Anyone else realize its over?

anyone try talking to normies and realize that there's genuinely no going back, and one world government chipped population is inevitable?

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guess its just me

I think about it alot user. Garbage in, garbage out as Chris Langan puts it. It worries me when I get up to shit in the middle of the night like right now.

Let everyone know everything you know and maybe you'll enlighten a few minds along the way, that's my hopes at least.

Hope in one hand, shit in the other, see which one fills up first...

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Let me fix that, it actually worries me constantly day in and day out, and is a driving factor in my suicidal ideation

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What does chipping you entail and how is a one world government a bad thing?

Dude, the majority of people are only intelligent enough to be slaves. The rich know this. They're designing their plans around it. They're making us dumber to make revolt impossible. By 2030 it will be game over as age 18-25 will be majority brown. We will become Brazil. There is no escape, not even if you pull a Gavrilo Princip. 1945 was the final year to make a difference. Now all you can do is join the winning team and hope they let you keep your gene line pure.

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You're just going to respawn. There's no escaping this.

Yes I think about it all the time.

>how is a one world government a bad thing?
becasue theres no escape from it. Chinese dissidents can escape to USA or Taiwan or something. One world government means tyranny, for ever, with no escape.

What if you were a cow and there was only one farm?

Well the first thing that pops into my head is either freedom of movement to wherever you want, whenever you want or else restriction of movement would have to be implemented. So either you are stuck where you are forever because that's where you happened to be when the NWO took over or Kwame and Mohammed and their 1 billion cousins can all flock to your neighbourhood totally freely and unmolested, dramatically lowering everyone's quality of life.

How would policing work? Who would enforced "global" law? How would taxation work? Where would those dollars go? Would your dollars be siphoned off for paving roads in Pakistan? Would we have socialized medicine? Is there a minimum wage? Is Babu the Indian that stitches the swoop on Nike shoes getting paid a "living wage" relative to Western standards of living?

A One World Government doesn't work if everyone enjoys a Western standard of living. It only works if everyone (except the elite) suffer a third world standard of living. A One World Government doesn't work unless it's for the IMPOVERISHMENT and ENSLAVEMENT of all mankind, not the other way around. Unless of course the global population is dramatically reduced. And I mean literally decimated. Which is probably why they are trialing this controlled "pandemic".

If you haven't heard, they're talking about using a nanotech ink to create a biometric rfid tattoo that constantly scans your infection status, automatically shutting you out of society if you get a fever. They want to make it so if you walk into a business it will alert them if you are "infected" so they can bsr you from service. If you don't see how easily that could be abused I don't know what to tell you, aside from whether or not you believe the mark of the beast is real, security conferences have thoroughly proven the vulnerability of rfid technology and it's pretty much the easiest system in the world to exploit. You can steal and clone anyone's data with simple tools, and it introduces a few points of attack while allowing anyone to see everything about you, like in watchdogs where you can walk around scanning people and killing whoever you don't agree with.

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As an eco loon, I think some of the changes coming will be good.

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you gotta be retarded to think this is leading to towards "world government"

>the international organisation is not trustworthy, makes mistakes and too slow
>all countries follow different strategies
>all countries compete for same resources harder than ever
>little to no help for eachother, quite the opposite
>no joint efforts, locking their countries, no trust in eachother
>EVERYBODY is developing their own shit instead of cooperation and distribution of tasks
>nobody wants to help places which are really really going to be in the shit because my country first

your little nutbrain tells you to be afraid because bill gates is having cybersex with chips in his dream but the reality is nobody will want it not because muh freedumbdumb but because its an alien object in your body and that just doesnt sit right for your ape brain (rightfully so, we have no idea what that would actually cause on the long run)

Yep pretty much

We are done. Now clap for your drones!

How the fuck do you get the respawn option?

I get the "wake up" or "something fucks up and death never comes" till I eventually die at whatever catastrophe murders me first then I wake up a 6 year old all fucking over again like some sort of New Game+ / Groundhog Day bullshit all over again.

