damn fine one. Had we simply retained our racial citizenship laws, which restricted citizenship to "free white persons of good character" we would have been fine.
You would have been just fine as well. For you would still be you.
Sure, if we enforced the borders you and yours couldn't go to the USA and work, send back remittances, then seethe with resentment because of our greatness. But you could benefit from the systems and trade that comes with being neighbors with a successful, peaceful nation like the USA. It's better than continuing to chase rabbits with pointy sticks for the next 10,000 years or more.
It saved Asia and Africa. They're still homogeneous racial continents. It was Europeans who invaded first. They went to racially pure countries and mixed with the population there. The first people to dilute their DNA. Overtime they began bringing those mixed babies to Europe and than the natives.
Muslims tried invading Europe for centuries (succeeded for a while in Spain), Asians invaded many times from the East. Not our fault everyone else was shit at conquering.
Logan Davis
Not exactly your laws wouldn't had made a difference. Once you step on foreign land there's no way to completely separate your self from the native. Even in Europe today Nordics mostly keep to themselves from Southern Europeans. There was no way of been a hundred percent white nation in the americas unless you killed every single native in existence.
Muslims only invaded Europe because they were chasing after Europeans because Alexander the Great invaded them first. Even back than it was the Eastern people stepping foot on foreign soil first.
Xavier Sullivan
>Muslims only invaded Europe because they were chasing after Europeans because Alexander the Great invaded them first. Even back than it was the Eastern people stepping foot on foreign soil first.
Your first point was good and then you just had to taint it with all the other bullshit you said.
Alexanders conquest was a response towards Eastern aggression. Muslims have always been aggressors, just like Africans, they've constantly invaded Europe from the beginning unprovoked.
Anyway, your original point is correct. Any White outside of Europe expecting an ethnostate is retarded.
Brayden Price
>I am a classical cuck
Isaiah Roberts
For almost all of human history is was non-whites who were the aggressors against whites. It was only in the past 500 years or so that Europeans got fucking sick of everyone's shit and assraped the rest of the world simultaneously. Now the rest of the world plays the victim and think they're entitled to our lands. As if they didn't want them anyway.
Austin Rodriguez
Were Romans white. As far as I know they were not Nordic. Regardless it was the Romans conquering the Mediterranean. That means Black from Africa and the Persians from the MIddle east.
It was white who started mass invading the world. Africans and Native Americans never set sailed for Europe nor did Asians.
All white people from around the world need to move back to Europe. That's the only way to fix the things they fucked up by invading other countries. It was white that felt entitled to other people lands in the first place.
>It was white who started mass invading the world. Africans and Native Americans never set sailed for Europe nor did Asians
>Mongol Horde
And check your history dude. Africans have been raiding and genociding southern Europe as far back as history goes.
And your native americans have been attacking each other and colonizing their previous segregated living spaces long before any Europeans showed up. We only know of the remains of many tribes because other tribes wiped them out before any European showed up.
Take some responsibility for your own kind and the state of your countries.
Mason Cooper
All of human history is steeped in bloodshed, only the strong were allowed to prosper. It used to be survival of the fittest, now it's survival of the sneakiest.
Globalisation and campitalism rewards traitors, cowards and thieves, almost all our current societal issues stem from these two.
Juan Taylor
Give me an example of Africans trying to invade Europe. I said Africans and Native Americans never tried to invade Europe. I know Asians did.
>native americans have been attacking each other and colonizing their previous segregated living spaces long before any Europeans showed up
they were attacking their own race why even bring this up? Europeans have been killing each other forever. The last time they all killed each other they called it WW1 and WW2. native americans killing other tribes was never the topic of this conversation
The topic was Europeans invading foreign lands and than crying about those very foreigners supposedly moving to their countries now.
Connor King
>The topic was Europeans invading foreign lands and than crying about those very foreigners supposedly moving to their countries now.
The topic is actually about how the rest of you think you're owed anything, including tolerance.
