You are told you are special. Told you are ethically, morally and intellectually superior... but only as long as you vote Dem! Don't you see that every time you try to demean a Trump supporter this way, you are just revealing your own short-comings and in so doing, empowering Trump supporters even more?
Why So Smug Little Liberal Sheeple?
Okay, so name some democrat flat-earthers to match the republican flat-earthers then.
The entire transexual movement
OP's mom cried while laying in the fetal position.
"This, while unprecedented, is the outcome of the day-to-day effort of my dick and balls."
Her words reminded my dick of an old Chinese saying which states, "The nose tells the words, but the brain is the one that speaks them out loud." Whatever that means.
And since she asked, here is a short description of MY penis: It's a mega-boob that has evolved over time and is insanely large, and I've had it implanted into the very most bony of supporting body parts – the abdomen.
When you become trans you get really good at coding and get cool high-paying jobs
When you become a flat earther you just get bad at impulse-buying bumper stickers
Even if you think trans people are wrong, the difference is significant here
I didn’t know dilating a hole into your pelvis to make sure it doesn’t seal and fill with puss was synonymous with learning how to program
The entire open boarders movement.
Borders you fucking retard.
>mfw you retards are all so dumb that you don't see its the same shit on both sides
not ALL trump supporters are protesting the lockdowns but nearly all lockdown protestors ARE trump supporters i.e conspiracy theorists that don't believe in science.
Only the west has to allow massive 3rd world immigration
Only white people can be racist
“Demogrphic replacement is a nazi conspiracy” is a blatant lie
Only the west needs to sacrifice things to save the environment even though most pollution is from a few rivers in Asia. Data shows fecal matter from India has high density right at the ruined reefs so it’s not our fault at all and you can prove it.
We need immigrants for labor in both high and low skill jobs! Meanwhile the average indian programmer cannot write a hello world script. Many have never even touched a computer.
World is overpopulated! Don’t have kids! Oh wait our population is too low we need to accept these millions of people to keep our population up!
Systematic racism against blacks holds them back. They deny the science of racial cognitive differences.
They deny that there are racial determinants for crime despite the racial breakdown of an area almost perfectly predicting it’s crime rates in literally any country. You can take NYC data and predict the rape rate in Rio within plus or minus about 1%.
Human fetuses are Parasites
Vaccines are 100.000% safe
What's the breakdown on how many protesters "deny science" vs. judt disagreeing with the political solutions for the virus problem?
whats this conspiracy theorist-science denier correlation you speak off?
didnt 9/11 bring out the scientist in everyone?
I mean I can respect people more that know the virus is real but the economic consequences are worse. Some make valid points. But then there are those crackpot bill gates microchip theorists or the "virus is all fake" and just a "media hoax" theorists. Everything presented to them whether by science, personal accounts, and statistics just causes them to plug their ears and go "la la la STFU kike la la la". Fuck those guys
Conspiracy theorists, at least the ones here, dismiss literally ANY PROOF provided to them. It can be scientists, a valid logical argument, actual people here, news reports, cell phone videos etc. When literally any proof is provided where they have no counterargument against, they pull out old reliable: "STFU Jew". I understand this is a shitposting site but FFS at least backup your argument every once in while, god damn.
if the media didn’t root for higher death rates, silence dissidents, regurgitate every dingleberry the (((chicoms))) skat-fucked down every jewnos throat, call for forced inoculations or an id-chinkflu then it’d be difficult to support the idea.
but that’s not the case
Real science is built on skepticism. Modern science is just religion for atheists.
A good amount of flat earthers and antinvaxxers are hippies or liberatarians who have left wing views. Not all of them but a decent amount.
Also the LGBT movement in the 80s was protesting to keep gay bathhouses open during the inital spread of the HIV virus when no medications existed to treat it. Promscious homosexuals and drug users ( both liberal demographics ) in big cities like NYC and SF ( liberal meccas in America ) spread HIV into a global epidemic that killed way more people compared to coronavirus in the same time period.
The entire LGBT ideology is based on anti-science.
So is feminisn and the idea of all people being equal.
A large amount of transsexuals in America have HIV, are homeless, are drug addicts, are prostitutes and have attempted suicide. Do not try to meme them into a picture of success.
Faggot cocksuker glowleafs don’t offer proof, just some kikes opinionated itinerary for tomorrow’s state-approved buttfucking
>dismiss literally ANY PROOF
Well it's easy to dismiss "STFU Alt-Right Magatard Incel Kekistani 4channer White Nazi"
>a valid logical argument
that's as rare as a non-parasitic Jew
Very true. However, we still have to use the scientific method to draw conclusions. We must trust facts that can be verified. A lot of the conspiracy theorists here, which I should emphasize THEORISTS, go based off of speculation. In other words, they try put pieces together to build and formulate a big picture theory on how things MIGHT BE. One of the problems with this line of thinking though is it leaves room for the false cause fallacy to run rampant through their conclusions. For example:
There was yellow fever epidemic in 1876
the EXACT same year the telephone was invented
Coincidence?!? I think not!!
Burn down all telephone poles!!!!! Aaaaaahhhhj!!!
See how this line of thinking works? I can just as easily say Jeff besoz is the one who released the virus. Think about it, everything around the world of what is happening directly benefits him. Online sales, his new delivery service, amazon prime tv, his competition having the life squeezed out of them. Amazon's stock just keeps going up and will continue to do so in this lockdown environment that his company will thrive in on his way to rule the fuckin world. We can now make him the new lex luthor. Of course, I literally just pulled this theory our if my ass, but see how this works?
>"STFU Alt-Right Magatard Incel Kekistani 4channer White Nazi"
You're thinking of reddit user. Nobody says that here. I consider myself a centrist and hate SJWs on the opposite pole just as bad with this shit. In debates, I'll stand up and bang. I don't resort to that dumb STFU Nazi! or STFU Jew! shit
I do believe in science.
But I also believe in human rights.
And no scientific discovery trumps human rights.
You can recommend people to stay at home, but you can never force them to.
Sure, how about this though:
People will be asked to stay home BUT if there are people out there who believe the virus ain't that bad, they can register on CDC's site. If you're on this list, you can do WHATEVER the fuck you want. You can work anywhere, travel, go to a packed concert, pole dance etc and the government won't fucks with ya.
However, if you show up to the hospital with the virus, you will not be treated. After all, it ain't that bad right?
We literally had this fucking thread last night nigger. I swear this fucking bored gets worse every passing day.
change ethically to ethnically and this becomes accurate
Wanted to add, there's no constitutional ammendment that says the government OWES you healthcare. So you can not give a fuck if you'd like and do as you please, just know no one is forced to treat you at the hospital either.
no it doesn't. The left literally hate anglos.