I don't know how to get out of this loop and just STAY DEAD or prevent world ending crap. I stopped counting after the 8th loop. I'm so fucking bored and there's nothing new to experience or do at all and yet soon I'll have to do all this bullshit all over again and again and a fucking ginn.

Oh and of course it will have other tracking functions as well, backdoors they won't tell you about, and they want to make it mine crypto using your bioenergy, which it will likely bar you from using if you get a "fever", either a real one or just a government employee switching your status in the server ro "infected" due to posting wrongthink, or Wongthink as I like to call it.

Take the chip pill


Dude, it's happening to you to? People keep calling me crazy when I say I can't die, I lost count of my suicide attempts at this point, every time I just wake up alive still, no matter how hard I try to ensure my body isn't found, there is always some complication that saves me. I want off mr. Bones wild ride but it ain't happening

>one world government
>chipped population
why do i even bother coming to this shithole anymore

>Le it'sover fag
Just starting desu

oh nice another one of these
>its all over we lost fellow goyim
Let me sum it up nice and easy for you, If the situation was hopeless their propoganda would be meaningless and the kike does not do things for no meaning. Besides when shit hits the fan get ready to reset to the stone age, fuck technology anyway its a literal cancer upon this planet.Anything made after the 1700's was a mistake, and yes before anyone says hurr durr your using tech therefore tech good. No you unintelligent cunt, you can use a system to bring about the destruction of itself. All hail uncle ted, death to the industrial society

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Meds. Take 'em. Now.

I'm kind of excited for them to just kill me to be honest.

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you have to stay alive to experience the madness. it will bring out the primal beast in us, which is our most natural state. It will be liberating in a way.

It would probably increase the quality of life on earth by a significant margin if every country didn't have to worry about defense and competing with each other all the time.

1 world government is coming like it or not.
Its the natural evolution of civilization.
First we had tribes. Then City states. Then regional powers. Then Countries.
The trend for all of humanities history has been one of increased unity among larger areas of land.

Stop being a brainlet and figure it out you fag.

You’re not immortal. Keep trying and you’ll get there sooner or later—make no mistake about that.

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Expanding upon garbage in garbage out, as the garbage media that goes in becomes more self referential and incestuous, much the way anime has gone, and become so far removed from reality that the society at large becomes removed from reality, their worlds a mirror of the message.

Some people just can't think outside of the system presented to them.

The war was lost in 41 after Barbarossa failed

anyone try talking to normies and realize that there's genuinely no going back, and one world government chipped population is inevitable? no, it's just you. you tried to do shit for the 'other people' and didn't come up with a solution of your own, and you failed, you should feel terrible. You'll see the aftermath of this thought process far in advance, because it will be centered on the question of "do you hate humanity?" That's the exact point at which the mentally ill, i.e. you, the hard-core normie, will over-react by concluding that humanity doesn't exist, that this species is doomed, and doomsday is inevitable.

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Fortunately I am not surrounded by tards so no.
The people I know are repulsed by how blatant it all is and kinda pissed.

>If the situation was hopeless their propaganda would be meaningless
>t. doesnt understand propaganda

how is it a good thing?

160 IQ post desu.
only needed twelve words

>humans will just forget they are tribal at their core
>who needs different cultures
>LMAO just take ut up the ass user

well, that wasn't an argument

There will still be states, but it'll all be under one banner (like the US or EU today).

Silence kike, your jew tricks have no power over me


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maybe you should run to pesident.

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they can't chip and enslave me if I jump off a bridge onto jagged rocks.

