is living in a van down by the river the ultimate redpill?
Is living in a van down by the river the ultimate redpill?
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imagine the smell
fuck off with these shit threads cunt
with a mate like this, for a while, yes
pretty sure it is illegal
Assuming you could deal with your food situation
and your boredom Yeah
>car insurance
>vehicle maintenance
>sleeping in a walmart parking lot
rather put up a hammock in the woods and eat thrown away food at the local mall food court
This, and only this
it's called being white trash; please stop
Why not a luxury tent?
Only if you still have a job and are saving money to invest or build your own forever home on land you purchase from a based land owner
You can't own land in the US. You can only rent it from the government.
No unless you have tons of money it fucking sucks. I had money for gas and food from my disability pay and it still fucking sucked. You can almost never park by a "river" or any body of water for that matter that you won't get harassed by police security or park rangers of some sort. So you end up hoping walmart parking lots and rest stops as long as you are not seen sleeping at the rest stop but police don't care much as long as you are not there for multiple days. You constantly worry about soneone breaking in your car while you sleep or breaking in and stealing literally your only place to live and everything you own. You can only eat fast food or junk food that doesn't spoil. You end up spending all your time in your vehicle parked somewhere in the shade in the summer or with your vehicle running (if you can afford it) in the winter. The weather decides everything you too from where you park to if you would rather piss in a bottle today than go out in the cold to a bathroom. Shit fucking sucks and van lifers are a bunch of rich larps that should kill themselfs.
Soon people will be unloading their rural land to get liquidity. Make sure you have cash on hand to get a good deal.
Only so the real estate Jews can squeeze shekels out of the goyim
A folding yurt in the back of a pickup seems pretty based
Better than a trailer IMO since you don't need a big expensive truck to haul it.
That depends on if you're comfortable with it and not bothering anyone. We all have our own levels of comfort.
I do it every now and again, I am doing it right now while I am unemployed, once you get the hang of it, it becomes normal and if you're smart and active enough you can make it luxury living.
no, the thing which puts you in the van is the redpill you idiot.
pretty sure that video just guaranteed my next nofap streak is going to be 100 years
Until you get a 1 in 100 year flood and you end up in the Mekong delta.
>there are videos of God's Programmer fapping
This should be a bannable offense up there with lewding Yotsuba
No. Who the fuck is paying for them to renovate their shit vans and buy high end laptops and travel the whole fucking planet when they dont have jobs?
You are being sold a life style, the whole minimalism thing is ultimate cuckage akin to "eat the bugs goy".
For all of history man has fetishized having a big house with lots of rooms.
Yet for (((some reason))) now we have soibois fetishizing living in a cuckshed on wheels, not even having a place of his own and having to live like a vagrant always getting chased off and not knowing where hell "park" next.
yes but
-live alone and never with a woman [ 99% of men are not able to do this]
-do not get the tissue walls like in the picture, get the real van
-try t get a van which can be parked anywhere legally
is g aware of this
Neck yourself
also stay in warm climate for easy living
Sounds pretty awesome
Is shitting in the river allowed?
There's a youtuber named SwoleBenji that lives in a van disguised as a generic service vehicle and plays WoW all day. He basically uses public outlets, gym outlets, and strip mall outlets to charge. Public wifi, public restrooms, the gym for showers, an insta-pot to cook cheap food. Seems like a very cushy life. He hasn't made any vids showing it off but he talks about it all the time on his streams and videos.
I’m seriously considering it. After corona I’m moving down to the Bay Area for work. There’s no way I’m living around the Mexicans in Mountain View, but I also don’t want to pay 6K a month for an apartment in Palo Alto. Solution, Palo Alto + Airstream. They’re actually pretty livable.
>you end up hoping walmart parking lots and rest stops as long as you are not seen sleeping
Why wouldnt you just park in a neighborhood with upscale apartment complexes? Nobody cares what cars are there. As long as your van doesn't look like a shitbox or attracts attention because youre smoking or dont have blackout windows.
bugs and weather over a controlled environment? Nah.