The reason I can't become racist over crime statistics is because then I would have to pay attention to all crime...

The reason I can't become racist over crime statistics is because then I would have to pay attention to all crime statistics. That would make me sexist towards my own gender.

Attached: 220px-Samhydetedtalk2070_(cropped).png (220x294, 88.02K)

ya... Men do most violent crimes. Black men.

But men are half the population. Ever heard of proportion, retard?

Gender isn't heritable.

Women are weak and submissive by nature. They don’t assault you or rob a gas station. Instead they fuck with you mentally and steal half your money through a divorce. They’re just as bad in a different way

Where do you get your X/Y chromosomes from then?

You should be and realistically probably already are. What's going to cause you more concern, being alone in a dark alley with a strange man or a strange woman?

Despite being only 2% of the population _____ commit 50% of institutional crimes...

Yeah I get you, it's fine to focus on violent crimes, but hey blacks didn't send the US lower class to kill poor people in middle east and come back and kill themselves over it.

Attached: deathtoll.jpg (720x725, 103.38K)

The statistic is over 90% so...
Okay? That doesn't magically change the statistics
That's literally more peaceful than assaulting or murdering you and it also sounds like a guy's fault for falling for that

Doubt this thread will get more than one reply by OP

Send? It's almost like you're referring to a draft or something. They went joined an organization they were well aware would send them overseas. That's on them


Women initiate most domestic violence. #WhiteSamsonOption

Okay I'm going to stop posting now because this is where becomes klusterfuk to reply to everyone

Of course they do. They will take advantage as any man, are an idiot? They just either have others doing for them or they will do it their style, like a prostitute robbing clients.

Passive aggressive bitchiness is worse imo. I rather get punched in the face than have someone make up lies about me or try to fuck up a lot of my life

Have you ever thought that the reason might be men are the only ones who do ANYTHING, good or bad? We're responsible for almost all technological innovation, and we're the ones who built the societies in the first place.

Does two men fucking produce boys?
Does two women fucking produce girls?
There is no possibility of the situation becoming worse due to men outbreeding women.
We are already at peak man, things can't get any worse on this front.
We are nowhere even close to peak nigger.

Yeah sent, the armed forces have a purpose and the Israel wars of the middle east are in no way a threat to the US. Blacks are not behind such. Or financial crimes or fraud in a massive scale or this panicdemic.

Ok schlomo?

I've heard that a lot from men who have never invented anything. Also worth noting none of those violent murderers invented anything either

Because Nigerian prince scams dont exist.

What is rhodesia alex?

Who sold those slaves in the transatlabtic slave trade?

Back to the yeshiva shlomo

>Psychological warfare isn't all that bad
Literally get seriously doxxed once in your life and you'll instantly change your mind

If people with a genetic predisposition towards civilization sustaining traits become a minority, it's gg.

This kind of replacement dynamics can't happen with gender, because gender isn't transmitted in the same way other traits are.
High IQ and low IQ tend to mix to produce average IQ.
Short and tall tend to mix to produce average height.
Light skin and dark skin tend to mix to produce average skin.

Male and female do not tend to mix to produce asexuals, hermaphrodites, etc, they just make more males and females.
For this same reason, there is no concept of evolution via demographic replacement for males and females.
For all of history, females have had a much higher fertility than males, yet we are still largely 50% male and 50% female.
Other traits don't work like this.
If low IQ has a much higher fertility than high IQ, then the future is low IQ.

Get some perspective man. Getting doxxed is nothing compared to getting murdered

Do we need men and women? Yes.
Do we need minorities? No. In fact, we'd be much better off without them.

Rate of suicide in the military has not slowed even though we are about a decade since any appreciable number of troops saw combat, and most of those guys are out. Turns out an organization that skews white and male has a higher than average suicide rate

Dont scorn women then. Hell have no fury...

I'll humor you. What is that doesn't last? What if technology advances to the point where a woman could have genetic offspring with another woman?

You should absolutely recognize that men are more likely to be criminals and are potentially more dangerous. That's nothing to be ashamed of, it's just common sense.

>That doesn't magically change the statistics
Yes it does.
If low IQs commit more crime than high IQs, then the numbers for low IQs still have room to expand intergenerationally via the replacement of high IQs at the hands of low IQs due to differentials in fertility.
If men commit more crime than women, the numbers for men have no more room to expand intergenerationally, because irrespective of the differentials in fertility between men and women, the next generation will always be ~50% male, ~50% female.

You're thinking too short term if you can't see the problem.
Individualism tends to complement short term thinking, as individualism is literally the spatial equivalent of high time preference.
The tragedy of individualism beyond what can sustain a society is that the over ambitious aspiring individualist society is replaced by more practically minded societies that don't respect the rights of the individual at all.
You can't have it all.
Sacrificing minimal authority in the name of no authority is the deathknell of individualism, just as sacrificing the minimum inequality in the name of no inequality is the deathknell of leftism.

>I've heard that a lot from men who have never invented anything.
What are you trying to say here? Yeah most men don't invent shit, and most men aren't criminals or murderers. The point was to explain the discrepancy in statistics, not to say every man is the greatest.

It's not about being "white" you dumbass, it's about what they had to go through without the bottom line being defending their country, what they signed up for, but the murder and ruin of a poor country at the price of losing buddies and becoming murderers.

The difference is we NEED both biological sexes, we don't need niggers.

Invention isn't a static process.
It's not like a video game, where you "unlock" an invention, at which point you have it forever.
If all of humanity except Sentinel Islanders immediately dropped dead, would humanity still have iron, electricity, computers, mathematics, etc "unlocked"?

It's not just about inventing, but about maintaining and propagating the knowledge of how to build and maintain, and yes, in functional societies, most men are a part of this process.
Most women don't autistically devote their free time to hobbies in the way men do.
I guarantee that if this site were taken down tomorrow, there would be men who, despite the skillset having no relation to their career, could have an alternative running within the hour.
Women just don't spend their free time in this manner unless they have some external source of motivation.