Immediate death threats are just fizzed. Guns jam or refuse to shoot, falling long distance always makes some stupid soft surface appear, even in the middle of the fucking Grand Canyon. Slow deaths like poison or gassing or other suck things just end up being a "minor" complication after waking up. Walking through fire, the flames go out. I tried to volcano dive but "oops your blood pressure / cardio bla bla bla" spiked and you passed out it seems. Hired a hitman and told 'em to bring 5 guns and some knives. Every gun jammed, the stab wounds were just minor injuries but "killed" me and said hitman never existed when I woke up. Though every time it's like a different timeline or universe or some crap. But upon life reset I always get thrown back into the original. I even RECORDED the god damned Sinbad genie movie and it 100% disappears after one dimension skip, every fucking time.

In one life I pursued high end crap to understand what "meds" were and they're just a way for some faggot to get rich off weak willed. Never take "meds."

All spamming suicide does is accelerate the world ending event. Be it a meteor, nukes, alien invasion, plague, etc. The fastest I've been able to see the world end was 1999. Even though dying is rather peaceful, contrary to what others believe, it's still unnerving and deeply unsettling when you wake up a 6 year old. Takes a few years to get over.

Being a child again is no fucking fun. Imagine repeating school, being more mature than all your fellow students, parents, teachers. It's very lonesome in the 80's and 90's until internet comes along. No one believe you if you predict future events, no matter how accurate you are. People just rationalize it as a fluke. Even you fuckers are like "take your meds."

when does it loop again and do you know why 6?

this extra word salad is for the beepity boopers in the audience who don't want to let there be more than a sentence on the final blog post!

As soon as she gets on, she makes sure to use her own voice and personal touch. There's an early scene where she screams like a maniac in the middle of a hard decision, then there's an intense scene in which she comes off as hysterical and confident in a way that stands out from the rest of the movie. It's not uncommon for films to have a great male lead who's all over the place, but Sarandon plays an unhinged lunatic with a fabulous supporting role. Her work at the beginning and end of the film is just tremendous.

One world government with 500 million people is easy.

Just send nuclear codes.

at this point i would embrace my public execution, and I wish that there be a large crowd of spectators that greet me with cries of hate.

you say that like people don't already take all sorts of crap into their bodies because a lab coat with a badge told them to

Im as far removed from a conspiracy nut as it gets but the government here made it quite clear where things are going.

The mayor of the capital (8 million people) said today that no one can leave their home until EVERYONE IS VACCINATED, kind of funny since supposedly a vaccine might never be developed yet she seems pretty certain one is in the works.

And I shit you not, the major news channel now has a segment called "LETS PUT ON THE CHIP" where old spinsters talk about people making good the quarantine and repeat the phrase "lets change our chip" every 5 seconds.

Absolutely ridiculous.

Its ok.
We are born to die.
Everything that happens to us here, we signed up for.
Its ok.
This life you lived is a process.
I'm sorry it was painful.
I am.
Its what you wanted, its what you needed.
Its ok.
You will be ok.
I love you

fuck i`m glad that i born in 1992 just in case that i would need to live again at least i whould have internet.

I'm so glad I don't live in a 3rd world shithole.

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It was a fitting response to nostradamus user though, casually claiming we'll all live happily under 1 banner and there'll be no more wars so we can focus on prosperity. And it's also as inevitable as communism. That's undiluted globohomo koolaid

oh, ok.

shit's pretty fucked. consciousness permeates reality so maybe there is no way around it but to ghostride the matrix into a ridiculous state and glitch it or escape it or something. does deja vu serve as a memory anchor?

Im with you. Im glad I had fun while it lasted.

Dont forget to tell the people you love goodbye

Literal end of evolution. Nation states create a specific group of people with traits. Eliminating borders brings us to Brazilification, muddy brown eyes, muddy brown skin, muddy black hair. No more diversity. No more traits pushing farther ahead of the rest. Cats vs dogs.
I watch my dog and realize its ancestors weren't magically changing themselves to evolve to current puppers. Her ancestors were the ones not eaten during an extended winter. Her affection trait bested her survival over the other puppers.
This mixed up hashbag of traits is what keeps a species growing and evolving. But what if all the puppers were the same? Then they'd be eaten without preference, no overbearing trait wiould win over through the generations. Just mud. Just cats.