How can anyone believe in god when stuff like this happens?
How can anyone believe in god when stuff like this happens?
Why would I allow a tragedy to harm my belief in God?
2Ki 6:28 - Then the king said to her, “What is troubling you?” And she answered, “This woman said to me, ‘Give your son, that we may eat him today, and we will eat my son tomorrow.’
2Ki 6:29 - “So we boiled my son, and ate him. And I said to her on the next day, ‘Give your son, that we may eat him’; but she has hidden her son.”
God has special plans for that kid
Why would god allow such a tragedy to happen in the first place?
He's pure and innocent.
He automatically gets into haven.
Which is more than I can say for OP who is a massive faggot that'll burn in hell for all eternity.
Lol its just a test dude
The boy’s place was to teach his parents a lesson. He had a good soul, and not much purpose on earth, so God sent him to them and gave him the cancer because he doesn’t need to be on earth for long. In a few years he’ll be in heaven. It’s why the good always die young
>another corona virus death
If God didn't let things like this happen there would be no point in heaven you fuking idiot
>Anything happens
> It’s why the good always die young
No. People only say the good die young because they have yet to mature into an adult to be held to any kind of responsibility. They could very likely be a bad young person but our society has not made them have any responsibility due to their age.
I guarantee you if you held a child to the stand standards as an adult then they will be considered bad people.
jokes on her it was my wife's son anyway
“How can I make sense of 2 Kings 6? I see what happens when people ignore God in favour of doing whatever they like. I see what terrible things happen - what people do to themselves - when cursed by God for evil behaviour. This is the kind of guilty and shameful and horrible community that exists when entire nations say no to God.“
Yeah? Otherwise we'd have Heaven here. Don't be an idiot
How cruel, get flu. Also cancer
Trust the plan, gentile. Keep faith in Rabbi Jesus, gentile.
Then whats the reason for having hell if God is just gonna kill a child at age 4 and send him to heaven?
>actually thinking this
>unironically hiding from a suffering child by claiming it's the way it was meant to be
People like you disgust me more than Jews and niggers. If the day comes the West gets seized by mudslimes I hope they'll violently rape your wife and children in front of your eyes and I shall call it God's grand plan.
Believing is easy in the light. Faith is found in the darkness.
Coronavirus caused by ungodly acts of barbarism comitted by man toward animals.
Most cancers have an environmental origin, a result of man shitting up the world he was charged with stewarding. Those caused by mutation could have been addressed decades ago but humanity chose to focus on war, financial schemes and vice rather than medicine.
tl;dr choice choice choice. Not the kids choice but someones so not God.
This life isn’t the life that really matters..
Okay boomer
>lmao this life doesn't matter bro but you know heaven and hell. All that stuff matters though!
For all those environmentalists, God is going judge this earth with fire. So good luck trying to save it.
Then what’s the fucking point of it
>The child's purpose in life was to be boiled (alive???)
But bro, if the kid wasnt boiled alive then his parents wouldn't have learned to not boil alive their 2nd kid. These lessons need to be learned and this is God's way of teaching us humans!
Only where you spend eternity matters. It’s hard to grasp something you know little or believe in.
>Then what’s the fucking point of it
Life is just a meme to make other God's laugh.
People learn regardless, hard way or the easy way.
Honestly I can believe in God but he’s not kind or loving
When turning a fantasy into reality you can quite literally make it as hard to grasp as you want it to be.
family goy told me people only belieb religion cus they scared of dying
The point is that you don’t make the rules.
What tells you he is neither kind or loving?
Then don’t try and tell me He loves me
You are deranged and illogical. Satan is your father. Repent and realize that you are the one destroying your life, not God.
The Devil rules the physical world. God rules the spiritual. Bad shit happens as a way to trick people to abandon God. Why do you think you keep seeing all this Luciferian shit on Yas Forums? Devil worship is the quickest way to power in the physical world.
Cause and effect. You reap what you sow. Or live in grace.
Am in my twenties but okay summer child
why do so many people seem to believe God should be against anything that makes them feel icky.
God is a pedophile. He wants this kid to die early so that he could diddle him in heaven.
>The point is that you don’t make the rules.
>Follows the rules of a book that were translated, altered and changed for over a thousand years.
Nah you literally make your own rules brainlet.
The soul would have no rainbow if the eyes had no tears
I think you must believe in god because this happens. The possibility that someone would be born so crippled and live such a short time makes me hope that there is more after life ends. That our existence could be so utterly random and meaningless is a far worse thought than that god allows or even intends strife and struggle in our lives.
The simplicity of the truth is what make sure hard to swallow. Final pill.
how do you even think of that to say it, much less go through the motions of typing it.
You have to learn who loves you, I can’t tell you this.
Why do you have such an attachment to this fallen world?
But god is the one that made bad stuff happened. Why did he make bad things happen to a child who can't comprehend whats going on?
Why is he trying to trick a child to abandon god when he doesn't even understand yet?
>God doesn't behave how I want him to
Yawn, kill yourself.
Who says god has to give a shit about what happens here? Because we think it's bad? Muh suffering?
It's funny that the "invisible sky daddy" meme took off when everyone and their fucking fedora seem to think god is just some comfortable tit to suck for all time.
I'm not here to tell you god exists, but your concept of god is as garbage as that boys chance of reaching retirement.
Believe in what you want to believe. What you see as “rules” is freedom and principleS for others. If you’re a parent I’m sure you wouldn’t let your child do whatever they want? Don’t be obtuse.
ussr was state enforced atheist, rabbi.
I can only imagine God (if he does indeed exist) as a being with boundless evil, beyond that of any human on Earth. If God created humans in his image, then the evil acts perpetuated by human is a reflection of God himself. If God is greater than his creation, then so is his evil.
>why do so many people seem to believe God should be against anything that makes them feel icky.
>God doesn't behave how I want him to
You're JEWISH DERIVATIVE GOD allegedly made us in ITS image and gave us a CONSCIENCE. OUR CONSCIENCE says it is bad to MUTILATE BABY GENITALS and BOIL CHILDREN ALIVE. Your FAGGOT ASS NIGGER JEW NIGGER NIGGER NIGGER GOD says otherwise. I hope you die painfully IN MINECRAFT.
If that kid dies... in a few years when we're living in total jew demon hell on earth... we'll be calling that kid one of the lucky ones.
Bad things just happen.
>God acts with such evil that biblical Lucifer pales in comparison, causing injustice and suffering to the innocent on a global scale and we are supposed to suck god's dick and thank him for it
user, the devil is trying to trick YOU, not the kid and its working. you are losing the game.
>Who says god has to give a shit about what happens here?
The holy texts that people follow as the word of god himself you retard.
Sin is in the world. It leads to death. God isn’t what caused this.
There is no god. No afterlife.
Odin is just reminding other Gods and you that he is ruthless, a valuable trait which all white humans carry and can be utilised when necessary.