> they were attacking their own race why even bring this up? Europeans have been killing each other forever. The last time they all killed each other they called it WW1 and WW2. native americans killing other tribes was never the topic of this conversation
That's funny, you failed to admit this while pointing fingers solely at Europeans. What's the matter, don't like how it goes both ways?
>Give me an example of Africans trying to invade Europe. I said Africans and Native Americans never tried to invade Europe. I know Asians did.
Start with the Barbary Slave Trade and work your way back through history to find numerous African raids and invasions against southern Europeans.
Wyatt Reed
Latinos will continue to increase for awhile but they will be outcompeted by mormons. Mormons have a more coherent, unified religion, a more fit racial stock and are not as affected by modernity as Latinos. Latinos are willing to work hard and they breed a lot, but they are also fairly degenerated and their racial stock has great variations. Mormons work just as hard but have a stronger in group preference, they have even more kids and are hardly degenerate. Tldr hwhite man wins again
William Gomez
>All white people from around the world need to move back to Europe. That's the only way to fix the things they fucked up by invading other countries. It was white that felt entitled to other people lands in the first place. Yes, just leave and give to you what was never yours. You seem to think you will be able to preserve it even though you yourself argue we are different. Everything about your speech says you are a lower person. Look within yourself, are there anything resembling lasting principles? Can you spot your own hypocrisies and inconstancies? You should focus on yourself before worrying about the white man.
Kayden Scott
Because it was Europeans that landed on the shores of the Americas and begin race mixing. It was Europeans that landed in Africa and invaded. That's history. Could it had been different yes but it wasn't. Europeans were the first to invade. They made the connection between the people now moving to European countries. If that connection was never made there wouldn't be as many foreigners in Europe and white countries.
Yea even if mormons grow in population every other race will continue to live in America.
So let them be. Stop trying to save other races. My point is that whites are worried about other races moving to their countries when it was whites that moved to other races countries first. No matter how backwards their cultures were if you had left them alone they wouldn't be moving to white countries today. I'm perfectly fine with who I am stop trying to assess my psychological state through the internet.
Gabriel Richardson
It was actually Jews landing in the Americas and beginning race mixing. You know Columbus was a Jew, right? And you know Jews dominated the race mixing slave trade into the Americas? You know about those (((White))) people don't you?
And Africans with Middle Easterners attacked Europe first and foremost, that's just the way it is and they've never stopped attacking Europe. Even though it's not like Europeans entering Africa was ever about revenge when it should have been.
>They made the connection between the people now moving to European countries. If that connection was never made there wouldn't be as many foreigners in Europe and white countries.
There is no connection other than the one non-Westerners populations wish to draw out of nowhere. Every non-Westerner in the Western world is here because of shared European wealth. None of you even know about "resources", or "internal combustion, or "internet", or the screens you use to pin point us on a map, or the jet engines and you sit next to in order to fly into our countries, or the smuggling boats used to invade once again. It's you non-Westeners who abuse every piece of technology, every inanimate piece of salvation and turn it into your damnation because that's just they way you are - ignoble savages. And we Europeans are ignoble savages. The only difference is that we admit it and you don't.
And don't make anymore excuses for the non-Western world. My White Europeans ancestors came to the Australian slave colony in chains, far worse conditions than any African had under their "slavery". And yet again, now Africans feel entitled to a country my slave ancestors built while accusing me of enslaving "their people", even though it was their ancestors who enslaved mine back in Europe all that time ago.
I wish Europeans didn't grant you the gifts of European colonization, I wish they just conquested your worthless asses with extermination.
>I'm perfectly fine with who I am stop trying to assess my psychological state through the internet. You are not fine though, you don't realize the hypocrisy of your own ideas and yet you want to tell others how to think.
Landon King
Actually Asians were the first. The typical Asians you see in Japan and South East Asia are not the original natives. They all originate from around China and South Korea.
