Come home white man Якyтия edition

Redpill me on Yakutia and give me reasons why we shouldn't immigrate there
•Live in a small town
•Ride Reindeer to work
weather allows for outdoor meat markets
•Literally zero blacks
•Absolutely no Jewish influence, not even the sights of the Jew
•Barely accessible at all, refugees are automatically deterred and dont even want to go there
•Totally out of reach of big government control

Attached: 6dHZYw6.png (510x255, 3.21K)

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I guess pol doesn't care about white men

There's nothing there, retard.
t. Russian

Isn't that the point?

permafrost. enjoy the weather

And? It is the norm to wear animal fur for warmth... cant get more based than that, can you? Davy Crocket wore a coonskin cap

How the fuck do you propose to get there in the first place

when the global temperature gets higher that place will be primo

Is this same as Yakutsk when ai play RISK?

I never played risk but yakutsk is the capital city/biggest city there, it's like 200k people mostly either eskimos and whites. Perfect, right?
I guess like a plane to a big city and then snow mobile the remainder of the trip, I figured canadians like you would know best on how to navigate the terrain

Meant to respond to you, not the leaf, canadians and people who live in northern usa like Montana and wyoming and alaska will teach us how to get there I think

This is 50% of the population. Not even making this up.

Attached: Sakha_family.jpg (696x464, 74.46K)

I dont get it, is that supposed to be an argument against yakutia? That is further proof that if God lived on earth he would live on Yakutia... look at their outfits, not their skin color, this is indicative or a people who embrace who they are, they submit themselves to tradition. They have no desire to engage in modernist heathenism. Look at them, seriously, I'll bet my life no one in that photo has even heard of the Kardashians or tupac.

why the fuck would you want to live around eskimos, they are basically cavemen
and your "whites: are russians

Why as a whitoid you think you should be allowed there? It's asian territory

Because it us so far north that it transcends continents like Asian and Europe. It is neither, the only label that suits it is "pure'

How much for the top right?

Yeah but it is still Asian territory and should remain such.

Whites should be sent back to Europe

Lets move to the North Pole, literally heaven on earth

I keep rereading your comment and everytime I do it pisses me off more and more and I'll tell you why: europe, as great as it once was and despite how great its land may still be, is tainted. It is tainted by slovenly heathenism and gnarly modernist culture, a slut ridden post racial land. Yakutia, and the few other remaining lands like it is still pure, yes? They lack this history of feminism and white guilt, at least to me. Do they not, in your eyes, represent a fresh star for us? You am I, pale of skin, well equipped to inhabit this land, why is it not for us just because of which tectonic plate it lies?

It's fine, Hitler lives there.

You're half right, it is heaven on earth, but based on my research, it moves around quite a bit, making it difficult to inhabit. If not for that it would be ideal, imagine being able to use walrus tusks for eating utensils and polar bear fur for clothing. It is what God intended for you and me, not some north african faggot posing as an Italian conjured up in the name of profitable fashion .

Cold and cold and cold and cold and cold and cold

Putin is giving away free land.
We used to talk about doing this in brit/pol/. Groups of more than 20 could be given free infrastructure too. And Yakutia (Republic of Sakha) is included in the scheme.

I heard that it's too cold for normal sewage system there, so they have to use giant shit trucks. Idk, shit's weird there

Whitoids should be sent there for sure

Attached: (you).png (1024x1005, 705.84K)

Its located in Russia
that outweights all your fragile PROS

At least in oймякoн they still use out houses because it is too cold but so what? Shit is natural, it is meant to decompose in nature I think, every animal other than us just shits out out in the open and somehow it hasn't caused a disaster, maybe it is meant to be like this
Giving it away to Russians. Not to just anyone, which is based in it's own right but not helpful to you and I as non RF citizens

Foreigners can apply for it, the only catch is that you have to live there for five years and then become a citizen before you can legally own the land.

Its a new frontier for whites, when climate changes its time to conquer a new continent

Attached: karhu.jpg (1295x728, 101.92K)

Cost of living there must be brutal though.

Just live there? What about learn Russian, to satisfy the immigration clause, and then learn Yaktul which is not even remotely similar to European languages (more alike North American indigenous languages) to be practical?

>yeah lets mass immigrate and destroy the culture an local demographics because of my muh white ethnostate delusions

>Low population
>Half the people are Russian speaking Asians
>Untouched land
Sign me up

No, they have a real shit problem. It's too cold there! -50 Celsius. Shit is hard like metal. It won't decompose or something, you have to use huge shit trucks to move it to designated shit storage facilities

Attached: permafrost-map.jpg (1180x668, 102.04K)

an extreme FUCK you for you you literal Dutch faggot

Designated shitting streets

so you admit being a mass immigrationist shill or are you just a larper?

So how have the large population of reindeer and bears not shitted up the area over the last 100 million years? Surely it decomposes sometimes right?

Its mass immigration to an essentially uninhabited land quadruple the size of your contingent, so I'm just a realist.

>its ok because its barely populated
>the absolute state of the immigrationist that paints his delusions as machiavelism

so lemme guess the mass immigration of gflips or niggers toward rural united states and canada is ok as well because its less populated?
thats retarded

I want a future for you and me and we both know we have fucking no light at the end of the tunnel in north america or europe. Give me one good reason why yakutia is not the answer and I will close the thread