Mason Edwards
*mistakes everywhere
It was actually Jews landing in the Americas and beginning race mixing. You know Columbus was a Jew, right? And you know Jews dominated the race mixing slave trade into the Americas? You know about those (((White))) people don't you?
And Africans with Middle Easterners attacked Europe first and foremost, that's just the way it is and they've never stopped attacking Europe. Even though it's not like Europeans entering Africa was ever about revenge when it should have been.
>They made the connection between the people now moving to European countries. If that connection was never made there wouldn't be as many foreigners in Europe and white countries.
There is no connection other than the one non-Westerner populations wish to draw out of nowhere. Every non-Westerner in the Western world is here because of shared European wealth. None of you even knew about "resources", or "internal combustion, or "internet", or the screens you use to pin point us on a map, or the jet engines and you sit next to in order to fly into our countries, or the smuggling boats used to invade once again.
It's you non-Westeners who abuse every piece of technology, every inanimate piece of salvation and turn it into your damnation because that's just they way you are - ignoble savages. And we Europeans are noble savages. The only difference is that we admit it and you don't.
And don't make anymore excuses for the non-Western world. My White European ancestors came to the Australian slave colony in chains, far worse conditions than any African had under their "slavery". And yet again, now Africans feel entitled to a country my slave ancestors built while accusing me of enslaving "their people", even though it was their ancestors who enslaved mine back in Europe all that time ago.
I wish Europeans didn't grant you the gifts of European colonization, I wish they just conquested your worthless asses with extermination.
Gavin Thomas
Happy as in cannibalism, scalping ad human sacrifice? Europeans arriving was the best thing to ever happen to America.
Leo Hill
Im sure it wasn't jew that landed on Plymouth rock in the Americas. And even if Christopher was a jew the rest that came after him were not jews.
You talk about the shared European wealth but you forget to mention the mountains of gold that were taken from the Mayans and Aztec civilizations of the Americas. And let's not forget the many natural resources that were shipped back to Europe.
What do you mean none know about internal combustion and the internet? Those are everywhere now even in Africa.
There's your other problem Whites believe with their Whete mans burden ideology that they're gods gift to save the world. But what if you just left the savages in their own lands chasing after pigs and climbing trees? Wouldn't they be happier? And Europeans wouldn't have to deal with them either. Also the Mayans of the Americas knew how to read and write and built the pyramids so they were not really savages.
>You are not fine though, you don't realize the hypocrisy of your own ideas and yet you want to tell others how to think.
Please explain to me how I'm a hypocrite? I'll give you one example from modern day events.
The Sentinelese tribe has no contact with the rest of the world. They are not building boats to go to Europe and move there. But guess who wants to change that. Westerners do. They've been trying to get to them since the 1800's. Even in 2019 they're still trying to make contact with them. Guess what happens when whites make contact with the Sentinelese? The Sentinelese will move to white countries because it was white who created that link between them and the rest of the world.
>Happy as in cannibalism, scalping ad human sacrifice
That's the same excuse Romans used to invade other lands. The Nordics were doing the same thing up Norther Europe too. Read my reply above about whites out to save the world and the natives of other lands than they bitch about those native moving to their countries.
Why is it that faggot flags talk about the good old days and muh whites and muh hitler when they are here right now, here, in Continental Europe?
Jacob Ward
Lmao mayans and aztecs willfully gave most of their gold because Spaniards were seen as gods. Also, Aztecs were hated by everyone in central Mexico. I MEAN EVERYONE. Indios decided theybwere better off being slaves of the Spaniards than being slaves of the Aztecs. I love it when mestizo diaspora goes we wuzing aztecs n shiet
Carter Sanchez
America? You want to tell me that the garbage pile you have now overrun with Africans and South Americans and Poos is the best thing to ever happen? I'll fucking tell you right now that Merkel, on a percentage basis, would keep America better than what you faggots have done to it. I think the worst thing Europe ever did was let the worst people go there.